Chapter 2 Life Winner System

While Su Su was sitting in the small rented house watching a TV series, a cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

what happened?Why is there an extra voice in her head?Is she terminally ill?

Su Su immediately took off the earphones, turned off the sound on the computer, and looked around in horror.

She would rather anesthetize herself that the mechanical sound came from the outside than tell herself that the mechanical sound came from her mind.

Su Su's parents died young, and they had few relatives or friends. They only left Su Su an inheritance that was enough for her to survive until high school.She must be very frugal and find various part-time jobs to supplement her life.

Now, she had just been admitted to a high school through her own efforts. She was in the prime of her youth, so why did she encounter such an unlucky thing?

"Ding! The download of the Life Winner System is complete! Congratulations to the host Su Su for becoming the master of the Life Winner System. With the system in hand, I have the world! The Life Winner System will help the host get rid of the status of short, poor and poor, help the host become the top white, rich and beautiful, and marry the rich Handsome, he has reached the pinnacle of his life! He controls the world's money, gets drunk on the knees of beautiful men, and transforms into a winner in life. Only you can't imagine it, and no system can do it."

"What are you? Why are you talking in my head?"

This time, Su Su was very sure that there was indeed a voice speaking in her mind.She couldn't help jumping.

She was afraid that she had some kind of terminal illness, and she was also afraid that she might have some kind of hysteria.

"Hello, host, I am nothing. I am the Life Winner System. I am talking to you through brain waves. You are lucky to have me, and I can help you and let you have a life you can't imagine." The system said in Su Su's mind.

"Where do you come from? Why did you choose me? What's your use? What price do I have to pay?" Although Su Su doesn't quite believe the system's rhetoric, besides accepting it, does she have other ways to solve it?It's better to accept it temporarily and see what tricks it plays!Maybe, it really is pie in the sky!
"Host, I don't know where I come from. Choosing you is just a random selection of the system, and you are lucky to be selected by this system. You have to thank this system. You must be able to get this system." You have done good deeds in your previous life to encounter this system. And you don’t need to pay any price to use this system. The system will issue tasks independently according to the host’s experience, and each task has rewards and punishments. The rewards are random , and punishment, if the host really fails, then the punishment will definitely make the host regret coming to this world." The system still said in Su Su's mind in a flat voice.

"Then can I choose to refuse?" Su Su asked dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, host, this system does not accept returns. It is forced buying and selling. Unless you complete the main task or die, this system will unbind you!" The system's voice was very flat.

Su Su frowned.

"Ding! The host has triggered the main mission, which is to transform into a top-notch white and rich girl, marry a tall, rich and handsome man, and become a winner in life! Host, let's work together!" The voice of the system was very passionate.

"Then can you give me 100 yuan?" Su Su asked amusedly, as if it was easy to transform into Bai Fumei.

"No! Host, I can only give you some random rewards every time you complete the task. Usually I can't give you anything." The system said calmly, without any embarrassment.

"Tch, after talking for a long time, you look very powerful, but in fact, you are useless at all." Su Su's heart sank when he raised it.

Although this system sounds outrageous, it cannot interfere with her life at all!So, how should she live? How should she live?Maybe what just happened was just her imagination.

"Host, this system is not your imagination, you have to face reality..."

The system chattered non-stop in Su Su's mind.

Like a normal person, Su Su turned on the computer and continued to watch TV series. Before she knew it, she automatically realized the noise blocking system.

When the system discovered that he had been locked up in a small dark room by his host, he couldn't help but think with sadness, anger and relief, my host is extremely talented and is not fooled by external objects. How great!
He has had several hosts, but after they got him, they were all very excited and wanted to use him to change their poor lives. Another host was so excited that he died of acute myocardial infarction.

This host is so calm!he likes!

Su Su didn't know what the system was thinking, but it had to be said that this was a wonderful misunderstanding.

At this moment, Su Su heard the sound of a fist knocking on the door.

"Tut Tuk, Tuk Tuk..."

This is the only disadvantage of cheap rental houses. The sound insulation effect is very poor. Every time you knock on the door, it is like a howling ghost, which is very ear-piercing.

Su Su went to open the door.

When opening the door, Su Su was still thinking, who is looking for her?

friend? NO, Su Su doesn't have many friends. She is running around for life all day long, studying, working part-time, and resting. How can she find time to cultivate relationships with her friends!
classmate? NO, Su Su goes to a noble high school, where the students have eyes above the roof, and they are busy holding various parties and showing off luxury goods all day long. Su Su is not at the same level as them, and they don't know that she is in this rented place. house.Such a place is not something their young ladies would set foot in.

colleague?That's even more impossible.

Who on earth is it?
Su Su opened the door, and an unknown bald man was wearing a crumpled suit and tie.

He put the rose in his mouth, and stood crookedly at the door, his face was pitted and horrible.

"Are you?" Su Su asked hesitantly, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm here to find you. Ms. Su, please be my girlfriend!" The bald man took the lonely rose from his mouth.

He held up the saliva-stained rose, handed it to Su Su, and looked at Su Su's figure with disgusting eyes.

Being looked at by the other party with such an offensive look, Su Su had goosebumps all over her body. However, since the other party was tall and tall, she still said restrainedly: "I'm sorry, I don't know you. I'm not in a relationship at the moment." Intend."

Normal people should retreat when they hear this, but the bald man is a person who feels good about himself, or he only feels good about himself in front of certain people.

Seeing that Su Su didn't take the rose in his hand, he touched the top of his bald head, and said in a confident tone: "But, I know you, Ms. Su, I know your name is Su Su. I used to work in the Red Line Dating Agency, that’s where I met you. Now we know each other! Let me introduce myself, I have an urban registered permanent residence, I have a car and a house, I have admired you for a long time, please accept my love!”

Su Su remembered that she did receive him when she was working part-time at the Red Line Matchmaking Agency.At that time, he came on a blind date. However, his own conditions were not good, but his eyes were higher than the top. He had too high requirements for the girl. Either he disliked the girl who could not be a housewife, or he disliked the girl who was too ugly. Difficult customers.

 Welcome to read the light and shallow old articles "Cannon Fodder Counterattack: Quick Travel Guidebook" and "Best Strategy: Cannon Fodder Female Supporting Promotion".

(End of this chapter)

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