Quick Travel Guide: The Female Supporting Adult Arrives

Chapter 189 Xiao Yulin and Murong Han are over

Chapter 189 Xiao Yulin and Murong Han are over
Ling Wei opened her eyes carefully, surrounded by rich and tangy fragrance.The cloud water gauze flutters in the breeze.

"You're awake." A female voice came from beside her, startling Ling Wei.Turning around, she saw a little girl with twin ponytails, and a pair of dimples looked extremely cute.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Seeing that it was a little girl, Ling Wei relaxed a little, but she did not let go of her vigilance, and secretly tightened the hidden weapon in her hand.

"Xiangxian, sister can call me Xiangxiang," Xiangxian smiled sweetly, then suddenly turned around again, "But, sister is really cruel, is sister willing to take action against me?"

Ling Wei was taken aback, and looked at the girl.Those eyes were as deep as an ancient well.

Wuhen Villa.

"Please let me know, Xiao Yulin is here to see you." The man pressed the brim of his hat.

The disciples of Wuhen Villa were shocked. Xiao Yulin was a wanted person in Wuhen Villa, and how dared to come to his door?Do you really want to die?However, he couldn't defeat Xiao Yulin and rolled and climbed up the mountain.

"Xiao Yulin, you still dare to come!" With an angry shout, the white shadow came before him, followed by a silver light.Xiao Yulin flew back in an instant, dodging a move.

"I'm not the one who kidnapped Ling Wei!" Murong Han paused when he heard this, but sneered.

"Who else is it if it's not you!" As he spoke, he raised his sword to strike again.

"Han'er, calm down," Mu Lizi floated down the mountain, and frowned when he saw Xiao Yulin, "Listen to what Master Xiao has to say."

Hearing this, Murong Han retracted his sword and sheathed it, and gave Xiao Yulin a hard look.

Xiao Yulin bowed and said, "Xiao hopes to unite with Wuhen Villa to save Ling Wei."

"You mean, do you know who kidnapped Ling Wei?"

"It seems that they are quite fast." Xiangxian stood on the top of the mountain, smiling, "Please resolve the hatred between the two, but Mu Lizi, I will delay."

The two people behind nodded their heads one after another, and one of them was Liu Jue from that day!

"That's natural. I'm very grateful that my aunt can help us. Our respective enemies will be killed by us!" Another person spoke, his voice was hoarse, as creepy as a crow.The whole body of the man was enveloped in black smoke, as if he had no entity.

"He should pay a price for taking my position as leader and destroying my Demon Cult." Soi Ying said viciously, "Is it easy to bully when I am Moxuan?"


In the distance, a group of people leaped forward, and black clouds covered the entire sky.It was Murong Han and Xiao Yulin who took the lead, their faces were so gloomy that they could condense water.

In an instant, he had reached the top of the mountain, facing off against the three of them.

"Not bad, you have guts. I didn't expect you to dare to come." Liu Jue smiled coldly.

Murong Han didn't say much, drew his sword and flew forward.

Xiao Yulin stretched out his hand and ignited a ball of black flames, staring at Mo Xuan who was opposite him: "You are defeated."

"Do you think I'm still the same as before? Xiao Yulin, today I will let you know the price of pride!" Mo Xuan sneered.

The two flew up at the same time, fighting together, it can be said that the tip of the needle is facing each other.

"Old Yao, young people beat young people. It's been a long time since we played. How about we play?" Xiangxian showed a cute girly smile, but her hands were unambiguous, and a stream of smoke rushed towards Mu Lizi.

"It's... I'm going to die." Ling Wei opened one eye.

She is currently being hung on the cliff, and a few vultures are circling in the gray-blue sky, waiting for the moment when Ling Wei can't hold on and die. "Tasks or something, it's really not fun. Accidentally, I still put my life here. Fate, fate, if I die here, can I return to the original world? Or... just like a wisp of smoke Floating away?"

"Those two idiots, please don't come to save me, you will lose your life..." Ling Wei tried hard to say something, but it was in vain.She hadn't drank water for a day, and she had a fishy-sweet taste in her throat after staying on this windy mountain.

"World... goodbye..."

The white skirt flutters in the wind like a blooming lotus.

Tangled together and then separated, the fighting spirit is overwhelming.Xiao Yulin's whole body was surrounded by black patterns, and his eyes were even darker. The black flames continuously condensed and ignited in his palms, and then slammed fiercely at Mo Xuan who was facing him.

This room Murong Han is also red-eyed, his bride was kidnapped two or three times during the wedding, this is something that no man can bear.What's more, Ling Wei's life and death are still unknown now, and when she becomes anxious, she strikes even more fiercely, faintly intending to kill Liu Jue with one move.That Liu Jue is not easy to bully, after all he has followed Mu Lizi for a longer time, and his practice is also higher than that of Murong Han, so even though his legs are disabled, he fought Murong Han evenly.

"Old Yao, haven't you exercised your old bones for a long time, but you are much weaker!" Xiangxian smiled coquettishly, and stepped up her attack again.The medicine sage didn't argue, just smiled lightly, waved his long sleeves, the smoke in front of him instantly dissipated, and the wooden crutch in his hand struck Xiangxian fiercely.

Xiangxian received a blow, and his face changed instantly, with a pale face, but he didn't let go of his mouth: "Oh, the old fox is hiding his strength!"

"Boom!" Mo Xuan received a heavy blow, and blood gushed from his mouth.

Moxuan and the other two looked at each other, and immediately retreated violently.

"Stop them! They want to escape!" Xiao Yulin flew forward, biting the tails of the three of them.Murong Han and Yao Sheng followed closely behind like a shadow.

"How to do!"

"Scatter!" Xiangxian yelled violently, and the three separated like a fan.

Murong Han followed Liu Jue away, Liu Jue accidentally fell behind, and was about to be overtaken, Xiangxian gritted his teeth, and a ray of light shot out from his palm, everyone was shocked, the direction the ray pointed was exactly what they were looking for Ling Wei!
"What...it's so bright..." Ling Wei opened her eyes, a ball of light quickly enlarged in front of her eyes, and then a black shadow stood in front of her.Who is that?

Blood splattered across his face.

Large patches of bright red flowers bloomed on the white shirt.

"Brother Han! Don't!"

Ling Wei's heart-piercing voice echoed high in the sky.Struggling with the iron lock was useless.

"No—" Finally, with Xiao Yulin's help, Ling Wei escaped from the iron chains, and Ling Wei ran towards Murong Han's direction but accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.After being tied up for too many days, his legs and feet were weak, and he dug his nails in the dirt with all his strength, and squirmed in the direction of Murong Han bit by bit.

"Brother Han..." Ling Wei caressed Murong Han's bloody face, weeping uncontrollably.

Murong Han smiled softly and wanted to raise his hand to wipe away Ling Wei's tears but couldn't: "Silly girl. I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself."

"No, brother will not die. Brother must live."

"As promised to Weiwei, how can you not count your words?"

"Sorry..." Murong Han tried his best to smile, "Then... I will protect you in the next life."

The hand hangs down softly.

"Murong Han—"

What filled her ears was constant crying, Ling Wei slowly opened her eyes, and the surroundings were surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness. "Where am I?" What happened?What about Murong Han?

"Master host, you are awake!"

Ling Wei turned around and looked, but it was System Lord.

In the system space, Ling Wei had a dream.

September is the start of the university term.

Ling Wei stood under the peach blossom tree, waiting eagerly. "Why hasn't Qiangwei come?"

"Ouch!" I was bumped from behind and almost fell down.

"Sorry sorry! Didn't pay attention. Girl, are you okay?"

Ling Wei turned her head to look.

Refreshing brunette.The very familiar face in that dream.The corners of Ling Wei's mouth raised inadvertently. "What girl, you have to call me a lady."


Finally, meet you again.

"My name is Ling Wei."

"Oh, I'm Murong Han, hello."

After waking up from the dream, Ling Wei opened her eyes and looked at System Lord, and said: "System Lord, I just had a dream about Murong Han."

"Master host, your mission has been completed, so why bother to be obsessed with it?" Mr. System sighed like an old man, "What a sinful fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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