Quick Travel Guide: The Female Supporting Adult Arrives

Chapter 181 Xiao Yulin and Murong Han 2

Chapter 181 Xiao Yulin and Murong Han 2
Zhao Zihao?Such a familiar name.Ling Wei frowned and thought, seems to be the one who has a crush on Li Lingwei, ah, that is me?In this case, he is someone who is willing to do things for me.Zizhao Sect Zizhao Sect's martial arts are agile and very suitable for women to practice...

"Then call him to wait at Zhuyuan Pavilion."

After entering Zhuyuan Pavilion, he saw a man in white shirt, with eyebrows like swords and eyes like stars, and a handsome face, he was a handsome young man.Seeing Ling Wei entering the hall, Zhao Zihao hurriedly got up to pay his respects.Ling Wei also returned the courtesy and smiled, and the host and guest took their seats.

"Hearing that Ms. Li was in a coma due to excessive grief, Zhao was very worried..." Zhao Zihao took a sneak peek, "Ah no, Zhao is here... If Miss Li's revenge, why do you need the Zizhao faction? Do whatever you can to help.”

Ling Wei smiled slightly and said: "Thank you here. It is often heard that Zizhao sent Zhao Zihao to have supernatural martial arts, especially a good sword, but unfortunately, he has never seen it with his own eyes. I wonder if today is a blessing..."

"It's just a little trick, how can you dirty the young lady's eyes." Zhao Zihao said bluntly, but he was overjoyed.

"Young master, you are joking. It seems that Weiwei is not lucky today..."

Zhao Zihao's face was already blushing, "Don't dare, miss orders, Zhao must obey."

There are colorful falling flowers in front of the court, and the wind is rustling.The white clothes flew up and down, and the silver light in his hand stirred up sword flowers, but it was dazzling.This move "Flower Burial" is the strongest attack move Zhao Zihao has learned. At the point where the sword pointed, the big tree gathered by the four of them suddenly fell down, and the cut was even.Zhao Zihao turned back and retracted his sword, but he didn't breathe heavily.

If you can learn this trick, why worry?Ling Wei raised the corners of her mouth and clapped her hands slowly.

Ling Wei made up her mind and asked Zhao Zihao to learn martial arts, but she was rejected.In surprise, Ling Wei looked at Zhao Zihao's face as red as a tomato and his firm steps when he left. After thinking for a long time, he lowered his head and stood still. How could various sects teach martial arts to each other at will?I was being reckless.

The matter of learning martial arts has not yet been settled, Ling Wei is inevitably depressed.It happened that there was something to buy in the village, so Ling Wei went down to the village to relax and learn about the world.

More than [-] miles away from Zhuangzi is Luo'an City, which is located in a place with convenient water transportation, but it is also a prosperous place.

Ling Wei turned into a man—although Li Lingwei didn't know martial arts, she was notoriously skilled in disguise. At this time, she really couldn't see through her sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Because of the boredom in his heart, he dispatched his entourage and sat alone in the restaurant.

In the hall, dancing and dancing in neon clothes, the charming dancers waved their long water sleeves, and the waves flowed when they looked back.A group of Deng disciples cheered up, just like Wuling's young people quarreling about their heads, and there are countless red silks.Ling Wei looked wearily but couldn't get rid of her thoughts.Boredom and sleepiness came to my heart together.

"Can someone sit here? How about sharing the same table if you don't mind? We are all alone, so why should we know each other when we meet again?" In the haze, a man in black clothes leaned over his body and said with a smile.

The sword eyebrows flew deeply into her temples, and her peach blossom eyes seemed to be sprinkled with starlight.There is a bit of joking in the flow of light.Dressed in an ink-colored brocade, with intricate lace trimmed with dark red silk threads, and a piece of fine white fat sheep jade hanging from her waist.The golden bone fan covered half of his face which seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Ling Wei was reluctant in her heart, but the surroundings were full and she was the only one.It seems that although this man is frivolous, he is also gentle, and it is no big deal if he disguises himself as a man again.I had no choice but to nod.

"Dare to ask the girl's age?" The man sat casually and asked with a smile.

Ling Wei was shocked, how could he tell?There was a sudden separation in my heart, and now I regretted not leaving an attendant by my side.But there was no such character in the original plot. From what rock did this figure come out?
Ling Wei thought about it again, traveling here is like resetting the game, every move may trigger a new plot.But whether the visitor is an enemy or a friend, what is the purpose?

"Heh." The man smiled, and glanced at the tea in the white porcelain cup on the table, "You are so handsome, drinking tea when you come to Zuixian Tower...it's not like a man."

The man ordered a jug of wine and poured himself a glass.Said: "I think the young lady comes from a great family."

"How do you know this?" Ling Wei also calmed down seeing the man doing nothing.

The man raised his lips: "The quality of your clothes... is not something ordinary people wear, and those few are your attendants." After that, he raised his chin and nodded at Ling Wei's back.

Ling Wei turned her head, and she saw a group of children from Wuhen Villa who wanted to hide.

"Who are you?" Ling Wei's voice became cold.If this person is not very observant, he is deliberately following him.doubtful.

"It's just someone I met by chance, why bother." The man had already drank his wine, stood up and made a bow, "Don't worry, we will see each other again if we are destined." By the time Ling Wei realized it, the man had turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

What a strange man.See you again... Could it be that he has already recognized his identity?We must thoroughly investigate this person when we go back.

The matter has not been finished yet, so I have to stay overnight in Luo'an City and return tomorrow.Ling Wei rolled out the kraft paper - it was filled with information about various sects.Nowadays, Wuhen Villa is number one in the world, and the strength of famous schools such as Zizhao Sect, Ling Sect, and Qixiu cannot be underestimated.As for the Demon Cult... it has been inactive since Wuhen Villa united with other sects to suppress it five years ago, and no one knows the power it has secretly accumulated.

Jiang Shaoqiu has become a member of the demon sect. The ambitious demon sect will definitely launch an action in the near future. People will be killed and others will be sacrificed. If he does not prepare early, he and the whole world will suffer. Finally, he has another life and finally understands life. The precious Ling Wei didn't want to walk on the Naihe Bridge again.Next month will be the annual martial arts competition. The organizer this time is Wuhen Villa. The Demon Sect, who is also a member of the martial arts community, will definitely participate. Everything must be done with great vigor, and nothing can happen. The moth comes.

But...who is the man I met today...?
Ling Wei rubbed her temples, leaned her head back and collapsed on the bed.Eh!Since they are all following me today, they must have seen the man's appearance and called him to ask or know something.

"Cui Yi!"

A little girl entered in response.This little girl has always been serving Ling Wei. She is very smart and cute.Perhaps because he has followed Ling Wei for a long time, he is good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. "Miss, what are your orders? But are you hungry? I have prepared lotus seed soup. Do you want to serve it now?"

"I'm not hungry yet... Cui Yi, call the disciples who are accompanying me to the village today, I have questions for them."

"Yes, Miss."

"Alas..." Ling Wei let out a long sigh.All of them are really stupid. They think that the man is someone they know well. Without seeing his face clearly, if he is protected by such a person and kidnapped, he will think that he is playing, right?

(End of this chapter)

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