Chapter 131: Ancient Vacation 9
"It was the first time I heard that there was such a thing as disguise technique in the world, so I had a bad idea. After I asked the way out of the valley, I killed the genius doctor and took dozens of human skin masks And a book of medical skills. After leaving the valley, I relied on the martial arts given to me by Bing Po to become the leader of the demon cult, and I used the human skin mask to escape the siege of decent people many times. As for the medical skill, although I can’t read it I understand, but I know it's a treasure, so I keep it close to my body."

"Give me your medical skills!"

Ling Wei got the medical skills from Wu Batian, and she saw clearly the small characters on the medical skills by the moonlight, which turned out to be modern Chinese.No wonder he couldn't read it.In terms of medical skills, it is about the tricks of disguise and some knowledge of detoxification.

"Wu Batian, forget what happened tonight. You have been practicing in the martial arts field."


Ling Wei looked at Wu Batian's fading figure, and her deep pupils suddenly turned black and bright. Who in the world could resist her hypnosis?Only people with a clean heart.But such people are too few.Ling Wei covered her mouth and snickered.

Afterwards, Ling Wei flew towards the southeast like a lone snow-white crane.

Before looking for Wu Batian, Ling Wei of course went to check his affairs.The people Bing Po wants her to kill are all the top figures in the Bai Kingdom. It is not difficult to know news about them, but it is difficult to know valuable news about them. Fortunately, she started to manage her power six years ago.When I have time, I will visit her mother's old subordinates, or the mother's old subordinates with this body.

Ling Wei never fights uncertain battles.

Ouyang Xuejing, you've been at ease for so long, it's time for you to suffer.She will never let anyone who offends her die easily.

In fact, before looking for Wu Batian, Ling Wei first went to Lan Suixin, as long as her internal strength is higher than that of the hypnotized person, no one can escape her hypnotism.If Lan Suixin hadn't been hypnotized first, how could Ling Wei easily know the whereabouts of the leader of the Demon Cult.After all, it is well known where the leader of the martial arts alliance lives, but little is known about the headquarters of the Demon Cult.

Half a month later, the martial arts conference was held as scheduled.

The martial arts conference was held at Lan Suixin's villa.Ling Wei was led in by Lan Ling'er.

On both sides of the majestic gate stood four men with swords, who were in charge of receiving martial arts figures who came to participate in the martial arts conference.

"Miss, who is this?" The sharp-eyed disciple suddenly saw Ling Wei behind Lan Ling'er.

"This is an honored guest invited by my lady, please get the hell out of here." Lan Ling'er said coquettishly.

"But she didn't hold a name post..." Lan Ling'er rolled her eyes back at the rest of the words.

There are also martial arts people coming in a steady stream at the door.

After Ling Wei went in, she saw an unobstructed site, which was so big that it could accommodate thousands of people. Was the land in ancient times very cheap?Or is the martial arts leader bullying others?The houses at the back of the venue are used for living and discussing affairs by some prominent figures who came to participate in the martial arts conference.Lan Ling'er took Ling Wei to her courtyard.

A high platform was set up on the field, and a row of grand master chairs were placed on the platform. Lan Suixin sat in the middle. He was a middle-aged man with a tough appearance.On his left sat a middle-aged man with extraordinary appearance. Lan Ling'er told Ling Wei that he was Wen Ziyang, the owner of Butterfly Villa.

Behind Wen Ziyang stood two handsome young men.Lan Ling'er told Ling Wei that the one on Wen Ziyang's right is Wen Wen, and the one on his left is Wen Li.

Such an interesting name.

On the right of Lan Suixin is an empty seat, and on the left of the empty seat is Yan Long, the owner of the Baiyi Mountain Villa.As for Ouyang Xuejing sitting next to Wen Ziyang, she didn't expect her to have some skills, and she developed into one of the best gangs in just a few years.And that Kang Yu's role in Sanssouci Palace is very important.

For Ling Wei, in Sanssouci Palace, only Kang Yu deserves her high regard.

The heads of various sects and sects in the audience each brought their own disciples to stand in the central seat below, with different people from the rivers and lakes scattered on both sides.

Lan Suixin activated his skills, causing his voice to spread throughout the audience: "My fellow martial artists, Lan is very glad that you can come. What the Demon Cult has done is already outraged by all heaven and earth. Lan wants to crusade against the Demon Cult on behalf of justice. The decent people will fight against the Demon Cult together with you."

"The lord is wise, and is willing to listen to the lord's dispatch." All sects and factions, idlers from all walks of life said in unison.

Lan Ling'er performed lightness kung fu, flew to the high platform under the watchful eyes of everyone, and said to her father, "Leader, I want to go too."

"Ling'er, step back." Lan Suixin said angrily.

"Why don't you want me to go?"

"You are a girl, you should not participate in the fights and killings in the rivers and lakes."

"Isn't the owner of Sanssouci Palace a girl? We all know that Sanssouci Palace is all daughters. Leader Lan said so, where does Sanssouci Palace go?" Ling Wei lightly landed on the stage and said loudly.

"This one..." Before Lan Suixin had time to ask, Wu Batian's voice came from the gate: "Lan Suixin, you actually want to kill my sect? How can I be sorry for you?"

The heavy sound was accompanied by the sound of "ouch" from the person who was severely injured.

Wu Batian rushed to the stage at once, and the members of the Demon Cult surrounded the martial arts practitioners who were present, ready to go.

All the faces changed.

"Lan Suixin, I am your sworn brother Lin Feng, the one who was chased and killed by you back then. You disregarded brotherhood for a woman. Now, I am looking for your life." Wu Batian tore He opened the human skin mask, revealing his ferocious pale face.

Many martial arts people recognized him and looked at Lan Suixin one after another, and even more gasped.

At this moment, Ling Wei and Lan Ling'er were standing behind Lan Suixin's grand teacher's chair. Ling Wei remained calm, but secretly scolded Wu Batian for revealing the secret of the human skin mask. She did not get those dozens of human skin masks from his hands It was really a mistake to snatch it from here, and then I thought again, her ability to know people is invincible in the world, and how can she deceive her by disguise.Her eyes are unique and do not lie.

"Shut up! You're Lin Feng? Chun'er and I fell in love back then, but you got in the way of it. I spared your life, which is my kindness to you, but I didn't want you to become the leader of the demon sect and bring disaster to the martial arts. Back then, I really should If I kill you with one sword, there will be no chaos today." Lan Suixin said righteously, which was an explanation, and people's hearts quickly turned to him.

Wu Batian's eyes turned hard, he drew his sword and said, "Lan Suixin, you won't dare to have a fair duel with me!"

"If you die, you should die by my hands." Ling Wei stopped Lan Suixin, flew out, ejected the sword from the scabbard, and held it in her hand.

"Who are you? I won't fight with a little girl like you." Wu Batian looked down upon Ling Wei.

"Do you still remember the genius doctor who saved you back then? The genius doctor saved you, but you killed him. I am his daughter, and you will avenge your kindness. I want to avenge my father. Do you think I am qualified?" Ling Wei said casually.

Wu Batian's eyes became extremely strange, he stared at Ling Wei's veil, and said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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