Chapter 128: Ancient Vacation 6
The man in purple turned around, looked at Ling Wei strangely, his eyes froze, and then he laughed, and said, "You are indeed the one I chose! You are no longer the weak Ouyang Lingwei back then."

The man in purple kept looking at Ling Wei, as if he wanted to see through Ling Wei's soul.

"Follow me!" The man in purple picked up Ling Wei in his arms naturally, and flew to where he was going to take her.

Ling Wei buried her head in his arms, as if trying to keep warm with the ice cubes.

"How long will it take me to learn martial arts?"

"With your roots of wisdom, it can take as little as one year and as much as three years."

lie.Ling Wei said in her heart that learning martial arts usually starts at the age of five, and internal strength cannot be developed overnight. She is already 12 years old, and learning martial arts must be difficult, let alone becoming a martial arts master like the man in purple.

The man in purple touched Ling Wei's sleeping point, and she fell into a drowsy sleep. She vaguely heard him say, "The catastrophe is coming soon."

When Ling Wei woke up, the sunlight was slightly dazzling.

She jumped out of bed and lay down at the window, and saw Bing Po sleeping on a bush with sleepy eyes, as if she had just woken up.

Ling Wei found herself living in the tree trunk, ran down the stairs to the tree hole, and happily ran to the bush.

Seeing Ling Wei looking around, Bing Po asked curiously, "Girl, what are you doing?"

"Master, I seem to have seen the tree you slept in before. It has luxuriant branches and looks like a bed. What kind of tree is it?" Ling Wei folded her chest and nodded, as if thinking.

"I'm not your master. After you help me kill those ten people, there will be no relationship between you and me."

"Remember, this shrub is called the magic bed tree. I have seen it in the tropical rainforest of South America. It can secrete a strange fragrance. It can hypnotize at night and repel insects and beasts. It can urge people to wake up on time in the morning, even if No matter how sleepy you are, you can't fall asleep." Ling Wei got carried away for a moment and forgot to restrain herself.

Suddenly, Ling Wei saw something again.

"Ah! Brot flower, a Spanish herb, the fragrance it emits has a strong inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, and patients can fall asleep without taking sleeping pills."

Bing Po looked at Ling Wei running around more and more strangely. He was thinking, why is Ouyang Lingwei so familiar with every plant and tree here?He knows their habits well.

It took him some effort to understand them, could it be...

Bing Po had a thought in his mind.

"This is really a magical land. Plants with different growth habits can survive together safely." Ling Wei said.

When Bing Po handed Ling Wei a fruit that looked like bread, she was startled, thinking that she had returned to modern times.

"Eat!" Bing Po said to Ling Wei coolly.

"What is this?" Ling Wei asked after taking a bite.

"This is fruit."

Ling Wei bit into the fruit, and inside the fruit was white flesh, crispy and sweet, and tasted sweet and sour, much like bread.

She asked tentatively, "What's the name of this fruit?"

"No name." He answered cleanly.

"Then we can call it bread. The name of bread is both vivid and nice."

"up to you!"

What a guy who doesn't understand art, Ling Wei watched him leave angrily, then grabbed the sword and began to practice it.

The swordsmanship that Ling Wei practiced was given to her by Bingpo, and this swordsmanship is called Bingpo swordsmanship.

She carries the inner strength formulas taught to her by Bing Po, and the body of the sword is bathed in the sun. Every move is exquisite and varied. It changes with the mood of the owner of the sword. Sometimes it is fierce and sometimes gentle. The sword net is inseparable. ventilation.

"Girl, if you practice the ninth form of Bing Po swordsmanship, I will take you to see the bread tree." Bing Po's words echoed in Ling Wei's ears.

From now on, Ling Wei eats bread for breakfast, and lunch at noon and night. Occasionally, the master will come back with some game. Whenever Ling Wei curiously asks if he made the rice?Did he buy the rice or grow it?He always smiled mysteriously and said, "Girl, you will know before you leave."

I will know before leaving the teacher, so what is tomorrow?Or the moment before leaving the teacher?

One day, Bing Po gave Ling Wei a dark red fruit and said, "Eat it, it will be good for your practice."

Ling Wei took it and swallowed it into her stomach.

A hot current rushed through, and finally, Ling Wei pressed them under her dantian for her own use.Afterwards, she walked lightly and effortlessly.

Bing Po smiled at Ling Wei, and said: "You have already possessed ten years of skill. After a while, I will give you another vermilion fruit until you have 60 years of skill. Practice the Bing Po Sword After the Fa, I will demonstrate the martial arts of the various sects, and you can memorize them."

In an instant, Bing Po disappeared.He was always elusive.Ling Wei was no longer surprised.

Ling Wei grabbed the sword and began to practice it

Bing Po once said: "As long as you break through the sleeping hole where I touch you every night, you can become a teacher."

Life is plain and fulfilling. There are many unexpected and precious plants in this valley. It is not bad to stay for a lifetime.

In the blink of an eye, time flies by.

In the purple bamboo forest.

"Ling Wei, you have already mastered the Bingpo swordsmanship and lightness kungfu, coupled with the martial arts mentality of the famous schools in the world, you are already invincible. Moreover, your inner strength is so deep that even I can't compare to it." Bingpo's His appearance has not changed in the past few years, and he seems to be much younger.

"Are you going to be a teacher? Tell me, who are those ten people? I will definitely turn their lives upside down, and then kill them." Ling Wei said softly, put the sword in the scabbard, and put it on her waist.

Bing Po was taken aback, a special gleam flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I want to give you a special gift to celebrate your 15th birthday."

"Birthday?" Ling Wei didn't expect anyone to remember her birthday, a layer of mist appeared in her eyes, she lowered her head, hoping to cover it up.

Bingpo put a bronze necklace on Ling Wei.

"It's called Du Lingyu. It can detoxify your body and enhance your power."

As soon as the necklace pendant touched Ling Wei's skin, it suddenly opened, revealing a crystal clear ruby.

A red light flowed on the crescent-shaped gem like flowing water, and in an instant, the red light enveloped Ling Wei's whole body.

The red light gradually faded, and Ling Wei felt her whole body relaxed a lot, as if she had been in a hot spring.

Bing Po looked at Ling Wei strangely, and said: "Girl, do you know? Your appearance is really stunning now! If you go out, you will definitely cause a lot of love debts in the Jianghu. Ouyang Xuejing must be mad. "

"I'll make Ouyang Xuejing regret why she didn't kill me with a sword." Ling Wei's tone was dangerous.

"Girl, don't be easily swayed by love or hatred when walking in the world. Otherwise, you won't even know how you died."

(End of this chapter)

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