Chapter 126: Ancient Vacation 4
"Yan Qing, carry her into the carriage and ask the doctor to treat her." Su Ning'er's words reassured Ling Wei, who passed out without a drop of water all day.

Yan Qing picked up Ling Wei and untied Ling Wei's acupuncture points.He sighed secretly, who was so cruel to an eight or nine-year-old girl.

The two sisters Xiaohong and Xiaoqing are taking care of Ling Wei.

Yan Qing was driving.Su Ning'er stared blankly at Ling Wei, and the past events emerged one after another.There is the astonishment of seeing Pan Zheng, the despair of knowing his disfigurement, the panic of fabricating his life experience, and the sweetness of getting along with Pan Zheng, and the joy of recovering his appearance.There is also the entanglement and pain of entering Tianzi Pavilion.

Mixed flavors!

Sun Ning'er quietly lifted up her sleeves, and there was a gonggong sand on her arm. This was the cinnabar that proved her innocence.She does not sell herself as a performer in Tianzi Pavilion, but in a place like that, who would believe her innocence.Pan Lang, I'm afraid he won't believe it either. He will only respect her and not love her anymore.

She remembered the first night she entered Tianzi Pavilion, the nanny told her that to become a girl in Tianzi Pavilion, you must be mentally prepared. There is someone in your room tonight, no matter what he does to you, you can't resist.That night, she was terrified, but she didn't dare to run away, because the middleman once told her that if you broke the contract, Pan Zheng would die.Tianzi Pavilion is famous for its reputation, if someone let them do a loss-making business, that person will pay ten times the price.

Even though she used to be a deep boudoir, she had heard about the two big brothels of Tianzi Pavilion and Nanfeng Pavilion.In the past, it was said that the girls in Tianzi Pavilion were all voluntary, but she still didn't believe it.Now she has stayed in Tianzi Pavilion for the past three years, and from what she has seen and heard, she only thinks that the master of Tianzi Pavilion is very resourceful, and he does his best to use it for himself.

That night, the room was dark, and she didn't dare to light the lamp, and hid under the blanket and shivered.The man appeared like a ghost, as if he had a pair of eyes in the dark night, and walked in front of her without making a sound.

"Mei'er, I know you're inside. I'm Pan Zheng. Come out quickly and follow me." A familiar voice sounded from outside the carriage, followed by the neighing of a steed.These voices interrupted Suning'er's memories.

Yan Qing didn't say anything, jumped out of the carriage, opened the curtain, and let Suning'er walk out slowly.

Su Ning'er stood on the carriage and said loudly: "Pan Zheng, there is only Su Ning'er here, not Su Meier. If you care about Su Ning'er, please go to Tianzi Pavilion to redeem me, and take me away in an open and honest manner."

Pan Zheng's surprise turned into surprise, and he said angrily: "Tianzi Pavilion is indeed a harmful place, Meier, you have changed, you have been brainwashed."

Pan Zheng drew his sword and fought Yan Qing.

"Pan Zheng, you can think about me. Why did you come to me after three years? Have you beaten Yan Qing?" After Su Ning'er said this, the two of them fought even harder.

"Pan Zheng, do you think I don't know your identity? You are the second young master of Panlong Mountain Villa. You use your medical skills to cross the rivers and lakes, kill enemies with poison, and save people with medicine. You like to tease girls, and you pretend to be romantic. Seeing one loves the other. You lied to me that your life is not long, you want to trick me into committing yourself to you, but you don’t want me to bring five lotus seeds and enter Tianzi Pavilion, messing up your wishful thinking. There was no fire in my house at all, yes You hijacked me, made me hallucinate, and your words made me believe it." Su Ning'er had already burst into tears.

Pan Zheng was disturbed by Su Ninger's words, and was defeated by Yan Qing.

The carriage was on the road again.

Su Ning'er lifted the curtain of the car and looked at Pan Zheng, who was kneeling on the ground, getting further and further away from her.She said in her heart, Pan Lang, forgive me, from the day I stepped into Tianzi Pavilion, everything can't be turned back.

Pan Zheng shouted to the sky, his heart full of hatred.For three years, he was trapped at home, practicing swordsmanship hard, just to save the beautiful woman from fire and water.But he didn't expect that he was powerless, and instead provoked the misunderstanding of the beautiful woman.He admitted that he was notorious, and he had a playful mentality at first, but then he was really emotional.

Tianzi Pavilion.

Ling Wei slowly opened her eyes, and found that she was sleeping on a bed with a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves. When she got up, she saw that a corner of the hanging curtain was lifted, and a young man in white walked in.

Seeing Ling Wei woke up, the young man in white smiled on his pretty face, and said, "Little sister, it will take some time for the toxin in your body to be detoxified, but your life is no longer in danger."

"Thank you little brother." As soon as Ling Wei opened her mouth, she found that she could speak, and she was overjoyed.

"You don't need to thank me, the dumb poison in you was cured by Master. Master said that there is something wrong with your memory, and it is very likely that you can't remember anything. Little sister, do you remember who you are?"

The smile of the boy in white was very clean, without any impurities, which made people feel at ease.

Ling Wei said: "I only remember that my name is Ling Wei, I can't remember anything else."

"Little sister, don't be sad, don't remember if you don't remember, this will be your home from now on. You can be my sister, can you?"

"Okay." Ling Wei agreed.

After everyone left, only Ling Wei was left quietly.

Ling Wei lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and continued to check the plot hints.She found that the memory of this body stayed four years ago, from the time when her mother led her into the Palace of Sanssouci, to the time when she was poisoned and died, her memory before the age of five seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't see it at all.

For more than ten days, the boy in white has been taking care of Ling Wei.She knew the boy's name was Ren Zhizhi, and he told Ling Wei some rules, taboos, rewards and punishments here.

He also told Ling Wei that she relied on Suning'er to stay here.Tianzi Pavilion never keeps useless people.

Ling Wei understood that if Su Ning'er collapsed, she wouldn't be able to stay any longer.

Su Ning'er would visit Ling Wei every now and then.She really thinks of her as a younger sister.

Soon, Suning'er came to see Ling Wei again.

Ling Wei put on her veil and ran over.

Su Ning'er hugged Ling Wei and said, "Run slowly, don't fall. And don't wear a veil, I don't care."

Su Ning'er's words were as warm as a mother's.

This is why Ling Wei wears a veil.

"Sister, I'm afraid I'll scare you." Ling Wei said childishly.

"If you don't take it off, how can you eat the dim sum I brought? I made it myself." Su Ning'er squatted down, looked at Ling Wei, and reached out to take off her veil.

"It will scare sister Xiaohong." Ling Wei hesitated.

Xiaohong imitated her lady, squatted down, looked straight, put the pastry in Ling Wei's hands, and said, "You've already said that, what else do I care about. I'm used to it. Come on, be good, eat it! "

"I also have a gift for my sister." Ling Wei said after finishing her snacks.

She took out a box from the room.

Opening the box, there are four butterflies woven with bamboo slices flying high. Under the sunlight, the patterns of the butterflies are clearly visible.

(End of this chapter)

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