Chapter 28
In addition to King Xuan, the other person who fought for the throne most fiercely back then was Prince Jing. These two were of equal strength. At that time, everyone thought that the throne would be between these two.

But...the throne fell to Ling Ji.

Life is like a play, so the two princes who have been played by life, King Xuan's unconvinced, she has just learned, and this Prince Jing... is even more straightforward, the green on Ling Ji's head is that he is holding a paint bucket, holding the paint bucket with his own hands It was brushed up.

Upon closer inspection, Prince Jing's appearance was quite different from Prince Xuan and Ling Ji's brothers.Presumably he followed his mother, and when he met his eyes, Prince Jing smiled while holding the wine glass, which could be said to be full of evil spirit.

Guan Xiaoguan frowned unobservably, this Prince Jing looks too demonic, a man who is so demonic like this is simply inhuman!

She returned a faint smile, then lowered her head, and found that there was another chopstick of green pepper in the bowl!

He gave Ling Ji a sneaky look, then piled the green peppers in a corner and continued eating.

Ever since she got off the driver's seat, Prince Jing's eyes seemed to be on her. Could it be that her eavesdropping was discovered?
Impossible, she slipped very successfully at that time!


Halfway through the small banquet, looking around, Xuan Wang and his wife were very harmonious, Ling Ji took care of both sides, the chopsticks had not stopped since he came on stage, holding one chopstick for the queen, and another for her, they were impartial and harmonious.

Only Prince Jing drank to his heart's content, and Princess Jing had no chance to pour wine for Prince Jing, because there was a maid who specialized in serving wine.

Therefore, Princess Jing, the discordant person, intends to blow this wind of disharmony, but the table is full of important people who can't blow it, so I can only use her as cannon fodder to reconcile my mood.

"The Second Sister-in-Law is also very lucky, but it's not us, a wife is not as good as a concubine." Princess Jing's red lips slightly curled up, looked at Guan Xiaoguan who was eating food, and said with a smile: "Isn't that right, Concubine Ling?"

All the women present here, except her, happen to be regular wives no matter whether they are favored or not.

This clearly satirizes her, even if she is favored, is she still a concubine?

If the original owner left Chiba and lifted the table is a bit exaggerated, then it must be that Princess Jing's head will be put on the head, but this is obviously an irrational way of cannon fodder and cannot be implemented.

Guan Xiaoguan blinked, poked the green pepper in the bowl, looked at Princess Jing and sighed, and said, "What Princess Jing said is, 'A wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing' ah ~ the truth!"

Lingji's romance is on the surface, but this Prince Jing~
But the well-known Huaxindaluobo, there are many wives and concubines in the palace, which is said to be larger than Lingji's harem, but all the women that Prince Jing likes, regardless of whether they are married or not, or their age, they must be tasted first. .

This can be seen from the Royal Garden incident.

By saying this, Princess Jing not only exposed the fact that she was not favored in the palace, but also tarnished Prince Jing's face.

Typical brainless.

But no matter how brainless Princess Jing was, she could still hear the meaning of Guan Xiaoguan's words. She gritted her silver teeth, glared at Guan Xiaoguan angrily, and said, "You...!"

Prince Jing at the side put down the wine glass heavily, interrupted with a gloomy expression, and said, "Shut up for me!" Concubine Jing trembled in fright, cast a sharp glance at Guan Xiaoguan, lowered her head and stopped talking.

"This king punishes himself with a glass of wine. Concubine Ling, don't be angry."

Prince Jing raised his wine glass to her and drank it down in one gulp.

Guan Xiaoguan pretended not to understand, tugged at Ling Ji's sleeve with an inexplicable expression, and asked, "Your Majesty, why are my concubines angry?"

King Xuan, who was drinking, coughed twice, this girl did it on purpose.

 One more, good night
(End of this chapter)

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