Chapter 96

The king was also very curious about why Fan Yongkang was able to control Huandie, and the steward also told the king the whole process.

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly, that is, Fan Yongkang accidentally processed a kind of honey that Huandie likes very much. short-term employment relationship.

Fan Yongkang hired these phantom butterflies to create such a dreamlike world, and at the same time paid a crock of honey for each phantom butterfly.

It was also because of this that Huan Die, who was used to living alone, agreed to help Fan Yongkang, and then created such a dreamy banquet.

The king felt that Fan Yongkang was overqualified, but at the same time he also understood that the magic butterfly itself had no fighting ability, and the environment of a single magic butterfly was useless.

But Huan Die has a very unique personality, and if they are forced to gather together, they will easily attack each other. Fan Yongkang's success this time is considered a fluke, so after hearing about it, the king put the matter down.

However, after this incident, Fan Yongkang didn't know why he went crazy, and he actually started to associate with those noble ladies who had been avoiding him.

In fact, it is not realistic to say that they have contacts, they just usually send some small gifts to those ladies.

Sometimes it is just some small things that are not very valuable to the nobles, such as special perfume, essential oils that can relax the mind and body after use and make oneself have a floral fragrance, some fresh fruit baskets, and bouquets made of some rare magic plants.

Sometimes it is something that will surprise the noble ladies, such as dresses designed to suit their own temperament, appearance and body shape, some exquisite workmanship, and even some defensive jewelry, various Delicate and beautiful, rare tableware with excellent workmanship.

These are actually not too precious things, but they all added the other party's heart, which made the noble ladies who received the gifts very happy, and at the same time greatly increased their favorability for Fan Yongkang.

Until one time, Fan Yongkang gave each of the noble ladies in the city a box of Moyingxiang Kedou.

Mo Ying Xiang Ke Bean is a very rare drink. The processed Mo Ying Xiang Ke Bean has a pure taste and pleasant aroma. It not only refreshes the mind, but also soothes people's mental power and makes them feel happy at the same time. To sort out the energy in its body, it is a special drink with very low production every year and only supplied to the royal family.

But now, Fan Yongkang has clearly proven that she already has a method for mass production!

However, in this regard, no matter who came to ask, Fan Yongkang's attitude was the same. The Moyingxiangke beans produced by the Moyingxiang tree in her manor were only provided to those lovely ladies.

As soon as this remark came out, many nobles were waiting for the king's opinion.

Unfortunately, however, the king had no problem with this.

It's not that he wants to give up this piece of fat, but that this piece of fat is really difficult to handle.

He already knew through the housekeeper that it was only an accident that the land of that manor was suitable for planting moyingxiang trees. Not to mention that they were mixed together, and the fertilizer was poured on the land full of blooms.

Dima is a low-level magic plant that can maintain the land very well. Its fruit grows underground. There are only a few thin leaves on the surface, but the underground is densely covered with fingernails. It looks a bit like a bud. Fruits in the shape of roses waiting to be released.

These fruits are not edible, but they can be used as fertilizer for the earth, and coincidentally, the land was fertilized just two days ago, and the fertilizer was Sha Lian No. 5.

After such a mix-and-match, no one had an idea, and then there was a heavy rain, which made the land completely absorb the fertilizers. Not to mention, those land seeds were stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and they mutated, and they had a very strong attack for a while. Sex and phagocytosis, the demonized vegetables planted in the surrounding fields were devoured by it, and then they withered collectively in a few days, turning into nutrients to nourish the earth.

I don't know what kind of miraculous changes have taken place in it. Anyway, after everything is over, the land in this manor has all turned dark purple, and no ordinary plants can be planted on it, and there are only a few magic plants. Seeds can be planted in them, and even if they are alive, they are still half dead.

On the contrary, the seeds of the Moyingxiang tree will grow rapidly after being sprinkled into it, and it will take less than a month to grow to a year's effect. Basically, it can be used to multiply Moyingxiang Kedou after a year.

The Moying Xiangke Bean is a parasitic magic plant, and it does not bear many fruits each time. In fact, for the Moying Xiangke Bean in Fan Yongkang's manor, it is good to harvest a bag of it at one time.

But that land has a special effect, and it matures basically once a month, so it can supply so many young ladies.

Of course, the king also wanted to replicate the effect this time. He even asked for the servant who made a mistake. It's just a pity that there was an unknown mutation in it. Anyway, it succeeded in the end. There is only Fan Yongkang's piece of land.

It was not easy for the king to compete with a noble for such a piece of land. Although its value was very high, seeing Fan Yongkang's attitude of not taking it seriously at all, the king felt that he could not do it.

Is it really impossible to replicate that land?

Of course it is possible, but why didn't the king succeed?
Of course it's because Fan Yongkang played a role that everyone ignored.

Of course, the matter of Moying Xiangshu seems to have come to an end, but Fan Yongkang is still gaining the favorability of various noble ladies.

This time, Fan Yongkang didn't want to embarrass those noble boys, but she thought of a good idea.

The protagonist falls in love with everyone he meets, has confidants all over the world, and is admitted into the harem. So, if there was such a person before the male protagonist appeared, and also stirred the hearts of those girls, would it be when the male protagonist appeared? When the time comes, other people will be wary?

In fact, Fan Yongkang is no longer liked by many noble boys.

And these young aristocratic lads, when the protagonist appears in the future, will be the generation that will really be in power.

From this, Fan Yongkang began his own way of being a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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