Chapter 92

This kind of fish is not big, only the length of a child's finger, its vitality is very tenacious, and its reproductive ability is also good, but because of its delicious taste, it is a delicacy for fierce beasts in the sea, so it is very difficult to get such two pairs.

Each crystal ball contains a pair of silver-threaded fishes, decorated with fine sand and pearls, and of course, a small group of small corals.

The silver-threaded fish survives by eating the secretions of this small coral, and the excrement of the silver-threaded fish can also become the nourishment of the other party.

Therefore, as long as the two pairs of silver-threaded fish do not produce other offspring, there is no problem at all living in this crystal ball.

These two crystal balls may seem simple, but they are actually very expensive, so the housekeeper was very careful after getting them, and specially used a box with a lot of cotton wool to store them, for fear of bumping them on the way.

The gift Fan Yongkang sent out this time is not ordinary. Although there is nothing on the surface, in fact, the water in each crystal ball is mixed with a drop of life essence. I only hope that my mother, who is a spy, can see at this point.

But think about it, the person who can make the kind of potion that can permanently change a person's magnetic field must be very proficient in potions, and I hope she doesn't let herself down.

As for why Fan Yongkang took such a big risk to do such a thing, it was because the system informed her that her father had blocked the emperor's disaster and was poisoned. Even if he was rescued, the root of the disease was still there. Can't live anymore.

The reason why Fan Yongkang can live so well in this country is because she has a pair of powerful parents.

Among them, father is of course the most useful one. As the most powerful chief eunuch around the emperor, his existence can completely allow the king to tolerate Fan Yongkang's various things that do not satisfy him.

And if her father died, it would be difficult for her in this country.

So what about talent?How can it benefit the country?
Rather than giving her benefits, the king would like to ask for nothing.

Therefore, Fan Yongkang's father cannot die, at least, he cannot die before she leaves.

With the help of the system, she knew the movements of her parents immediately.

Fan Yongkang's mother is still very powerful, and she found out the clue as soon as she got it, but she just found out that there was something wrong with the water in the crystal ball, and only after knocking it open did she realize that it was dripping with the essence of life I was overjoyed at the moment, and divided the water in the crystal ball together with the silver fish and coral inside, and let Fan Yongkang's father eat one part, almost just after eating it, originally it looked like People who were terminally ill came back to life, not to mention their whole face glowing red, and even the cut off descendant roots grew out.

To be honest, Fan Yongkang was a little surprised at this point, but thinking about the legendary life essence that can life and death human flesh and bones, Fan Yongkang was also relieved.

However, Fan Yongkang's father is a ruthless character. Although he recovered his complete body and even had the ability to give birth again, he still cut himself off again by himself. Yes, everything has to be watertight.

As for Fan Yongkang's mother, she also didn't use the water to restore her fertility. After all, she was a concubine with a low status, so what if she got pregnant and had children?Even if there is a prince, it is still a life of suffering.

She understands her current status very well, not to mention that she also has her own son by her side, so she made her share into a beauty product, used a little every day, and quickly restored her [-]-face, beautiful face The indiscriminate thing made the prince like it even more, and it consolidated his position.

As for the remaining crystal ball, Fan Yongkang's parents unanimously decided to leave it to their son.

Fan Yongkang's twin brother is now a scholar, but he did not enter the court as an official, but became a squire in a small town. The orthodox cultivation method of the Eastern Continent.

The parents didn't want this son to join their mud, they just wanted their son to return to the root and spread the branches, so as to continue their blood.

However, the parents still love their son, and if there are any good things, they will come after their son. Of course, the crystal ball given by Fan Yongkang is no exception.

Regarding this, Fan Yongkang only stopped paying attention after she learned that the parents had no problems. What she cares about now is how to get rid of the elemental eggs in her hands!

Yes, it took Fan Yongkang seven years and countless energy and money to successfully synthesize the final product.

Elemental eggs, as the name suggests, are the eggs of elemental spirits.

There are countless elemental spirits on this continent. These elemental spirits are all spit out by the mainland after devouring the cores of other continents. Each additional one will increase the elements in the continent by one point.

The elemental elves will return to the embrace of the core of the continent every thousand years, and then new elemental eggs will be bred in the continent.

And after each elemental egg is broken and the elemental spirit flies out, the eggshell of the elemental egg is also very useful. The eggshell of each elemental egg is a good treasure that can prolong life, and the abundant vitality contained in it is enough for Anyone who is dying of old age can be reborn.

This is a gift from the mainland to the people on the mainland, and the reason why Fan Yongkang chose elemental eggs instead of others is that the location where the elemental eggs are formed is random, and elemental eggs may be born anywhere. And elemental eggs are somewhat similar to a pet egg called black egg.

The black egg is a fruit called the black iron tree.

Black iron tree is an advanced magic material, and its heart is a very suitable material for making wands.

It takes up to a hundred years for the black iron tree to grow from seedlings to flower and bear fruit, and its fruit is what people call black eggs.

The black eggs are not edible and have no other use. Each black egg is only the size of an adult's fist. When it is cracked, golden powder will spray out, like a golden flower.

And there are surprises in each black easter egg, and there will be some animal miniatures in these black easter eggs.

The largest of them is only the size of a baby's palm, and the smallest is only the size of a fingernail.

These things are all living creatures, they are all the cubs of the phantom butterflies living in the black eggs, and they will turn into butterflies and fly away within three days after the eggs are broken.

(End of this chapter)

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