Chapter 87

The housekeeper at that time was very different from the housekeeper in Fan Yongkang's memory. In front of Fan Yongkang, the housekeeper was always reserved and polite, his clothes were neatly dressed, and his white gloves were always spotless.
But the current butler has a decadent air, with disheveled hair, leaning against the window sill, smoking a cigarette and looking almost completely different from what Fan Yongkang remembered.

Moreover, what the butler said to another person also made 'him' feel creepy.

"Tsk tsk, you spent a lot of money this time, tell me, how much did you scrape from your little master this time?"

"Hehe, not much, just this number (the housekeeper stretched out his hand and gestured)." The man opposite saw him, his eyes widened suddenly, and his tone was even more surprised.

"No, hasn't his money been emptied by you a long time ago? Where did the money come from this time?!"

"Hey, where else could it have come from? His parents gave it to him for a birthday banquet. Tsk tsk, it's just a 16-year-old brat. Why not leave it to me for any banquet!"

The butler's contemptuous smile made Fan Yongkang, who still didn't understand the sinister nature of the human heart, feel as if his whole body had been immersed in ice water.

Fan Yongkang wanted to run, wanted to leave this place, but 'he' was still too young after all, and the butler noticed his voice. After the butler saw clearly that it was 'him', he felt dumbfounded and waited for a reaction. After coming over, he kept on doing nothing, trying to kill 'him'.

In fact, the housekeeper really succeeded.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, this entertainment city is the property of the royal family.

Fan Yongkang is still useful, how could the royal family let 'him' die?So in the end, Fan Yongkang was sent to the Holy See, and the bishop personally took action to save 'his' life.

Oh, I forgot to mention another point, that is, Fan Yongkang is not a man, but a girl disguised as a boy.

At the beginning, Fan Yongkang's parents actually gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins. Fan Yongkang's mother had a certain amount of research on potions, and even developed a kind of food that can make the living beings emit a special energy magnetic field, changing The magic potion of how the person appears to other people.

So these two people used this potion to change Fan Yongkang's gender into a boy. At the same time, they also exchanged the real boy with other babies born in the hospital, and finally killed the swapped baby, making a birth. Down is the illusion of a dead baby.

After the parents established a firm foothold in the Eastern Continent, they secretly brought their real son there.

Don't underestimate the abilities of these two parents. They have been doing this since elementary school. In order to allow them to play a greater role, they have spared no effort in training, so when they have two minds, they want to do something It's such a simple thing to do in small ways.

Therefore, the parents were not afraid of the king's threat at all, and the main reason why they were willing to provide some information to the king was because it was not yet time to give up Fan Yongkang, their daughter.

After all, Fan Yongkang is also their child, and they don't want her to die unless necessary.

As for this matter, the king obviously wanted to suppress it. After all, the steward belongs to the king. If this matter escalates, it will really be difficult to end it.

It's just that the king didn't expect some things. He wanted to hide it, but when he blocked the news, many people already knew the news.

No way, who made Fan Yongkang's popularity in the class so bad?

There are too many people who can't understand her, so when they heard that her housekeeper emptied all her property and wanted to kill her, many people took pleasure in other people's misfortunes. This matter has been publicized everywhere, even if the king wants to cover it up.

This incident was such a big deal, how could Fan Yongkang's parents, who had kept an eye on it, didn't know about it?

So when Fan Yongkang left the Holy See and returned to her manor, she already had a new housekeeper, and all the money that the housekeeper had taken away had been 'chased' back, nothing less. , The king also bestowed a large sum of money, saying it was a shock fee for her.

Fan Yongkang is like a real young man who doesn't care about world affairs. Although his expression is very sluggish, he still gratefully accepts it and expresses his gratitude to the king.

But when he returned to his room, Fan Yongkang's expression became gloomy.

What should I do? The timelines don’t match up!
This is a world evolved from a novel. It took her a long time to finish reading the world line alone.

This is a cool story about a time-traveling man who started out as the humblest slave and progressed from fighting monsters to beating tall, rich and handsome men. The extent of his embrace is simply outrageous.

Originally, it was fine, but she was very experienced in dealing with this kind of protagonist who only relied on golden fingers. She thought it wouldn't take long before she could trick the protagonist to the point where he would kneel down and call him dad.

But it is a pity that she came here 100 years ahead of schedule.

Yes, she traveled from the protagonist, a full 100 years in advance! ! !

Damn it, 100 years, how does this make her play!
However, this is not over yet, the system also told her that she can only stay in this world for 50 years at most, because the world consciousness will arrange the world 50 years in advance, and derive the "adventures" of the protagonist's adventures along the way.

Fan Yongkang really wanted to change the world, but the system told her clearly that the classics themselves are a very rare thing, and there are not many worlds where the power of thought can reach this level. If you want to gather enough energy as soon as possible , she has no choice!

Fan Yongkang also knew that the system would not harm her, so her thoughts just now were just random talk.

As long as it comes, it will be safe, Fan Yongkang rolled around on his bed, and then began to plan the future development of the world line.

In Fan Yongkang's view, although the future world line is long, it is very monotonous.

The daily life of the protagonist is basically to meet beautiful women and then have an affair, or earn money in the harem.

Meet the official second generation/rich second generation/prince/princess official/rich generation/nobility/king, and then slap your face.

When you encounter danger, you will encounter all kinds of adventures, and then your own level will rise up, and there will be no pressure to leapfrog and fight monsters.

After thinking about it, there are more powerful villains who are not brain-dead, but there are really not many villains.

(End of this chapter)

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