Chapter 82

Even if there were officers and soldiers guarding outside, some people wanted to break into the Wang Mansion, and these people entered the Wang Mansion, but they not only dragged Wang Ting, but also smashed a lot of things in the Wang Mansion. It was a mess, crying constantly.

The world consciousness has obviously realized that something is wrong, the sky is dark, and there are faint lightning flashes across it. A few timid people left, but some bolder ones rushed in, and they just wanted to ignore it. They rushed in, but as soon as they broke through the officers and soldiers, they were about to run towards the backyard of Wang's mansion with a ferocious face, when a bolt of lightning struck from the sky, directly smashing the intruders into coke.

This shocked many people at once. Most people in this era believe in the theory of ghosts and gods. Especially this time, it was obviously a sign that God was angry. He kept muttering about something.

Wang Ting gave birth to a white and fat son who weighed six pounds and six taels. As soon as the baby was born, the sky cleared up. Even when it was not raining, there was a rainbow hanging on the sky, which looked like a good omen It seems that the people who are making trouble now don't dare to make trouble anymore, and they all went back home.

After all, God is angry, and these people are afraid of offending God.

Originally, with today's release, no one would spread bad words about Wang Ting anymore.

But it is a pity that now this matter involves human lives, and there is also Xu Zihan, the villain boss, so there is no need to think about it being over like this.

At first, everyone was still talking about auspicious things. Gradually, some rumors about monsters giving birth to children came out. Gradually, there was a new interpretation of what happened that day.

If Wang Ting was a powerful monster, she certainly didn't want her children and herself to be harmed, so those who rushed in were hacked to death. The subsequent auspiciousness may also be caused by the monster himself to confuse everyone. of.

After all, it is a fact that the monster killed three innocent children, how could such a person be a person cared for by heaven.

Just a few words, what was originally just a guess turned out to be really done by Wang Ting, and those who were hacked to death are having a hard time these days. It sounds good, these people hope that this rumor is true, after all, compared with God, they would rather their man was killed by a monster!

After these women joined, the rumor that Wang Ting was a monster gradually appeared in the mouths of some people, until one day, an old man who looked like a fairy came to Wang's mansion with a sail After looking at the door for a long time and saying something so demonic, Wang Ting's identity seemed to be determined by everyone.

Especially later, some people said that the reason why the Wang family adopted Wang Ting was because after Wang Ting returned home with Mrs. Wang, this matter became even more well-known.

After all, how could a four-year-old child go home with a stranger when he was fine.

Moreover, the child is four years old, so he must know something. How could he want to go home without crying after following someone home?
At a young age, either the monster has become a monster or has a scheming since childhood, no matter what it is, it doesn't sound good to say it.

Moreover, some people gradually put Wang Ting and Xu Zihan together and said that they are both monsters and the kind that can harm others.

If Wang Heng could endure the gossip at the beginning, when people compared Wang Ting and Xu Zihan together, Wang Heng couldn't stand it anymore.

Xu Zihan is like a forbidden area for Wang Heng that cannot be touched. Wang Heng is like a shame in his heart. He has heard that Xu Zihan jumped over the river after being kicked out by him. Someone still saw what happened that night. It was said that she wore a beautiful costume and jumped into the river.

When Wang Heng learned about this incident, his first thought was not guilt or pity for Xu Zihan, but that she was a despicable actress at heart. He must have been blind to see such a despicable woman. .

And this kind of thinking has become more and more ingrained as time goes on, so much so that even hearing information about Xu Zihan usually feels like dirtying his ears.

But now, his wife has become the same person as Xu Zihan in other people's mouths. Now, Wang Heng really can't bear it anymore.

The collapse of two harmonious couples was nothing more than a drunken effort.

The World Consciousness side is in dire straits, and Xu Zihan's side is also having a hard time.

Obviously, the world consciousness has already understood that Xu Zihan is playing tricks, and already consciously does not want to make her feel better.

First, there was a traitor among her men, causing a large amount of goods to be lost.

Afterwards, the boats on the river caught fire at night, and the river roiled due to a sudden torrential rain, submerging several large boats. Xu Zihan's boat was the first to sink.

Xu Zihan knew that it was because the world consciousness looked down on her and was going to kill her.

After all, the current Xu Zihan is not an alien from other worlds. The world consciousness can't kill her casually. Even if she wants to kill her, she needs to make her death reasonable.

In fact, before these things happened, she received a notification from the system, telling her that her body had suddenly developed a disease, and she was in danger of sudden death.

Of course Xu Zihan, who was systematic, would not die suddenly, and after discovering that she did not die suddenly suddenly, the consciousness of the world started to take action one after another.

But who is Xu Zihan, how could she die so simply.

But in such a big battle, even if she didn't die, most of her loyal subordinates would have been killed or injured.

The move of world awareness seemed fierce and powerful, but Xu Zihan had already thought of such a move, and calmly took out the counter move that he had prepared a long time ago.

Xu Zihan is known as the river ghost. This time, the boat was on fire, it was pouring rain, and the river was torn apart. Many people were saying that the river god wanted Xu Zihan to accompany him, and the families of those who died were also in grief. Absolutely, the gaze towards Xu Zihan seemed a little strange.

But Xu Zihan didn't care about it, and just calmly ordered other people who came to go to the bottom of the river to salvage.

The dead man has already been salvaged, so what else is there to salvage now?
However, the prestige of the river ghost in the River God Gang is very strong. Although the incident happened too suddenly this time, it was because of the suddenness that even if the restlessness happened all night, the minds of this group of people are still numb. After Xu Zihan's words, someone still followed into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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