Chapter 40

After picking up the memories in her mind and looking at the world line, Lisa felt that she needed some time to relax.

This time, the possessed body is called Chu Xiu. From some incomplete memories, it can be deduced that this body used to be a princess.

But now, the princess has turned into a zombie.

Yes, it's the kind of thing that people become after they die.

Now Chuxiu is in the coffin, buried deep in the ground. To be honest, she feels that this matter is a little tricky. The princess who is buried in the ground, how she can get out now is a big problem, okay? !
However, although the way of possession is a bit strange, there is still good news, that is, this time she is a perfect fit, that is to say, the original owner did not leave any wishes, so he directly handed over his body to her.

The original owner had been lying underground for a long time, unable to reincarnate even if he wanted to. Until her arrival, the original owner was liberated and went directly to reincarnation.

This time the world is a world of vampires.

Yes, it's the kind of thing in Western legends that turns into a bat and likes to suck blood.

This time the one with the golden finger is the heroine. She is a novice blood hunter. She was bitten by a vampire while fleeing. When she was about to die, she was rescued by a powerful vampire.

Needless to say what happened after that, this is a very unbelievable direction of the world for Chu Xiu.

Speaking of vampires themselves, they are the same as zombies. They all have a long life. Human beings are too small and fragile for them, and they have seen a lot, so there is nothing new.

But this vampire who is said to be very ruthless is not like this. Not only did he fall in love with the heroine at first sight, but he also loved the heroine deeply. Even after the heroine expressed that she hates vampires who do evil, Willing to hunt those vampires with her.

It can be called a traitor among vampires.

To be honest, from Chuxiu's point of view, this vampire is either stupid or stupid.

According to World Line's understanding, the taste of the heroine's blood is very sweet. Now that she has become a zombie, Chu Xiu feels that she can give it a try.

What kind of feeling does it feel to climb out of the tomb under the ground?Chuxiu said that this feeling is terrible!

Chu Xiu's tomb is in a certain barren mountain, and the place is deserted, and Chu Xiu, who just climbed out, can't tell the difference between south, east and north.

I used some energy points to clean myself and changed into clothes from this period.

Chu Xiu felt a little uncomfortable the moment the clothes were put on her body.

The thick cotton-padded clothes and trousers are still ugly gray, and the fabric is not good. Even though Chu Xiu has become a zombie, but this body has been pampered and raised. She feels very uncomfortable when she wears this thing on her body .

Fortunately, Chu Xiu could endure these things, and then opened his mouth to spit out something.

This is a piece of jade, which is something that a dead person puts in his mouth when he is buried. According to folklore, putting things in the mouth of the dead is to make people go to the underworld after death and not talkative to bring trouble to the living. In order to have something to bribe ghost messengers after going to the underworld, and the third is to prevent corruption.

But Chu Xiu is a zombie, this thing has been conceived in her mouth for thousands of years, and it has already become a spirit.

In Hanyu was the last vital breath she swallowed before she died, and was conceived by the dead breath, so there were two breaths of life and death in her body, and the anger was contained in it, and the dead breath was contained on its surface.

As soon as Hanyu spit it out from Chuxiu's mouth, she shook her wings and made a crisp and somewhat eerie sound of cicadas.

Seeing Hanyu's agile appearance, Chuxiu hesitated again and again, but put the thing back into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

Fortunately, Hanyu stopped moving after returning to Chu Xiu's mouth, and turned into a stream of warmth after entering Chu Xiu's body, which did not cause any discomfort to Chu Xiu's swallowing.

After Hanyu entered her body, Chu Xiu's body felt alive. Her originally stiff and cold body gradually warmed up. With her heartbeat and pulse, she could also feel the change in the external temperature.

This is really, cold!
Chu Xiu shook uncontrollably, and now she looked like a living person.

Hanyu can disguise her as a living person, but the moment the sun breaks, Hanyu's effect will disappear, and it will not work again until the sun is fully risen.

But even so, it was enough to disguise her as an ordinary person.

However, although she can pretend to be an ordinary person, how to integrate into the world is another problem.

In the end, Chuxiu got involved because it was a turbulent time, so Chuxiu jumped into the rushing river in winter, letting the splashes engulf her and take away the remaining warmth from her body.

Chuxiu was lucky. There was a dam on the other side of the river. In this cold weather, there were still many children playing on it, so Chuxiu jumped into the river. As long as luck is not too bad, there will always be will be rescued.

Just like what Chu Xiu thought, she was rescued and then sent to the small clinic. She urged Hanyu to show herself a high fever. She had a fever for three days in a row. Tian Chuxiu woke up slowly.

What happened after that was just as Chu Xiu had expected. Chu Xiu lost her memory. She forgot everything except her name. After the investigation failed, the people here left her behind and also helped her. Then she re-registered her household registration and had a new identity.

This tossing lasted for two months. By the time Chu Xiu had completely settled down, it was already early spring.

The communist system is being implemented in the current era, where some people are grouped together to form a brigade, and then these people jointly sow a piece of land to raise a group of livestock, and when the autumn harvest comes, they will distribute grain and meat in centimeters.

After Chu Xiu recovered, she was assigned to a brigade. Originally, she was to be assigned to raise pigs, which was said to be the easiest job.

But Chu Xiu couldn't do that, she was spoiled, how could she do that kind of thing.

So in the end, she was assigned to go to the fields.

Don't look at Chu Xiu's long and delicate features, and his figure tends to be thin, looking weak,
But in fact, this is a zombie after all, even though she looks a little more delicate, but she is not small in strength, even the strong laborers in the brigade are not as capable as her, which makes many old peasants talk to her frequently look sideways.

People in this team used to think that this girl was not fertile, but now it seems, tsk tsk, this is a good girl!
These days, hard work is the innate condition for living a good life, so if you want to integrate into such a group, being able to work is the key.

Chuxiu didn't feel tired after a day's work under the sun. At most, her little face was flushed and shed a little sweat, which was in sharp contrast to other peasants who seemed to be in a state of peeling off a layer of skin. Their team leader was even more satisfied with the girl Chuxiu, and kept praising her, as if he wished to praise her to the sky.

Chu Xiu is not considered beautiful, but delicate, with a kind of fragility of an ancient daughter's family, which is why everyone thought she was not suitable for living in their countryside at first.

But now, with the emergence of Chun Zhong, more and more people have come to visit Chu Xiu's house. They are all aunts and uncles, and most of them want to marry Chu Xiu. But Chu Xiu had no intention of doing so, so she refused on the grounds that she had lost her memory now, didn't know if she had ever been married, and her family didn't know what happened.

After another two or three months, everyone began to say that Chu Xiu is a good girl, not only hardworking, but also impartial!
There is a mountain behind this village, but now we pay attention to communism. This mountain belongs to the country. It is usually good to go up the mountain to pick up some dead leaves and branches as firewood. If you find something on it, you have to hand it over to the On the team, and then uniformly distributed.

At the beginning, Chuxiu was like an ordinary person, going up the mountain to pick up some leaves to make a fire, and when the flowers bloomed in spring, she would also sneak some wild vegetables home.

But one time, Chu Xiu found a wild boar with a broken leg on the mountain. After killing it without saying a word, Chu Xiu handed it over to the team.

This kind of thing happened three times in total. The first time was a wild boar with a broken leg, the second time was two roe deer who were bitten by some kind of beast, and the blood was drained dry, and the third time was a few roe deer who lost their legs. A goat that couldn't get up broke its leg when it entered a mountain valley.

Chu Xiu's luck was always so good, and she had a great spirit of sharing, so she gave without saying anything.

These things made everyone in their brigade enjoy the benefits, and at the same time, they accepted Chu Xiu even more.Chu Xiu was originally helpless, and some naughty children would sneak into her house to steal cakes to eat. Now everyone has become a lot kinder. In any house, if the child is not sensible, he will be picked on by other adults. After scolding him away, Chu Xiu lived a peaceful life for a while.

At this time, a group of educated youths came down from the team.

These educated youths were the first batch of volunteers to go to the countryside to help farmers. Most of them were men, and the only woman was Wang Qianqian, the heroine of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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