Chapter 374

Uncle An saw the appearance of Lily of the valley, of course he also understood the unusualness of this elixir. The two were enveloped.

Seeing that Uncle An had done so meticulously, Ling Lan also opened her mouth.

In fact, this elixir doesn't need Lily of the Valley to explain anything, just say its name, and Uncle An instantly understood the function of this elixir - Tianshou Pill.

Tianshou Dan, as the name suggests, is a pill that obtains life span from the hands of God.

This kind of elixir itself is very precious, not because the materials are difficult to find, but because the refining technique is difficult. Even if the elixir recipe is already rotten, there are only a handful of people who can really refine it.

Of course, this pill was also left by the original owner's aunt.

The aunt of the original owner also wanted to work hard at the beginning, and when her life was approaching, she used all the favors she had saved in her life, begged her grandpa to sue her grandma, and spent a lot of spar to find a The alchemist of this kind of elixir made such a furnace for her.

It's just that this aunt's life is not good. Before the pill was released, an accident occurred on her side. In the end, six pills were refined in this batch. The alchemist detained the third sister and took the remaining three pills. Give it to Lily of the Valley.

Originally, the alchemist had a failure rate in refining, and the failure rate was still very high. It was definitely a fluke to be able to refine six pieces in this furnace.

This alchemist could not be said to be a good one, but he wasn't bad either.

He was raised by the sect, and of course he wanted to gain some benefits for himself.

At that time, he might have wanted to withhold all the pills, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that this matter would be reported. After all, such a reputation for being greedy for ink is not easy to get.

So in the end, the alchemist found the original owner, and threatened in various languages, forcing the original owner to say it himself, willing to give the alchemist three coins as a reward.

In fact, the alchemist wants more, but the aunt of the original owner has been in the sect for many years after all, the alchemist itself is an existence that attracts people's attention, and people are watching wherever he goes, and they heard that the alchemist went to find someone like the original owner Little girl, and she didn't come out for a long time, so someone went to check.

Seeing this, the alchemist didn't know what to say. In fact, he was afraid that more people would know about this matter, so he simply gave the remaining three pills to Suzuran, which was considered a success. Cause and effect, the two don't owe each other any more.

Now Linglan took out this elixir to Uncle An, of course, in order to stabilize the current situation.

This Tianshou Pill itself does not specify the lifespan that can be increased. How much lifespan can be gained from the sky after eating depends on the ability of the person who pays it.

Someone once rumored that a cultivator in the Qi refining period swallowed the Tianshou Pill, and then retreated for three days. In the end, the cultivator did not make any breakthroughs in his life, but he lived to be a thousand years old, and finally died.

This is the famous King Antai in history. He has played tricks all his life and has gone through seven changes of imperial power. He can be regarded as a very famous figure among civil servants.

At the same time, it is also because of such a precedent that the Tianshou Pill is so precious today.

After all, the lifespan of a thousand years is something that only a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage can achieve.

Those like them, who have families, will definitely enter the ancestral temple after death, and will never be able to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in their lifetime.

And as long as you take this small pill, you can easily live to a thousand years old. No one will be tempted by such a temptation!

What those in power want most is longevity.

But if you want power, you can't take care of it in terms of cultivation. In this way, things that can increase your lifespan are even more precious.

Uncle An was holding the box in his arms at the moment, but he still felt uneasy. After wandering around there for a few times, he quickly covered the box with his sleeve, and after saying a few words of praise to Lily Lane, he turned his head Then he brought people into the palace.

It took a long time for Uncle An to enter the palace this time. According to people outside, after the emperor received Uncle An this time, instead of being furious, he even kept Uncle An for dinner with a smile.

The originally unstable situation subsided in an instant, and Uncle An, who was pushed to the cusp of the storm, retreated overnight and left the edge of the cliff.

Although the power and property in his hands have still suffered losses, as long as there is no wavering at all, these things are worth it.

This time when Uncle An came back, it can be said that his part-time job was full of joy. When he came back, he specially brought some small toys for Ling Lan, many of which were bestowed by the emperor.

Seeing Uncle An look so happy, Ling Lan also retired.

However, within half a month of this peaceful day, there were some twists and turns in Uncle An's mansion.

What happened this time was not a bad thing, but Uncle An actually got the permission to develop Kitchen Mountain!

In fact, this thing is said to be 'developed', and more accurately, it should be the permission to send people to explore and collect.

The place where Lily of the Valley was originally located was Gushan Village, which itself belonged to the Chushan Mountain Range, where there are rich products and aura, and many geniuses and treasures have been born there.

Therefore, even if such a place is dangerous, many people still flock to it.

However, it is also because of the preciousness of it. Of course, those with imperial power cannot let such a treasure land fall into the hands of the common people. Of course, they must firmly hold it in their own hands.

Therefore, the kitchen mountain was artificially divided into six parts.

The two most essential parts are controlled by the two most powerful sects.

After that, there are two second-class sects, which are jointly developed by the second-class sect and the first-class sect.

The next few hills are controlled by the imperial power in this world, and the last remaining hills that are basically devoid of spiritual energy are the ones that really belong to the people.

Now the dynasty that Lily of the Valley belongs to can't be said to be powerful, nor can it be said to be not powerful, at most it can only be regarded as an upper-middle level, so among them, there are six mountains with relatively rich products.

There are heavy soldiers guarding the hillside, even if they break through the heavy soldiers, there is still a layer of enchantment outside as protection.

Every year, only the families approved by the emperor can send people to gather and hunt there, and every time, such an opportunity will make many families envious.

This time, Amber Mansion got a quota, and more and more people came to visit the Affiliated High School.

Originally, some servants from the attached middle school came to deliver the message in the hope that the master of the family could be invited to the house to talk about it.

But these things were all pushed away by the reason that the first mistress of Ling Lan was not around.

Afterwards, ladies from various households came to visit. Ling Lan saw her twice, but she ignored her. The excuse she used was also a very unintentional illness, which made those official ladies who had family expectations very angry. .

Ling Lan's side is so noisy, of course, Uncle An's side is also very busy, basically coming back with a smell of alcohol for several days, seeing Ling Lan, Bian will send some pills over, Said it was to sober up Uncle An.

Of course, these elixirs could not be from the original owner's Qiankun bag, but were researched by Lily Lane herself recently.

Lily's talent in alchemy is not very good, and even exploded several times, but she is still studying diligently. Gradually, she has refined some products that are not so good, but the effect is still Nice pill.

For example, this elixir for sobering up, guarantees that the alcohol will evaporate immediately after taking it, and you can sober up in a few breaths.

It's just that the side effects of this elixir are also a headache. Every time the alcohol in the body evaporates, it will bring out some sticky sweat stains, and you need to take a bath every time you take it.

Of course, these are not problems for Uncle An who is in a good mood. Now he is full of problems about going to Chushan for hunting.

However, Uncle An was focused on going outside, but Linglan, who stayed at home, could not ignore the family. Gradually, after the housekeeper power was left in Linglan's hands for a while, he handed it over to Brother Rong, who looked confused. In hand.

Ling Lan was clearly unwilling to take care of these trivial matters, so Brother Rong, a little doll who was still studying, was so sadly arrested.

Fortunately, Ling Lan is quite reliable in this regard. Although she handed over the housekeeping to Brother Rong, she still sent some nuns to follow her orders and take care of her.

As for the rest, there really isn't one.

Originally, when giving this weight to Brother Rong, Ling Lan told Brother Rong secretly that she could ask her if there was anything wrong.

When I really encountered something that I didn't understand and couldn't make up my mind, the one who faced Brother Rong would say "Get out" impatiently, and Brother Rong almost burst into tears.

And when Brother Rong cried and asked Ling Lan why she dumped these things on him, Ling Lan plausibly said to Brother Rong, "Who told you not to come back with a wife?"

Therefore, it is obvious that other people's family is fighting for the housekeeping right, but now it has become a headache in the Amber Mansion.

In fact, Brother Rong has gone to Uncle An to talk about this matter more than once, but this Brother Rong doesn't know if he was led astray by Lily Lane. The uncle married himself a daughter-in-law and came back to be the housekeeper, which made Uncle An dumbfounded.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal in Uncle An's opinion. Anyway, the family can't be in chaos, so it's good to let the children practice it, and don't think about the servants in the mansion who look confused at all. It's just a child's play. .

But five months have passed in the blink of an eye. The people in Amber Mansion have already selected the candidates to go to Chushan, and they have been leaving for a month. However, the new wife of Amber Mansion who has returned to her parents' home has never come back. Even once, she didn't even ask, she just acted like she was staying at her parents' house.

At first, Ling Lan didn't take this matter to heart, but after a long time, maybe Ling Lan was also impatient with the crying brother Rong, and when she turned her head, she remembered this new man who was about to be forgotten by the whole mansion. Ma'am, then turned her head around and understood what the new lady was thinking.

I feel ashamed to be sent back to my natal family. At the same time, I should rely on my own stomach and feel that I have spoiled the children of the Amber Mansion. If they are born in the future, regardless of gender, they will be raised with her in the natal family. No matter what happens in the future, they will be with them With one heart, this new wife is using this incident to force the masters of the Amber Mansion to come to invite her back!

After Linglan thought about this matter, she sneered at the Minister of the Ministry of War and herself who had such thoughts.

Then, turning her head, this prostitute who married her father's daughter-in-law began to look for a good concubine for her father!
Now that Amber Mansion is gaining momentum, there are definitely not a few people who want to establish a relationship with Amber Mansion. Among them, what else can be compared with getting married?
The new lady could come up with such a solution because Uncle An was not good at women. Although she married three wives in a row, the backyard was always clean. Empty and childless for several years, Mr. An still had no such thoughts and was still focused on living his life with only one wife.

In fact, from Ling Lan's point of view, Uncle An is not really abstinent, at best he just doesn't care.

Uncle An told Brother Rong more than once that his favorite in his life was their mother, a dignified and gentle woman. After their mother passed away, love left his life.

Without love, there is no so-called place to guard oneself like jade.

He will marry a wife for the purpose of carrying on the family line, and only the lineage is left.

Therefore, about Uncle An's marriage, Ling Lan was able to take over everything, and after being informed, she could accept it in a deliberate way.

These, really speaking, just don't care.

However, the others didn't notice it at all, they thought it was Lily of the Valley being favored, or it was just a rumor, everyone took it to heart.

Now that Ling Lan chooses a good concubine for Uncle An, when this kind of thing gets out, many people think it is a rumor, but after it is confirmed, many people think that this daughter-in-law is proud of being favored, her hands are too long, They all wanted to extend their hands into their father's backyard.

There are many such remarks, and many people are watching Lily of the Valley's jokes, waiting for her to be scolded by Uncle An.

But in fact, in the face of the ridicule of his colleagues, Uncle An actually admitted it in a small secret, and this man actually had a plausible argument.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it. I was away from home for most of the day. I went to bed not long after I got home. I don't have much time to spend with my two children every day. Now it's them who are talking about the house. Forget it, the two of them felt lonely in the backyard and had no peers to accompany them. They wanted some younger brothers and sisters with the same blood. As a father, of course I had to agree. Besides, I don’t go to this backyard often. I think they will all be together in the future. If we want to live together, I will leave the matter of choosing a good concubine to my daughter. After all, if I meet someone I don't like, it will be a injustice to my two children."

(End of this chapter)

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