Chapter 357

After the steward cleaned up, Ling Lan turned around and went back to the yard.

At this moment, those children who were tied up for some reason had already run out, and they fell under the carriage one by one, and they didn't care. Some of them who were not gagged couldn't help crying. The appearance of the rest of my life.

But after Linglan came over, she didn't untie these children, but grabbed all the children who rolled on the ground one by one, and then threw them back into the carriage, and even picked up all the steamed bun food boxes that fell on the ground Get up and throw everything into the carriage.

Facing the eyes of those unbelievable children in the carriage, Lily of the Valley showed a small face for the first time, opened her mouth, and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"The following things are not suitable for children. So, stay here obediently first."

Ling Lan closed the door of the carriage casually, then bent down and picked up the woman who was lying on the ground, carried her into the house together, and closed the door with her feet.

Ling Lan's action was so straightforward that none of the neighbors found out about such a thing.

By the time Ling Lan opened the door of the carriage again, it was already dark.

This time, Ling Lan didn't do anything to make these children uneasy, but took a kitchen knife from the kitchen and untied the children one by one.

After these children were free, they returned their contracts of prostitution to each other one by one.

After getting the deed of sale, some of these children were at a loss, some were slightly afraid and disbelieving, but more children still tore it up in the first place.

The bond of sale itself was a contract that saddled these children with the status of slaves.

At the same time, it is also because this thing itself is a contractual relationship. Before there is any third party entering, they only need to tear it up to terminate the contract.

This is also the main reason why Linglan returned the contracts to these children one by one.

After tearing up the contract, many children wept with joy, only those who were still a little ignorant did not understand what a slave was, but they were instinctively afraid of the future.

Suzuran saw the children's cries getting louder and louder. She didn't want to alarm others, so she spoke.

"Okay, don't cry, it's over now, don't count on me, we are not going all the way, and it will be more dangerous for you to follow me."

Saying so, Ling Lan stuck her hand into her sleeve, and a stack of bank notes appeared in Ling Lan's hand.

These bank notes are all 50 taels of unregistered bank notes, and their function is to do this kind of shady business, so even if these bank notes are distributed to these children, you can rest assured.

There are quite a few children here, and the number of bank notes is actually not that many. After one ticket per person, there are only a few left.

It was obviously not enough to distribute the second round, so Ling Lan took the remaining bank notes as it should be, and then she said to these children very calmly.

"Now, you have two paths, one is to take root in this village, but you have also seen that the lover's home of this steward Zhang is here, no one can say for sure what is going on in this village. The second is Just go back to the county town and go to the yamen to report the loss. Remember, for your future consideration, you'd better not talk about your enslavement. I think most of you, after being trafficked, become slaves. The identities should be fake. Of course, those who use their real identities should not go to the government, because there will be a record at the government, no matter whether the procedures are formal or not, you have a foundation for using your own identities. For you like this, the best way is to find a caravan, go there as an apprentice for a period of time or go to the merchant, become a merchant, or follow the caravan to go further away, stay away from this land, hide your name, and change your identity live."

This is the path left by Lily of the Valley after planning for the worst.

Fortunately, none of these children were enslaved through formal means. Before they found their masters, were branded as slaves, and completed the contract with a third party, they were still good citizens and possessed the status of good citizens.

Seeing that no one spoke, Ling Lan continued to speak.

"When you come to the government, you can say that you are lost. Those who live farther away can say that you met a trafficker, abducted and then escaped. Don't talk about being a slave. Say important things three times, and I will say it for the last time. , don't say that if you are a slave, remember, this is very important."

The children were sparse this time, and nodded obediently.

Seeing that these children nodded, Ling Lan withdrew her overly serious look.

"The family of that steward Zhang should be very powerful. You'd better make up this matter like that. The best way is to put aside this steward and go home first for everything." Lord. Whether you want to take revenge in the future or want to settle the matter, it is not something that you can consider comprehensively now."

"Finally, it is also the most important point. If someone asks about me, remember, no matter who asks, you must tell the other party that I am going to take revenge."

Ling Lan glanced at the group of children again, and they all nodded obediently.

In the end, Lily of the Valley set her eyes on the smallest diced radish.

When this radish diced asked her for help, he still seemed quite aggressive.

Now that the bondage has been loosened and the deed of prostitution has been torn up, the whole person suddenly becomes more relaxed, and it seems that he doesn't need Lily of the Valley that much anymore.

At least, after so long, the little fat man didn't come over.

Ling Lan doesn't care about this little fat man, it's actually a good thing for Ling Lan if she doesn't come over, she just left these children here after taking care of everything, and got into the carriage by herself, it's very shameless drove away in a carriage.

At first these children didn't realize it, but when they realized it and wanted to stop Lily of the Valley, they had already run away in the carriage!
Many children felt it was a pity, and there was even a beautiful little girl who couldn't help but give Lily of the Valley a mouthful.

But they turned their heads and looked at each other again, looking at the sky outside and the other dark yards, each of them was shocked.

The little fat man saw that Lily Lan put the carriage away, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful at the moment, he rolled his big eyes, and he was the first to run into the house.

But the situation in the house was different from what everyone thought. Not to mention that there was no one in it, and all valuables had been looted long ago.

The little fat man was even angrier now, but he had no choice but to figure out a way out by himself.

As for Lily Lan, half a month later, at the door of a certain wealthy businessman, there was an extra inconspicuous carriage in the early hours of the morning, and it was useless for anyone to pull it. Walk.

The rich merchant's doorman saw that the carriage could not be moved, so he went to open the carriage to have a look.

The doorman is also an old man in the family, so of course he also knows the style of the carriage and knows that it belongs to his family, so he opened the door very quickly.

But who would have thought that when the door was opened, what they saw was not piles of children, but a pile of rags!
At that moment, the doorman screamed and sat down on the ground, almost fainting from fright.

And at this moment, the carriage suddenly became spontaneous, and the faint blue flame looked extremely scary.

There was such a big commotion at the door that many people were also alarmed, and some people rushed out. Faced with such a strange carriage, these people did not dare to take any action.

And just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the carriage in front, a trembling figure appeared at the back door of the mansion. After looking around and finding no one, he took out the A yellow talisman was stuck to the door panel of the back door tremblingly.

After the talisman was pasted on the door panel, it also suddenly ignited spontaneously. When the talisman was burned out, the trembling figure finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could breathe out, a child's laughing voice sounded very abruptly in his ears, that voice was like a devil crying.

There was a lot of commotion here. Colleagues, after this day, there was no peace in this mansion, and many strange things happened, and many capable monks were invited at the same time.

But these monks either chose to stand by after knowing the situation, or they couldn't stand the temptation of money, and ended up disastrously after taking action.

Among those who shot, the one with the highest strength only severely injured one of the little ghosts, and was then torn to pieces by the remaining little ghosts.

The kid in this house is very fierce, very fierce.

The owner of the house wanted to move, but was trapped by these little ghosts, and only some young children or newly bought slaves escaped.

The rest were all buried in this haunted house.

And after going through this blood sacrifice, the ghosts in this house are obviously two points more fierce.

This matter has attracted the attention of many people, and even the attention of those who were looking for Lily of the Valley was also attracted by this matter.

As for where lily of the valley is now?Of course she went back to the town!
Yes, she tried so many ways to escape before, but now that she has escaped, this one has quietly returned!
And this time, when Ling Lan came back, there was quite a commotion. Many people knew that there was a young lady visiting relatives in this county.

This lady's ostentation is so lively, there are several carriages used to pull the carriages, not to mention the things piled up on them.

The carriage sitting in the front is even more delicately decorated.The guards accompanying this young lady are also extremely strong, wearing armor, they look even more sturdy!
(End of this chapter)

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