Chapter 347

It was already afternoon when the second elder came back, and he was non-stop preparing for dinner after he came back.

Maybe it's because of the money, the second elder is not as stingy as before, bought half a piece of pork back, chopped a third of it in front of Lily of the valley, and then started to braise the meat.

Lily of the Valley was looking forward to it at first, but after seeing the food on the table, she felt a little indescribable.

The meat made by the second elder is also considered ingenious, at least Ling Lan thinks that she must have never eaten it before.

What was placed in front of Linglan was a bowl of sauced pork belly.

Note that the sauced pork belly mentioned here is not the sauced pork belly made with soy sauce, but the pork belly made with miso!

This combination was so insane, Lily of the Valley thought she couldn't eat it.

But in fact, when I actually put it in my mouth, I felt that it was not so difficult to accept.

This miso is made of soybean paste made by the villagers themselves. If you eat too much, you will feel uncomfortable on the corners of your tongue and mouth.

But the sauce pork belly made with this sauce is not unpalatable. Instead, it has a different taste when accompanied by rice.

Yes, maybe because of the money, the previous bran steamed buns were also removed and replaced with white rice. This is already a very hearty meal.

After buying so much meat, the second elder made a big bowl with great effort, put it all in front of Lily of the valley, and let Lily of the valley eat it.

Of course, the second elder did not eat less of this meal. It can be seen that the second elder is very happy after earning so much money this time.

While eating, the two elders talked about the process of selling grass dogs. The old father said how he found a buyer, and the old mother commented on the buyer. look.

Seeing that the two were happy, Ling Lan raised the corners of her mouth at a secret angle, and then she picked up two more pieces of meat and put them in her bowl.

This meal was too full, after Linglan was full, she just nestled there and didn't want to move, seeing that the old man had cleaned up the dishes, even if she saw the boy poking around in the old man's room from the corner of her eye, she would have ignored it .

I don't know if this little boy is a 'stupid' because of Lily of the valley. Apart from not showing up in front of Lily of the valley, this boy is not shy at all, and sometimes even plays some 'exciting' Yes, she always came out from an angle where she thought that Lily of the Valley couldn't see it, and looked at the second elder longingly, with a pitiful appearance.

Ling Lan's attitude towards the boy was more like turning a blind eye, pretending that she didn't see the flirting between the little boy and the elder at home.

Anyway, no matter what, this family still has to listen to her. Instead of going to someone else, it is better to stand up on your own.

After touching her belly, Suzuran stood up slowly, pretending not to notice the little boy's sudden retraction, and returned to her room blankly.

The next day, just like usual, Ling Lan went out with her backpack in her hand. The second elder didn't say anything when she saw her appearance, but watched her leave, and then continued to talk about herself, just looking at the unstoppable smile , It can be seen that the second elder is in a very good mood.

Ling Lan followed the road and prepared to go to Gushan, but unexpectedly, on the way, she met a little girl.

This little girl also looks to be eleven or twelve years old. In their village, she has reached the age to marry.

Lily Lan doesn't have much contact with these people at ordinary times, and the villagers won't go up to her when they see her. In addition, it's the busy season of farming. A girl of her age can be used as a strong laborer in the village. .

And it was such a person who stopped her during the busy farming period, which made her couldn't help but take a closer look at the little girl in front of her.

Well, no matter how much she looked at, she still didn't recognize who this little girl was.

It's just that she didn't recognize her. The little girl obviously knew her, and not only knew her, but also seemed to be afraid of her.

The little girl didn't look at her after stopping her, and even her body couldn't help shaking, she still looked quite pitiful.

For her poor face, Ling Lan decided to stop and see what she was going to do.

The little girl hesitated for a while, and nervously took out two eggs from her clothes, forced a smile on her face, and said nervously.

"Well, how about I use these two boiled eggs to change something with you, these two eggs are delicious!"

Obviously, this little girl is also not good at words, and her words are also dry. Ling Lan glanced at the two eggs and didn't make a sound. The other party obviously knew that she was dumb, so she continued.

"Do you remember the rhino horn you brought back before? It was about this long and looked like this." The little girl was gesticulating as she said this, looking a little excited.

Ling Lan blinked her eyes, why did she feel that this person was more of a fool than her?

Also, 'rhino horn', so the horn she took out is a rhino horn?

In the end, Ling Lan thought about it carefully, and felt that she didn't seem to have shown that thing to others, how did this little girl know?
But Ling Lan didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. Subconsciously, Ling Lan felt that she had encountered this kind of thing so many times that she didn't have the mood to find out the details.

Therefore, Ling Lan just looked at the little girl blankly, and then prepared to bypass her and walk away.

Lily Lan was planning to leave, the little girl was obviously anxious, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to pull her, but with just one movement, both of their bodies froze, and after that, the little girl passed out limply , and Lily of the Vineyards also felt "the tiger's body trembled", and there was a sound like electric current passing by her ears.

"Zi... Insufficient energy... Zi Zi... Insufficient energy..."

Ling Lan closed her eyes, then shook her head. She felt dizzy and had a headache. After she recovered, she seemed to have a sudden 'enlightenment' and understood many things.

Those are some pictures, the pictures are very messy, and she also has different faces in the pictures.

Some wore costumes, sang something called opera, and finally threw themselves into the river to die.

She also plays different roles, becoming an assassin who reaps people's lives in the middle of the night.

There are also some faces that are said to be partners. These faces flashed by, and the pictures were very mixed, but in the end, these pictures were all fixed on a voice about the 'system'.

This 'system' says that the space she lives in is a small world made up of mind power, and she needs to collect enough mind power to condense her body and soul, and the way to collect it is to win the opponent's golden finger and destroy the so-called plot line .

Ling Lan felt dizzy, and these memories appeared in her head like a flying horse, which made her feel a little confused.

But when she actually summoned a book called an encyclopedia according to the hints she got from these 'memories', she believed more than half of this incredible thing.

It's just that this book seems to be different from what she saw in that episode.

It is not the kind of book in the fragment that is very thick and simple, but also has a gorgeous atmosphere.

This book looks like an ordinary notebook, the size of two palms, and not very thick.

But on this book, the words 'encyclopedia' are indeed written.

Ling Lan subconsciously reached out to take it in her hand, hesitated for a while, and then opened it.

Flipping through this book, Ling Lan saw a dense pile of words. Fortunately, her memory is not complete now. Although she knows that she has a cheat given by the system called Encyclopedia, she does not remember the correctness of the Encyclopedia. usage.

Otherwise, seeing this encyclopedia that has almost changed beyond recognition, she might just spit out a mouthful of old blood.

As for the girl lying on the ground, Lily of the Valley didn't give her half a glance. She took the encyclopedia and found a shady place to read. Fortunately, there were not many things recorded in the book, so she quickly read it. Just read it.

After she finished reading it, she finally knew what was going on with this girl's anomaly.

The little girl lying on the ground has traveled through time, but this little girl's 'golden finger' is special. It is a book, and the content of this book appears directly in the little girl's head. What is recorded in it is It's like a prophecy, it's like a golden finger.

As for why the little girl fainted suddenly just now, the reason is also very simple, the other party's golden finger was taken away by her.

In fact, deprivation is not enough. To be precise, she absorbed the energy contained in the opponent's golden finger.

The golden finger is still there, but without energy, it can never be turned on again.

Lily of the valley didn't quite understand the reason behind this, but she faintly felt that she should need this kind of energy very much.

Touching the cover of the encyclopedia in her hand, the encyclopedia that had been sitting in her hand disappeared with a 'pop' sound.

Lily of Lily was very calm about this, because she knew the reason the moment the encyclopedia disappeared - she had no energy!
Yes, although they are all cheats, it is obvious that her cheats consume more energy. To make her cheats work normally, she needs to collect more energy.

Moreover, touching her aching head, she always felt that she still had a lot of things that she hadn't remembered, and 'recharging' her gold finger was obviously the fastest way to retrieve these memories.

After thinking about these things, Linglan put the backpack on her body again, then stood up and stretched her waist. She glanced at the little girl who was still lying on the ground. After thinking about it, she squatted down again and leaned against her. The tree has sunk its spiritual tentacles into the space.

The products in this space are very rich. At least, everything Suzuran needs is basically available in this space.

It just takes some patience and time to find something you like.

Fortunately, Lily of the Valley was lucky this time. After wandering around in the space for a while, she found the skeleton of a rhinoceros that had been dead for several days not far from the place where the horns were found before.

Well, it's a rhino.

Lily of the valley wasn't sure if the thing that had been gnawed down to the bone was a rhinoceros, but after seeing that it did have horns on its head, it didn't care about those things.

The horn was connected to the head, and it was not easy to get the head out, even if the head itself had been patronized by scavengers, it was not something that lily of the valley could keep.

But fortunately, after 'recharging' once, she seems to be able to control the space more easily. At least, things like changing the entrance and exit of the space can still be done.

Therefore, she naturally placed the entrance and exit under the head, and then, naturally, the corrupt head appeared in front of Suzuran.

Suzuran didn't change her expression at this, and naturally took the stone to mark the position, then found a similar position to break the opponent's corner, and finally took the head back into the space.

Just after doing this, Suzuran's forehead was covered with sweat.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Suzuran calmly walked to where the little girl was lying and stood there for a while. Finally, she leaned over and put the horns next to the little girl's hand, and then paused. After a pause, he took away the two eggs from the girl's hand.

Tightening the backpack on her back, Suzuran continued walking forward.

And as she walked, she peeled the shells of the eggs. By the time she reached the foot of the mountain, she had already eaten the two eggs.

Suzuran didn't know when the little girl was discovered, because she had disappeared when she came down the mountain.

Of course, there was no sign of the bull's horn on the road, presumably they were taken away together.

Ling Lan had a lot of thoughts in her mind, but her steps didn't stop at all, she still walked home with an even pace.

When Suzuran came home, she happened to see a thin figure flashing past in the yard, and then there was a sound of footsteps running towards the back room.

Ling Lan paused for a while as she buried herself in the courtyard gate, feeling again that the little boy treated her like a fool!
Today, Ling Lan came back relatively early, but I didn't expect that the old man who was supposed to work in the field did not go to the field today, but was busy at home. Seeing Ling Lan came back, he was not as indifferent as before , but walked over quickly, and looked into her back basket with some joy!
The two obviously wanted to find something in Lily of the valley's back basket, but unfortunately, there was nothing in Lily of the valley's back basket!

Yes, Suzuran didn't bring anything back today. As for the harvest, hehe, she ate it when she was on the mountain!
After recovering some memories, she also has some experience in lighting fires and cooking, not to mention how delicious the cooking is, at least she already knows how to light fires.

That being the case, why didn't she have a good meal on the mountain first and then come back?
Yes, Ling Lan admitted that she was angry, this kind of being fooled like a fool, although she felt that she was an adult, she didn't want to really care about anything.

But I really think she has no temper, that's impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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