Chapter 338

The smile on Chang Le's lips froze, and then he stopped talking.

It was Lily of the Land, wandering around in this space again, and then asked.

"What is being suppressed here?"

Changle lowered his head, as if he was also lost in thought, or in other words, in a daze.

Linglan looked at Changle's appearance, thought about it again, and then uttered four words in a slightly uncertain tone.

"The boy who guards the grave."

As soon as these four words were uttered, even the corners of Chang Le's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Then look at the sky and the earth, but don't look at Lily of the Valley.

Seeing his appearance, Ling Lan also knew that she probably guessed right.

However, after confirming that she had guessed right, her expression became subtler.

"Well, shouldn't the tomb-guarding boys generally be those under seven years old?"

Chang Le pursed his lips, looked a bit unbearable, closed his eyes, then said with a sigh.

"Back then, I was indeed seven years old."


Ling Lan didn't have the nerve to ask him why he became like this now.

But she didn't ask, but someone curiously made up a sentence.

"It's not like that. You look at least 15 years old now."

Suzuran looked at the male student who had just escaped from death and was speaking slowly now.

As for Changle, looking at the male classmate's eyes became a little gloomy.

He didn't want to hide anything, since his identity had been guessed, he also said.

"I was seven years old back then, and I myself was born as a prince, but the thing under this tomb is very fierce, and it needs the blood of close relatives to stop it." After saying this, Chang Le's tone paused, and then continued, "That I was the only one who was suitable at the time, and then they brought me over. At that time, I was talking about dot matrix boys, just let me sit in the town and do some generals."

Seeing his dry look, Ling Lan didn't want to say much, thought about it, and finally said something to him.

"And then? Did they temporarily repent?"

Chang Le looked at Ling Lan, then nodded.

Yes, they temporarily regretted it.

Therefore, the previous dot matrix has become a tomb guard, and now it is tied with chains. It seems that the tomb guard has changed a bit.

In fact, if it was a normal tomb guard boy, Lily of the Valley should be able to recognize him easily.

After all, the appearance of the boy guarding the tomb is very obvious. They are usually carved on both sides of the tomb door. Boys and girls are like stone lions at the door of a rich family in ancient times. Generally, the boy guarding the tomb can be used. The identity of the owner of the tomb must also be unusual... Fierce!

Just, look at the appearance of this fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, look at the thick chains that bind him, and look at this place where there is nothing, let alone a virgin, and there is not even a redundant door...

Suzuran felt that this tomb guard boy was really the weirdest one she had ever seen.

Changle bared his teeth at this time and smiled at Linglan.

"It was an impromptu decision, so the action was a little hasty and some things were not prepared, so they made do by sealing me in the mud and setting a fire. At that time, they rushed out to seal the tomb and did not watch me take shape. , and finally the craftsman who was walking at the end was kind-hearted and tore off the talismans attached to me before leaving."

It was because of that talisman that he couldn't move.

After tearing off the talisman paper, he was able to struggle out of that situation.

Originally, the tomb guard boy was to be sealed alive in the statue and then erected at the door, but he survived in that environment, and lived in the tomb until he was 15 years old.

As for how he survived in such a tomb, it is not open to outsiders.

Changle has always felt that being able to survive is the greatest blessing he has ever encountered in this world.

But it was not that simple for him to leave the tomb.

He has worked hard for so many years, and the only thing he can be sure of is that he has been tied to this tomb.

Although the ceremony back then was done in a general way, the person who copied the sword was a very powerful master. Under such storage conditions, he used his own knowledge to change the formation, and then connected it with the sealed formation. Together, he became an existence similar to the Formation Eye.

Therefore, the tomb guard boy only needs him alone.

Moreover, at that time, the Taoist leader was very happy to promise that as long as he was there, the thing sealed underneath would not escape!

But who would have thought that this living eye, after all kinds of difficulties, would actually crawl out from under the tomb?
Although, only a part of them can climb out...

Hearing Chang Le say such terrifying words, Bobo, who was a little addicted to listening, couldn't hold back to answer.

"The other half?"

Maybe because Bobo's wide-eyed, scared and wanting to hear the follow-up look is very interesting, Chang Le bared her teeth in embarrassment, and split up again in an instant.

"The bottom half."

Chang Le is a smart one, otherwise he would not have been calculated to stay at that time.

His intelligence is reflected in all aspects, so even if he doesn't have a good teacher, after he has shared with such a large formation, he has explored some things and understood a lot.

He would never leave this tomb in this life. So what if he didn't die?He was always going to die.

He will stay in this tomb forever, grow up slowly, and then grow old slowly. He will be trapped in this tomb all his life, and finally die of old age, and then stay here as a ghost and continue to guard such a tomb.

No one knew what Changle was thinking at that time.

Anyway, the final result was that he personally ended his life when he was 15 years old, and then left his soul in his body, turning himself into a somewhat strange living corpse.

He kept most of his soul in his head, then took out the soul of a little mouse that ran in from nowhere, crushed it, reshaped it, and then integrated his separated soul into the mouse's soul. In his soul, he let the rat's soul devour his own soul, and after completely erasing the consciousness of that weak soul, he integrated it into his body.

Because the weak soul has its own soul power, he can barely instruct his body to do something.

But at the same time, because his soul is the one being devoured, his body no longer belongs to him forever.

His head and neck became two separate entities, and because of this, his body could finally leave the tomb.

At that time, he gave the only order to his body, which was to kill all the people related to this matter, and then take their funeral objects and bury them together beside this large tomb as his funeral objects.

It was just such a slightly joking and naive sentence, but it finally became a reality.

Chang Le talked about her success with a smile, flying around in this space as if she was taking credit for it.

Of course, the only thing flying around is my own head.

Suzuran looked at his body, which was sitting there motionless, and then asked a question suspiciously.

"Then, why did you tie your body?" Chang Le's head floated over slowly, stopped in front of Lily Lane, and then said with some lamentation.

"Oh, there is no way, who made this guy eat too much, and gave birth to other thoughts?"

As mentioned before, the head and body have become two separate entities. This may seem simple, but in fact, the disadvantages are quite large.

For example, what Changle encountered now was that his body had other consciousnesses, which gave him a headache.

After all, although this body has become two separate individuals, each has its own, different soul.

However, this body is originally a whole after all, even if the two parties have generated different souls, in the subconscious, they still desire to be complete.

And the easiest way to get complete is of course the only way to go is to devour the opponent.

At first, his body was really good at completing this task. He killed the craftsmen who were directly involved in this matter, killed the receptionists and guards who conveyed and gave gifts, and also killed the princess who had become the royal palace. The originator of the master and her son.

Well, of course, a lot of maids, servants, servants and the like died among them.

Even, such a body that had just given birth to consciousness, still relied on the plan that Chang Le had instilled in him, and killed the Taoist priest who had become the national teacher at that time, and his next disciple and servants step by step.

After completing all this, the body brought all the ghosts and carried many funerary objects back together, and then built the outer circle of palaces.

Yes, those ghosts outside are all the people who died back then.

These people seem to be living a pretty good life now. At least, compared to such a 'single room', the outside is pretty good.

But in fact, no matter how glamorous it looks on the outside, in the end it is just a puppet in Changle's hands.

Changle doesn't care about them, they can live their own lives.

But once Chang Le is unhappy, then the mountains of swords and seas of fire are just a matter of his words.

Chang Le was now smiling, and seemed to be happy again, even if she had a pair of empty eyes, she didn't care, Ling Lan looked at it, and finally changed the eyes back.

This pair of pupils, Lily Lan thought it was strange before, but now it seems that it makes sense.

To put it bluntly, the tomb guard boy is also a ghost, and the red, ghost-like eyes are also normal.

But who prevented Chang Le from dying? On this basis, it is normal that the original eyes did not disappear.

After Ling Lan pressed the two eyes on him with her own hands, Chang Le was obviously happier, and after wandering around for several times before returning to her body,

Seeing that he finally calmed down, Ling Lan repeated her previous question again.

"So, can you tell me now, whether there were people like us here before?"

Changle blinked his big eyes, then smiled.


"...What about them?"

Chang Le continued to smile. Just when everyone else's backs were getting cold from waiting, Chang Le turned his head and looked at the group of students in the corner, licking their wounds alone.

"Haven't they all met?"

The students froze when they heard this, and then their expressions became a little unnatural.

As for Chang Le, he also showed a distressed look.

"In the beginning, it was only a few cemeteries on the outskirts. They were built there, and the bodies of those buried with them were placed there. You know, according to the way dignitaries were buried with them at that time, there were quite a lot of 'people' buried with them."

The 'people' mentioned here are of course not living people. After all, except for a few people, not many people really like to be buried with others.

What's more, at that time, servants and slaves were also a kind of property, and no one would kill a loyal servant just to bury the dead.

So later, a thing called a doll was derived.

At the beginning, this kind of doll was only used by some folks, for example, a full-length statue of a good-looking woman was buried with a bachelor.

For example, a childless woman is buried with a statue of a baby.

At the beginning, this kind of atmosphere was only among the common people, but gradually, it became popular among the rich and powerful.

In the beginning, they were simple clay sculptures, but later on, more and more people used more exquisite sculptures, some made of clay, and some with exquisite ceramic craftsmanship. Among them, wood carvings are of course indispensable.

Generally, such funerary objects will be placed in other graves, and the funerary objects of these people are certainly no exception.

In fact, those things are really useless to the dead, they are just a kind of sustenance for the living, and they are really useless ornaments for the dead.

So even if the things on the periphery were dug out, the 'people' inside these tombs would not react at all.

After all, after so many years, many of those things have been exposed to the outside, and it is almost a matter of time before someone discovers them.

But no one expected that those things would be dug out as soon as they were dug out, and the next day someone would come to dig up the main tomb. What the hell is that? !
Breaking ground on the head of the weakest group of thousand-year-old ghosts, this is simply not wanting to live!

Of course, it’s not clear whether those people really don’t want to live or are they just being stupid. In fact, they don’t need to know. Anyway, those who dare to come have basically entered the stomachs of these ghosts. .

After eating all the people, these ghosts learned from the group of trapped ghosts, what are these people, archaeological...

By the way, when archaeologists visited other people’s tombs, have they ever asked the dead people?

In fact, when Chang Le said this paragraph, many people's expressions were a bit hard to explain. Even Linglan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and then remained noncommittal.

In fact, most of the time, what archaeologists really excavate are those cemeteries that have suffered damage and can only be 'repaired'.

But obviously, for such a group of evil ghosts and corpses who have eaten people clean, there is no difference between saying this and not saying it.

(End of this chapter)

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