Chapter 336

There is really something to eat in Lily of the Valley's backpack, a pack of small biscuits, sugar-free, something girls would eat when they want to lose weight.

The biscuit didn't taste good, at least the boy didn't like it very much, but maybe he was really hungry, and even though it tasted bad, he swallowed it in the end.

Lily of the Valley fed the biscuits one by one. After the biscuits were finished, the boy pursed his lips and spoke again.

"Since you gave me something to eat, then I will give you a piece of news."

Lily of the Valley put the remaining packing bag into her backpack, and acted as if she was listening attentively.

The boy moved his limbs, and the sound of the chains colliding was very clear in this empty space. He said the following words with a smile.

"Here, you can only enter but not exit."

The students who were still standing at the gate and on the only step without water heard this and couldn't believe it for a moment. They subconsciously wanted to refute, and some even turned around and went out to show that person.

However, the door was obviously open, but they could not get out. It looked like they had stepped out at the moment, but when their feet landed, they would look like they had entered.

The door seemed to be trapped in an endless loop, no matter what they did, they couldn't break this loop.

Suzuran looked at the students' attempts, thought for a while and nodded to the boy. She even smiled at the boy.

"Thank you."

The boy didn't expect Lily of the Valley to behave like this, which made him a bit temperamental.

"You know you can't get out of here?"

"This is a prison cell, isn't it?"

While saying this, Lily Lan reached out and touched the huge chains that bound the boy.

Cold, hard, such a thick chain, used to bind such a person, it is obviously not easy here.

The boy was a little surprised by Suzuran's answer.

"Hey, then why did you come in?"

Lily of the valley smiled at the boy, and said very frankly.

"Nothing, just curious."

Perhaps because Suzuran's thoughts were strange, the boy smiled and didn't say anything.

Those students were trying constantly at this time and didn't even notice the situation on their side.

However, no matter what kind of attempts, the final result is nothing, which makes these students extremely irritable.

Some people even started talking nonsense.

"Damn, damn, damn! What the hell is going on! Damn, filming, filming, filming, all fucking scum!"


"Damn it! It's all you, if it weren't for you, how could we have come to such a ghostly place!"

"We should have chosen to retreat before, so we might not be able to leave here! It's all you! Tell me, who are you! No, no, you must be a ghost, yes, you are a ghost in disguise, say , what on earth do you want to do!"


In such a chaotic situation, Ling Lan waved her hand calmly, and the long sword appeared in her hand.

Then, with such an understatement, she waved, and the originally calm ice water suddenly rushed towards the students with a pouring force. Then, those students who were still yelling were rushed out by the current before they could stand still!
Yes, just rushed out.

Everyone who had been spinning around in place no matter how they walked before, was sent out by Linglan all of a sudden.

Seeing this, Ling Lan snorted coldly, and then said two words in an incomparably noble and glamorous voice.


With just such a move, the people outside were directly fooled.

out, out!
The people who had been talking nonsense before were only concerned about being happy at this time, and they were all happy, as if they had escaped from the sky.

As for lily of the valley, no one could see how coerced lily of the valley was.

Your sister, can't you go out as agreed?It's so simple to get people out, garbage, bad reviews!
Ling Lan slandered in her heart, but she did a good job on the surface, at least most people really couldn't see Ling Lan's inner activities.

As for the boy, his face was full of amazement at the moment.

After confirming that those people had really gone out, some expressions of interest appeared on his face.

"How did you do it? This seal was made by the Great Master. Even if thousands of years have passed, it cannot be broken by ordinary people."

Ling Lan turned her head, looked at the boy, and asked an irrelevant question under the boy's eager eyes.

"who are you?"

The boy blinked, then blinked again, and said innocently.

"I don't remember, I think I may have lost my memory."

"...You also mentioned the Great Master and the seal before."

"Really? Maybe, I lost my memory in the last moment."

The boy blinked his eyes mischievously. Suzuran thought for a while, but she didn't ask about this. She just took out the mobile phone in her backpack, opened it, looked at it, and then called out the camera to show herself and herself. The guy took a selfie.

The selfie image is not very good. After all, it is dark here, the light is not enough, and the magnetic field here is very problematic. The image quality of the camera itself is also constantly mobilized and distorted. The things that are photographed can barely be seen It's just two figures.

As for what it looks like, it is basically invisible.

Lily Lan was very dissatisfied with this photo, but she didn't delete it, but took another photo with her phone.

This time when I took the photo of Lily of the Valley, I specially chose the angle and light, but it didn't have much effect.

She looked around, and then said to Bobo and Wang Daniu who were still standing there.

"Come here, take out your phones and pull up the flashlight app."

The two were scolded by Lily of the Valley before, but now they are very obedient.

Suzuran asked for the flashlight app, so they turned it on, and suddenly the space became brighter.

She asked the two people to point the light at the two of them, and then when the screen on the mobile phone was no longer so blurry, she pressed the shutter button.

This is a photo without any quality, but Suzuran is quite satisfied with it.

Then, Ling Lan insisted on pulling Wang Daniu and Bobo into a posing action, took dozens of photos with the man, and played with the man. , The starting process is simply heartbreaking.

For some unknown reason, this young man was tied up here, and he had to avoid others to look at the camera to take a picture, and then he had to smile more naturally.

God knows, why the boy is smiling so unnaturally!

The young man pouted, and after thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at Suzuly, who was looking at the space. After thinking for a while, he said something abruptly.

"My name is Chang Le."

Ling Lan's gaze paused for a moment, and then turned to Chang Le.

Chang Le saw that Ling Lan turned her attention to herself again, and started to smile.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something, Ling Lan curled her lips, then turned her head and continued to look at her.

"never heard of that."

Such a simple four words directly choked the young man speechless.

Just when they took the boy as a tourist attraction and took various photos together, there was a sudden sound of howling ghosts and wolves outside.

At first, Ling Lan was just vigilant, but after listening to those voices for a long time, there was no change, so she couldn't help being a little suspicious, raised her feet and walked two steps over the water, before she reached the door, a few A boy in disheveled clothes rushed in through the door first, and then only the woman's screaming sound was left in those howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Then, some female students also ran in, but their appearance was obviously much worse than that of the men. Most of their clothes were scratched, and some women had scratches of various sizes on their bodies. Even the most serious one, when he rushed in, half of his body became stained with blood.

Suzuran's brows jumped and she strode outside. She quickly climbed up the steps and looked outside.

However, what she could see was a group of evil spirits surrounding something as if they were tasting together. When Linglan looked carefully, she happened to see an evil spirit slightly raised up, and half of his palm appeared on his mouth!
Suzuran's eyes narrowed, then she turned around and started counting people.

Sure enough, one was missing.

Ling Lan once again set her sights on Chang Le, but at this time Chang Le felt a little sleepy.

He drooped his eyelids, feeling a little lazy because he didn't want to talk to people. It has to be said that a good-looking person is definitely a big advantage.

At least, with such Changle in front of her, she didn't feel itchy to strike a sword and confirm his type.

Tightening the hand holding the long sword, Lily Lan silently added an affirmation in her heart.

Well, not really.

Chang Le also sensed Ling Lan's gaze, raised her eyelids to look at Ling Lan, and then said indifferently.

"Don't worry, it's just walking around at night outside."

Changle said it in an understatement, but Linglan couldn't really regard this as an unimportant matter.

After all, a person has died.

When the people who were chased by these ghosts to heaven and earth heard what Le Tian said, some people exploded immediately.

These people now ignored Letian's weirdness and rushed forward to beat Chang Le up.

However, a fist was thrown out and hit Chang Le right in the face.

However, Chang Le's head seemed to be broken from the beginning. After being hit for such a short time, his head flew out!

To be honest, this scene is still very impactful, especially the sudden burst of hot blood and the still twitching corpse. The lips of the young man who hit the person moved, so that he could hear the scream on his lips. Swallowed.

Kill, kill!

That boy is obviously out of proportion now, and he wants to do something to make up for it right now, but things are already like this, everyone is watching what happened before, and he can't just talk about it can pass.

And just when the boy was about to cry out of fear, a burst of pleasant male laughter resounded in this small space.

"Hahaha, oops, you guys are so funny, look at your expression, hahahahaha."

Lotte obviously had a great time playing, he is not a real creature after all, and Lily of the Valley is not even sure whether he is alive or not.

Therefore, after his head was blown off, Suzuran acted very calmly. Even though Suzuran, who was laughing wildly, wanted to throw him out, she still did nothing.

Chang Le smiled, perhaps because he found that other people were looking at him with strange eyes, he laughed for a long time but no one responded, so he slowly stopped laughing, and then expressed a very puzzled expression. looked at them.

"Um, why are you looking at me like this?"

The boys and girls who witnessed the previous scene, even if they knew that this place was abnormal, the impact they saw with their own eyes was huge.

Even if they saw those resentful souls before, even one of their companions was killed.

But it's one thing to be caught and eaten, quite another to see someone's head blown out and back again.

Changle's smile finally became a little sarcastic, but it brought out some puzzled emotions, as if he didn't understand why these people didn't smile.

At this moment, the students' three views need to be re-established, so the child's eyes are a little dazed, and he said it well before.

Ling Lan didn't force these children, but just waved the long sword in her hand twice, and then asked Chang Le.

"What the hell are you?"

Chang Le blinked her big eyes, as if matching with Ling Lan's uncertain tone, she also lowered her voice and said.

"Well, maybe I'm human."

Lily of the valley gave the other party a blank look, and then continued to do her own thing.

In fact, there are some clues on this wall. At least Suzuran has sent some traces of murals from this wall.

It's just because this space is often soaked in water that the 'murals' on the wall look a little blurry. Lily of the Valley struggled to draw on it with her finger, and finally confirmed it with a guess. , the paintings on this wall should be runes.

Moreover, this is not a simple rune, but a huge rune, a huge rune that occupies a wall.

The original material used for this rune cannot be studied, but Suzuran really felt the huge energy fluctuations in it.

A water prison, huge runes, boys tied with chains, and those who specially lured them here. What exactly do they want to do in this mission?
Lily's head was spinning non-stop, but on the other side, Changle saw that Lily's ignoring him, so he moved his neck and got his head off again.

(End of this chapter)

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