Chapter 331

Life is getting worse and worse.

Lily of the valley was lying on the eaves, quietly looking down, those people who started climbing rocks on foot with one hand, bared their fangs at them.

Yes, tusks.

Lily of the valley looked at that 'person' indifferently, and then inevitably showed some disgust on his face, and finally turned his gaze away.

Spicy eyes!
When did the original human appearance of these disaster victims begin to change?

Ling Lan once again lamented the mutation of these disaster victims, but when she turned her head and looked at the staggering people who got up from the ground with stiffer limbs, she looked at the person who was about to climb up with a mouth full of fangs. I also feel that this one looks more like a human...

Three days ago, the suppression army was defeated, and the reason for the defeat was also very simple, because there was no supply.

Yes, the suppression army, with more than 3 people, was easily integrated into the victims.

It's just that, unlike those disaster victims who have 'evolved' fangs, those repressive troops have a more rigid posture, but they can jump higher and have greater strength.

Among them, the most weird ones are those military prostitutes.

If we say that military prostitutes are the saddest thing in the army, then the military prostitutes after the 'mutation' give people a feeling of 'human beings are neither human ghosts nor ghosts'.

Well, how to say.

Ling Lan was 'fortunate' to take a look at those military prostitutes before, but the look from a distance gave her a different sense of shock.

Her breasts are half-exposed, she still wants to talk, her teeth are bright and white, and she is naturally charming.

These military prostitutes are now like those legendary ghosts who can suck the essence of young men, and the looks they bring out when they tease make people yearn for turmoil.

These military prostitutes are now in the original army, together with those soldiers with stiff postures, singing and singing every night.

Well, yes, those soldiers don't know what's going on, it's so simple that they don't need to eat!
If the previous disaster victims made Ling Lan feel that "the changes were too fast", then these soldiers gave her a sense of empathy beyond common sense.

This made Ling Lan even more convinced of her determination not to let Bobo and Wang Daniu appear in the sight of this group of people.

At the same time, she also began to plan another residence.

As the saying goes, the three caves of the cunning rabbit. Now that the situation is so urgent, it is impossible for them to stay in the dry riverbed of the underground river. It is uncertain when the underground river will come in, so what should they do?

Therefore, Lily of the Valley needs to find a safer place as soon as possible.

Originally, Ling Lan thought that this place might not be easy to find, but in fact, she was prepared to find it for a long time.

But who would have thought that a coincidence would actually lead her to find a suitable place.

It's just that although this place looks good, if you want to live there, you need to tidy it up.

At the same time, while Lily Lan was tidying up the place, she also began to think about the future.

So, after tidying up the place, when they came home at night, Lily of the Land and Bobo said that they were going out for a while.

Regarding the matter of Lily Lane's departure, Bobo's face was pale at first, and he was somewhat opposed.

But Ling Lan didn't listen to her at all, after persuading her to no avail, Bobo had no choice but to agree.

It's dangerous outside, in fact, there is no need for Suzuki to say, Bobo also vaguely knows about it.

Don't think that she doesn't know anything because she is hiding underground. Wang Daniu is much better now, and sometimes he will have some sober time. Of course, she who has been taking care of Wang Daniu has also talked with him.

So even if Lily of the Valley doesn't say anything, Bobo knows that the outside world has become a world where people eat people.

Originally, she didn't worry too much about Ling Lan's ability to act like she always did. After all, in her heart, Ling Lan has always been a very powerful person.

But just recently, when Lily of the Valley came back, she would come back with injuries. There was even one time when she came back, she was covered in blood. Although the blood was not her own, such a shocking appearance still made Bobo feel Fear.

This time Lily of the Valley was leaving, Bobo prepared a lot of dry food for her, and basically brought all the best things at home to Lily of the Land.

But after Ling Lan took a look, she just shook her head, casually took two pieces of dry crispy rice from it, and was about to leave.

She doesn't need those things, so instead of giving them to her, it's better to keep them and make up for Wang Daniu who has only one breath left.

Lily of the valley left without delay, leaving only Bobo in fear every day.

It took half a month for Ling Lan to leave, and within half a month, only Bobo and Wang Daniu were left in the underground river. As for the big bird, he was killed by Bo Bo on the third day after Ling Lan left. I ate it.

There is nothing that can be done about it. After Suzuran leaves, no one will find food for the big bird. Moreover, when Suzuran left, she also said that after eating the hay, she would kill the big bird. Don't let it lose its flesh.

Bobo was very obedient, and after killing the big bird, he ate the big bird with soup. After eating this big bird for a long time, the taste was still very good.

As for the past half month, the only good thing was Wang Daniu's injury.

Wang Daniu, who was half-dead before, has improved a lot in the past half month, and even has the energy to sit up and chat with Bobo for a while.

Every day when Wang Daniu was awake, Bobo wiped away his tears and told him about Lily of the Valley, and as he talked, sometimes Wang Daniu couldn't help sighing and then wiped his tears, talking about the hardships outside and the dangers of war. .

In this way, the final result is likely to be two people hugging each other and crying together.

This is what Ling Lan saw when she finally came back.

Ling Lan, who was carrying a big burden on her back, was a little speechless about this, and she didn't know whether it was better to go out first or go in to rest.

In the end, it was Bobo who came to his senses first, and rushed forward, looking up, down, left, and right, afraid that Ling Lan might be injured.

Lily of the Valley lost weight.

This is Bobo's most intuitive feeling.

Seeing that Bobo was about to cry again, Lily of the Valley quickly put on an appearance of surrender, and said in a good voice.

"Okay, put away your tears, I'm afraid of you."

Ling Lan nodded to Wang Daniu who was lying awake on the bed, and after getting a grateful and excited smile from the other party, she took off the package she was carrying on her back and said to Bobo.

"Look at what I brought back for you. Now that the outside world is in a recession, there are disaster victims everywhere. In the past half a month, I have traveled to three cities, and all the nearby cities have become disaster cities. I don't know what the government can support. when."

Put down the heavy package and open it, revealing half a bag of rice and half a fan of dried pork.

Bobo stopped crying at this time, and quickly squatted down to check those things.

These things are very well preserved, and the rice is also good rice. Apart from some yellowing, there is no enzyme growing out. It can be regarded as a rare good thing in this period.

Seeing that Bobo's attention was being diverted, Ling Lan also smiled and found a place to sit down, stretched her arms and legs, and said as if chatting about homework.

"I've found a new place, Bobo, you'd better prepare well, we may be moving at some point."

Saying this, Lily of Lily turned several plans in her mind, and finally overturned what she said before.

"Actually, there's no rush. It's relatively safe here, but we can't hide here all the time. Let's see the timing. If the timing is right, we'll move."

If it is not suitable, we will live here for a while.

Saying so, her eyes were on Wang Daniu.

"Brother Wang's injuries should be almost healed."

Wang Daniu nodded quickly when he heard Ling Lan talking about himself, and then said anxiously and at a loss.

"Yes, much better."

After finishing speaking, Wang Daniu said with a little embarrassment.

"Really, I'm sorry to bother you."

He is a big man, and he should have protected two weak women when he encountered such a thing.

But who would have thought that he was the most useless person, first he was taken away, then he came back crippled, and after he came back he became a burden.

Thinking of this, Wang Daniu's expression became a little sad involuntarily.

Linglan didn't care about Wang Daniu's fragile little thoughts. In fact, she was no longer in the mood to think so much at the moment. She was spread out on the chair with the cold wall behind her, but it was such an uncomfortable place that made her My mind, which had been tense for half a month, relaxed a lot.

When Bobo and Wang Daniu didn't hear Ling Lan's voice for a long time, when they turned their heads to look over, Ling Lan had already closed their eyes and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Suzuran didn't look very comfortable sleeping in this position. Bobo quickly went to help Suzuran make a bed. The uneven bed was covered with thick mats. After doing this, she wanted to put Suzuran on. Lan yelled and went to sleep on the bed.

But in the end her action was stopped by Wang Daniu.

Ling Lan was really exhausted, such a big movement didn't wake her up, instead of letting her go to bed now, it's better to let her sleep until she wakes up naturally, and then go to bed.

Ling Lan slept for a long time, and she woke up in a daze when she was eating at night.

When meeting Bobo's delighted eyes, Lily of the Valley was still a little confused.

In fact, in Suzuran's perception, she just closed her eyes and then opened them again.

During the period when she fell asleep, she seemed to be dead, completely unconscious, so she had no sense of time.

From this, it can be seen what kind of life she has lived in the past half month.

But Ling Lan, when facing Bobo and Wang Daniu, didn't mention a single word.

It's not that she deliberately whitewashed the peace, but that she really didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, she is different from Bobo and Wang Daniu. For Bobo and Wang Daniu, the extremely dangerous things are more natural for her.

After eating and drinking well, Linglan lay on the bed and slept comfortably all night.

When she sobered up, she was a hero again.

After coming back this time, Lily of the Valley took a rather lazy 'holiday'.

She would go out for a while every day and bring back some food.

The food she brought back was just enough for this day, less than the package she brought back on the first day, but still enough.

Linglan told Bobo and Wang Daniu that she brought back a lot of food this time and hid it where they would stay in the future.

Because she couldn't stay here for a long time, Ling Lan didn't think about transporting her things here.

As the days passed like this, Suzuran's originally somewhat casual expression gradually became tense. When she came back every day, there was more blood on her body.

Looking at Lily of the Valley like this every day, Bobo didn't react on the surface, and took good care of Lily of the Valley's basic necessities of life.

But behind the scenes, when it was only her and Wang Daniu, she couldn't help wiping away tears silently.

People's hearts are fleshy, not to mention that Bobo himself is an emotional person.

Lily of the valley has been living a rather exciting life these past few days.

Those disaster victims and the original suppressing army didn't know what kind of evil they encountered. They had been calm for a while, and they actually started a civil war!
Ling Lan felt that this group of people was simply unreasonable, especially since every battle would affect her, which is not so wonderful!
These things that are neither human nor ghost are becoming more and more sensitive now. At first, they could only feel her existence when they were in heat.

Now as long as she appears, this group of people will surround her.

At first, Ling Lan thought that this group of people were still in heat.

But when she was almost disfigured by the claws of these guys, she faintly felt that something was wrong.

These people obviously wanted to kill her.

The following days were spent in non-stop battles. Lily of the valley was in danger several times. Fortunately, her own strength was stronger than the strongest in this world. She can also run away.

In particular, this group of disaster victims couldn't help but bite their 'accomplices', especially when encountering the corpse killed by Lily of the Valley, they were like a pack of hungry wolves.

After being chased and intercepted like this, Linglan has developed her own way of survival after a long time.

However, facing such a large-scale and intensive siege, Lily Lan gradually couldn't help feeling a little bit strenuous.

And in order not to attract this group of people to their door, Suzuran's return home was postponed every day.

There was even one time when Lily of the Valley didn't come back for a whole day, and when she finally came back, she fell headfirst on the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

Such Suzuran made Bobo feel very distressed. Several times he wanted to go out with Suzuran, or ask Suzuran to stay at home and not go out.

But in the end, Ling Lan smiled and left them all behind.

Bobo's proposal is a joke in the eyes of Lily of the Valley, and Bobo is a fool in Lily's eyes, so it's most reassuring for her to stay at home.

As for the chance that Lily of the Valley wanted, it also came under Bobo's weeping eyes
(End of this chapter)

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