Chapter 323

This incident caused great turmoil in the village, but so what if someone resisted?Under the suppression of the majority of people, in the end this group of people did not make any waves.

And, subsequently, the group also targeted those who were more vulnerable.

Among them, Ling Lan's family bore the brunt of being brought out.

At the beginning, it was just soft grinding, some uncles and aunts came to their home to talk about this matter, and what they said was basically "good things" that didn't make much sense.

For example, their family is poor and they don’t have any spare money to do a dowry for the girls in the family. Also because of poverty, the family’s half-child is so old, and they don’t have a daughter-in-law Yunyun.

Afterwards, this group of people called the soldiers like flowers.

Different eras create different people and occupational status.

Among them, the military is obviously a profession with a big gap.

In ancient times, the status of soldiers was not high, and it was a trivial matter to suffer and be tired, and it was normal to be sick and injured, let alone pay them on time.

This kind of treatment, unless he can make a name for himself in the army, become an official or something.

However, even if you really become an official, your salary is much lower than that of an official of the same level.

However, these have become another kind of rhetoric among those who came to persuade them.

Among these populations, the so-called soldier no longer seems to be a dangerous career with no future, but has become a glorious career with an infinite future.

Ling Lan and the others are not fools, but after being bombarded like this for several days, one time, Ling Lan was weaving bamboo baskets in the yard, suddenly, Wang Daniu, who was bending bamboo sticks, said this.

"Or, I'll go to the army, it sounds good, and our life will be better in the future."

Ling Lan was stunned at the moment, especially when she saw Bobo's teary look, as if she was very moved, she was even more annoyed.

At that moment, Lily of the Valley was not polite, and directly gave the two of them a blow with bamboo sticks.

Although it didn't hurt at the moment, the two people were beaten a little bit.

"Please, you two, be sober, have you forgotten who we are? Going to serve as a soldier, we should think about how to live in the future! Serving as a soldier, three years, maybe it will be enough for you to die It’s been several times, don’t listen to what others say, you’ve been caught in it, don’t you know?”

The more Linglan talked, the more annoyed and funny she felt, she couldn't help but cast a blank look at the two of them.

According to Ling Lan's thinking, Wang Daniu didn't have to think about being a soldier, and being a soldier would be a pitfall for the three of them.

If other people go to the army to fight for a future, the three of them don't need it. They have a bright future, and the three of them don't need it. What they need is to survive!

Now that the matter of conscription has come out, I don't know what will happen afterwards.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan couldn't help but look down, and turned her head to ask Bobo.

"How's the charcoal burning going?"

Bobo was obviously awakened by Lily of the valley's words, and he looked a little ashamed, and said hastily after hearing Lily of the valley's question.

"It's not very good. It's hard to find suitable wood. It's either too thick or too thin. Too thick wood doesn't burn very well, and the same goes for too thin wood. And the charcoal burned is still broken, which is different from the wood you bought. kind of different."

Bobo is currently researching the method of burning charcoal with earthen squares, but the effect of this method is not very high, and the efficiency is also very low. Basically, after a busy day, he can't burn many semi-finished products.

Bobo's expression was a little depressed, but Lily of the Valley was very calm.

"It doesn't matter. These things are only for our own use. They are stored on the mountain for emergency needs. They don't need to be sold outside, so it doesn't matter if the quality is poor."

Coal is considered a relatively luxurious thing in this period, at least like their house, which usually burns some firewood and the like. If you want to buy coal in large quantities, don’t even think about it. , it is quite rare to be able to burn out some not-so-good colors.

While thinking this, Linglan set her sights on Wang Daniu again.

"Two days ago, they said they wanted to buy two piglets. Have you found a seller yet?"

Speaking of this, Wang Daniu's face turned bitter.

"No, the houses with piglets are almost selling now. These days, there is no need to worry about selling them. Many families want to raise some. Moreover, sows are obviously much more expensive than boars. We have no advantage in terms of price. "

Ling Lan thought for a while, nodded, and said to Wang Daniu.

"Since pigs can't be bought, forget it, and the time to produce meat is also long. I heard that the period for pigs to mature and be slaughtered in this period is longer than modern ones. Well, then try to buy some chickens and ducks and come back... Forget it, you just buy chickens and bring them back. Forget about ducks. Those are dirty to raise. Chickens can be sold in half size. It’s better to catch more hens and bring back one or two roosters. By then, they can reproduce by themselves."

It is very unwise to hunt in the mountains, because you can never know when you will be targeted by wild animals.

If you want to live comfortably and safely on the mountain, the best way is to reduce your activities outside.

There is their last escape route, and when they really reach that step, they must be fully prepared to hide.

After hearing this, Wang Daniu nodded.

Chickens were much cheaper to buy than pigs, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

However, just as he spit out this breath, there was a lot of noise outside their house.

Ling Lan sensitively sensed something was wrong, and just about to say something, someone knocked on the door of their house.

The other party knocked on the door very eagerly, the three of them looked at each other, and finally Wang Daniu opened the door.

The door opened, and the figure outside the fence could be seen.

There were quite a few people around the fence, all of them were strong male laborers, all of them looked at Wang Daniu with covetous eyes.

As for the man who banged on the wooden door of their house and wanted to knock the door down, he was wearing the clothes of a military master.

At the moment, Wang Daniu's heart skipped a beat, and his subconscious thought was to close the door.

But the people outside looked like they couldn't wait any longer, so they kicked it.

Although there was nothing wrong with that door, some people outside saw Wang Daniu's retreat, and immediately someone kicked down the fence of Wang Daniu's house and broke in directly.

The fence itself is surrounded by things like dead branches, and it has almost no defensive effect, and its value is more of a symbolic thing, used for enclosure or decoration.

Now he was kicked by someone, and several strong men hula-la surrounded him. At this time, even if Wang Daniu wanted to run, he had no choice.

The two women of Ling Lan wanted to come over, but at this time, some women rushed out from nowhere, saying, "Wang Daniu is going to go to the future." Be good, don't hinder the official's work ''Baby, think about your future husband's family, you get married but you don't even have the money for a new dress! '

As he spoke, he held down Suzuran and the others.

Lily of the valley's skills are good, but her body has not been strengthened (the encyclopedia can no longer be used), and she is no match for these women in terms of strength. A group of people surrounded her. What about this group of people, they were easily caught and held down.

Afterwards, Wang Daniu was taken away after struggling to no avail.

At the end, some 'folks' were still pretending to say something, 'it will be fine in the future. ''Daniu has grown so strong that he will be able to return home in the future. 'if.

However, the surviving life on that face, gloating and evasive, revealed their true thoughts.

After those people took Wang Daniu away, the women let Ling Lan and the others go.

During this period, Bobo wanted to pack some things for Wang Daniu, but he didn't let him. Even when he was taken away, Wang Daniu's feet were still worn out, and he just wore worn-out straw sandals at home.

To be honest, this group of people really disgusted Ling Lan and the others, but after Wang Daniu left and left the two of them, they didn't know what to do.

Now that Wang Daniu has been taken away, it can basically be said that it is a done deal. If he says he doesn't want to go now, he will basically be labeled as a deserter.

And these days, deserters will lose their heads!
Lily Lan and the others couldn't afford to gamble, and seeing everyone leaving again, Ling Lan could only grit her teeth, and took advantage of two or three days before the conscription, directly took out the only valuable land deed left at home .

Finally, on the last day of the conscript's departure, Lily Lan and Bobo caught up with the conscript's tail, and after stuffing some things, they saw Wang Daniu, who looked a little sluggish.

Wang Daniu has a tall head, a sloppy back, and a fierce face, so he didn't suffer much. Compared with the other looks who have obviously been beaten, he is already considered excellent.

When Bobo was crying, Linglan looked Wang Daniu up and down, and then, under Wang Daniu's red eyes, handed the package to Wang Daniu.

In fact, there is nothing particularly good in this package, except for two coarse clothes, ten pairs of shoes, a bottle of Dieda wine and a few packs of medicinal powder that help to regulate the body and supplement nutrition.

This kind of medicinal powder is actually not official, it was made by Lily of the Valley herself. She went to the prescription and prescribed some tonics for nourishing the body, and then took it back and made it into medicinal powder by herself.

The packages of these medicine powders are not big, and the medicine itself is not cheap, so it is very rare to be able to make such a few packages.

Seeing the package of things that Ling Lan sent, Wang Daniu couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears.

Wang Daniu said before that he would join the army, but now he was arrested and joined the army, but he started to suffer again.

But there was no other way, Ling Lan could only comfort her a few words, and then watched the group of people leave.

When all those people had left and there were no more people in sight, Bobo looked at Ling Lan weepingly, and asked in a low voice.

"Sister Linglan, what shall we do next?"

Ling Lan glanced at Bobo, her face was still expressionless casually, but she couldn't help but sighed in her heart.

There was nothing left in their house, only the little silver was still on Wang Daniu's body. Just now Wang Daniu told her pitifully that the little silver was robbed by the officers and soldiers.

In fact, these lily of the valley had thought of it a long time ago, so they bought the family's field at the first time, and then exchanged the money for Wang Daniu to buy some things and take them away.

She is different from Bobo. Although Bobo is an anchor, he is a little innocent. Although he has experienced so many things before, he has seen many people die tragically in front of him.

But this little girl was not tinged with despair, even after having Ling Lan as the backbone, she habitually listened to Ling Lan and Wang Daniu's words, and did her own things peacefully.

Although the little girl has worked very hard, she doesn't understand this era after all.

In this era, if there is no man in the family, it would be a disaster for the family of two unmarried girls.

Lily of the valley sold the field, in fact, to reduce the risk.

Sure enough, just as she thought, within two days, some relatives from unknown places came up.

At the beginning, he was still smiling, saying that he wanted to adopt these two girls.

But when they found out that the land at home was sold by Lily Lane and bought things for Wang Daniu, they all left with ashen faces. It's a loser, a lazy guy who knows how to lose his fortune.

Bobo had never seen this battle before, so he was a little confused.

But Linglan was not afraid and poured a lot of water directly from her ceramic pot.

These were said to be hot water, Ling Lan thought about it and mixed some cold water into it, tried it with her hands, it was a little hot, but it wouldn't really burn people.

Afterwards, she went out with the basin of water, and poured it on the other woman before the old woman could react.

Regardless of the old woman's yelling and cursing like killing a pig, she handed the water basin to Bobo, and picked up the big broom on the side for sweeping the floor. He kept yelling and cursing.

"Bah! You old woman with a mouth full of excrement!! My brother is still alive and well! Why are you crying in front of our house!! I think you are the dead star!! Brother Kefuke overpowers parents and overpowers children Embryo!! Wife! Don’t run away!! See if I don’t tear your dirty mouth!!!”

In an instant, Ling Lan seemed to be a different person, yelling like a shrew, chasing such a woman and ran half the village, basically everyone knew about this matter, Even those who wanted to fight, were beaten by Lily of the Land a few times and ran away.

At the same time, Lily of the Valley continued to yell.

"You shameless bastards!! My mother is an unmarried big girl!! You can get started with whatever the hell you are!! Come on, hooligans!! Report to the official!! Killed!!!!! "

Now, those boys who saw it didn't dare to do anything.

Don't think they dare to push Wang Daniu out of the tank, but if they really bear the name of an adulterer, it is absolutely impossible.

Not to mention that the government will not be able to spare me, even the reputation of my own village will be ruined by me, and the villagers will definitely not be able to spare their family by then.

 Sorry, you can read the previous chapter. I truncated the wrong paragraph yesterday. I am saving the manuscript recently.

(End of this chapter)

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