Chapter 315

"This beautiful lady, I wonder if I have the honor to treat you to a cup of afternoon tea?"

Ling Lan turned her head slightly, and looked at the person coming.

It was a man wearing a horse riding suit with a long sword hanging from his waist.

Ling Lan looked at the man indiscriminately. The man's voice was very gentle, but his smile was very hearty. It wasn't the nobleman's smile that had been practiced many times.

Moreover, he stood there with one hand casually resting on the hilt of the sword. His casual attitude did not seem to come from a noble family.

Ling Lan thought for a while, and unexpectedly frowned, then raised her right hand.

"I look forward to your reception."

The man grasped Lily's fingers in a good manner, then bent down slightly, and gently pressed his slightly thin lips on the back of her hand. When he finished, he seemed to have rubbed them lightly, and then he was reluctant to let go. opened.

"My pleasure, fair lady."

The two of them acted very harmoniously, but the fiancé's face became a little ugly.

The man walked in front, and Ling Lan followed behind the man, her gaze moved down inadvertently, and slowly placed on the bag hanging on the other's waist.

Through the bag, she could faintly see some black-purple light emerging from it, but no one else seemed to notice that the bag was special.

Ling Lan lowered her eyes, covering her deep thoughts, and then followed the man into the hotel.

This man is a bard, wandering in this country, knowing many things that others don't know.

It is a pleasure to chat with such a man, and Suzulan is also a person who is 'good' at chatting.

At least, she can be quite chatty when she wants to.

Therefore, in the eyes of her fiancé, Lily of the Valley chatted more and more speculatively with that 'wild man' who ran out of nowhere, and the expression on the face of this fiancé sitting at the next table was extremely ugly.

Fortunately, Lily of the Valley still remembered her purpose, and it didn't take long for the man to show her his 'trophies'.

His 'trophies' were all contained in that small bag, some of which were just inconspicuous things, such as beautiful stones, brightly colored leaves or petals.

These inconspicuous things have become vivid stories in this man's mouth, and Lily of the Valley listened very attentively.

Until, the other party took out a black crystal ball from the bag.

This crystal ball looked quiet in the man's hands, but in Suzuly's eyes, it exuded an unknown light.

Suzuran smiled and stretched out her hand, taking the thing from the man's hand gently as before, and the man easily let Suzuran take the thing in his hand just like before.

Well, things are in hand, she thinks she can leave.

As soon as she thought about it, a pulling force began to pull her back.

In the nick of time, she wanted to take the crystal ball into her own space and take it away. As for what would happen afterwards, she didn't care at all.

However, what she didn't expect was that she was about to leave, and the crystal ball didn't cooperate at all, and couldn't be received into the space at all!
In just a moment, Bedia's figure seemed to flash, and many people felt that they were dazzled.

Then, there was the sound of a crystal ball exploding, and the jet-black wraith suddenly flew out, roaring and sweeping across the entire hotel.

While everyone was screaming desperately, no one noticed that a faint light flashed in the eyes of the beautiful and dignified Miss Bedeya.

Ling Lan was pulled back into the portable space, seeing the golden door close in front of her, Ling Lan regretted that moment to death.

Your sister, at such a timing, she was taken away! ! ! !

Suzuran looked at her somewhat blurred soul and once again felt her pain.

At that time, the crystal ball wanted to occupy her body, but her body itself was her soul, the one without entity, and it was basically impossible for the consciousness in the crystal ball to seize it.

In the end, it was just the moment she pulled away, that consciousness bit off part of her soul power, maintained that 'body', and then the doves occupied the magpie's nest, and that consciousness replaced her own identity.

Lily of the valley suffered a bitter loss, it was absolutely impossible not to feel aggrieved.

But after being aggrieved for a while, thinking about what she had done in that world before, she didn't feel angry anymore.

Hehe, since you don't want to come back with her, you should have a good taste of the power of the wizards in that world.

Although it was only for a moment, Suzuran understood something.

That consciousness should have developed better than Lily of the Valley imagined, and it has even understood some truths, divided itself, separated its consciousness and resentment, and became an independent individual.

There are pros and cons to this approach.

The good thing is that it can be seized, just like ordinary souls.

But the bad thing is that its previous supernatural powers are not working anymore, and now she has almost no self-protection power except for those biochemical people.

Suzuran stood angrily in the space, imagining what she would face after that consciousness, and then hummed and adjusted herself.

It took her a while before she got over it.

But looking at her current appearance, she felt a little panicked in her heart.

This is not possible. Although it did not hurt Yuanyuan like before, the damage is not small to her. After thinking about it, she can only open the trading system again, and then look for a way to repair it.

However, in the process of searching, Suzuran's golden gate unexpectedly opened again.

Ling Lan looked at the golden gate that opened suddenly, and then looked at the dense list of trading products. Just when she was hesitating whether to choose first or enter the golden gate first, the opened golden gate unexpectedly closed slowly. driven by.

Now, Ling Lan didn't think too much, and walked in quickly.

Repairing the magic horse of the soul, even if this thing recovers itself, it is only a matter of time.

If you miss the Golden Gate this time, you don’t know when it will open next time.

However, it was only on her side that she had such thoughts. The moment she opened her eyes, she was so scared that she almost didn't regret coming here.

It wasn't that she saw something hot as soon as she opened her eyes, but the sudden, high-pitched scream that scared her heart almost to stop.

Suddenly sitting up from the bed, Lily of the Valley Linglan was terrified.

At this time, the jumping shadows of other people could be faintly seen in the darkness. Below her, there was also a "dong" impact sound and a girl's cry of pain.

"Fuck, it hurts."

"Damn it, in the middle of the night, that fool was yelling, he's going to die!!!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking, go and have a look, it's so miserable, something must have happened."

"Okay, let's not go out. What if something really happens?"

The people in the dormitory were all talking about it. After Suzuran took a breath, she began to accept this memory and task.

But after she finished accepting it, she was a little dazed.

Now Lily of the Land is a freshman, the kind who just started school not long ago.

Originally, I was relatively taciturn and a bit shy. After moving in for such a long time, I basically had no communication with everyone.

On the contrary, she is a diligent person, and she usually helps to clean up the hygiene in the dormitory, and her popularity in the dormitory is pretty good.

As for her mission this time, it is a bit cheating to say it.

This world is also a complete world, but the way of heaven in this world has not awakened, and even the rules seem relatively fragile.

And it was such a world that was actually targeted by alien creatures.

This thing is called the Death Train, and the train carries many evil spirits.

The train itself exists like a garbage dump.

These evil spirits are things that some worlds cannot digest. The death train makes deals with those worlds. If those worlds pay some price, the train will bring out these evil spirits and then 'dump' them into other worlds.

Of course, the destructive power of this evil spirit, which is so powerful that the world consciousness cannot be eliminated, is also very powerful. Basically, what the fallen world will face in the future is the path of destruction.

Evil spirits are greedy. They yearn for fresh life, but hate those fresh lives. Before breaking the world, they often have a feast of blood.

When Lily of the Valley came, the death train had just broken through the boundaries of this world, and the moment the evil spirits were overwhelmed.

There are no plane traders in this world. In fact, the reason why Lily of the Valley came to this world is because this world is a subordinate world of that chaotic world. There was a lost connection, so when this kind of thing happened, the world instinctively asked the chaotic world for help, and then lily of the valley was thrown over.

Lily of the valley's task is very simple, that is to kill those evil spirits.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is quite difficult to do.

The ability of the evil spirits was not strong at the beginning. After all, they were brought here by the train after passing through countless planes. In addition, the rules of the planes are also different. These evil spirits are rejected by the rules, so they The ability is not strong, and even some weak ones may be killed.

But as the baptism of blood increases, these evil spirits will become more and more powerful. In the end, these evil spirits will devour each other, and finally burst the world, turning into ashes in the turbulent flow of time and space.

As for why the train didn't just dump these things into the turbulent flow of time and space, the reason is actually very simple.

This is like raising voodoos. Those evil spirits are voodoos. After growing rapidly in a world, a voodoo king will appear.

And this most powerful evil spirit will erupt into a powerful raw energy stone at the moment of death.

This kind of rough stone is a kind of energy that is very close to the origin of time and space, and it is the energy that can run the death train.

Therefore, the train will wait outside the world, quietly waiting for the destruction of the world, and then collect as many rough stones as possible at the moment when the evil spirit explodes.

As for the rest, it will return to the turbulence of time and space to create more space.

It is also because it can feed back the energy of time and space that the existence of the death train will be acquiesced. Otherwise, no matter the power of the higher world, it can raise its hand and destroy it.

But now, Lily of the Valley has been involved in the task of "can't make a move, but the world can't be destroyed".

After smoothing her somewhat short hair, Ling Lan suddenly felt a bit of a headache.

The evil spirit's attack power and growth power are very strong, and she doesn't have much time left for her to recover.

Just thinking about it, she felt a sense of malice.

Lily of the Land was quick-witted, and then quickly jumped off the bed, looked at the corridor from the window above the door, the corridor was very bright, it looked like there was nothing wrong with it.

However, it was unusual for the screams to be so loud and the corridor so quiet.

Lily of the Valley jumped off the bed without making a sound, and then tried to turn on the light.

Naturally, the lights in the room cannot be turned on.

The room was pitch black, and only a dark shadow could be seen vaguely. This kind of darkness was abnormal, and Lily of the Valley was a little vigilant.

On the contrary, the sound of the switch being pressed attracted the attention of the people in the room, but the expected turning on of the lights did not occur, which made the roommate who was still frightened couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"What's wrong? Did the power go out?"

"Impossible, the lights outside are still on, why stop?"

"Please, this lamp won't be broken, isn't it still good before?"

"Honey, can you stop talking? I feel a little scared. Which one of you has a flashlight?"

"Wait, it's in my phone, wait a minute, I'll look for it. Oh, where's my phone?"

"...Damn it, my phone is gone too, I remember it was next to the pillow, and I was still reading novels before going to sleep."

"Mine too, no, it's gone, who took it? God, this joke isn't funny at all!"

Listening to the sound of the girls flipping, Suzuran reached out and tried to touch the 'bright' glass on the door.

It was so close to the light, but her hand was still a black shadow.

This feeling is very strange, as if the light outside has nothing to do with this room.

She also tried to open the door, but the door seemed fake. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open it.

At this time, some girls couldn't bear it anymore and cried anxiously.

It was a bit unbearable. I jumped out of bed and tried to open the door like Suzuran, but no matter whether the person bumped into the door or otherwise, he couldn't shake the door.

(End of this chapter)

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