Chapter 313

What is lily of the valley doing now?
She is now in her room playing with her encyclopedia.

In fact, Ling Lan's mission was basically completed after she destroyed the magic circle. In fact, as long as she wanted, she could leave immediately.

However, she stayed now because of the crystal ball that rolled in before.

She needs to find it, at least, she needs to understand its current state.

Originally, that thing should have some connection with her.

But now, the induction has disappeared. You don't need to think about it to know that the seal must be broken.

And after the seal is broken, what will that thing look like?

If possible, Ling Lan also hopes that the other party can have a better ending, for example, by chance, she enters a reincarnation.

The reincarnation in this world is not so easy to enter, people who are not in this world, after death, their souls will not be accepted by the world.

Maybe it won't dissipate for a while, floating in this world.

But as time goes by, the final outcome will eventually dissipate.

Only with the approval of this world can one enter the reincarnation of this world.

Perhaps, for that newborn soul, entering the cycle of this world is also good, at least, it will truly 'exist'.

However, this is just a delusion. If you want to hide it from Heaven, the difficulty is close to zero.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, she needs to find her as soon as possible.

Time was tight, so she used the encyclopedia as soon as she came up.

This kind of petty behavior under the nose of Tiandao will attract Tiandao's rejection, but she can't care about that.

Fortunately, she was blessed by her own merits and good luck, so she was so 'public', and the Dao of Heaven didn't really strike her to death.

However, the encyclopedia calculated and calculated, but the final result was very vague.

Ling Lan held a map that could be described as graffiti, and after studying it for a while, she could barely confirm that the place where the crystal bead was broken should not be far from where she was.

As for where it is...

Ling Lan shook the piece of paper in her hand, looking a little helpless.

This range is a bit large, and she feels that she should give herself a hang up.

Ling Lan was thinking about these things, but over there, the manager Wei Han came to the door in person, said a few words of courtesy, brought some daily necessities, and then told Ling Lan about the illegitimate child who was outside.

After Ling Lan heard this, the expression on her face didn't change much. After rewarding Wei Han, she raised her brows and her expression became a little unpredictable.

There have always been many illegitimate children among nobles.

Even, many of today's great nobles are held by 'illegitimate children'
However, even though that is the case, as the future 'principal wife', Suzuran still needs to have an attitude at this time.

Lily's current attitude is very important, if she really keeps silent, then both good and bad comments will come one after another.

And if her actions are too big and the situation becomes unmanageable, the consequences will not be very beautiful.

Therefore, Lily of the Valley's attitude is very important, and the degree of control is also very critical.

In the end, Linglan thought and thought, and took out some high-grade fabrics and fine blankets suitable for babies, and then summoned a tall and beautiful maid, and after a few instructions, she asked her to give these things to that 'Xidang' Dad's fiancé sent it.

In other words, the fiancé's side is simply the first and the second big.

He followed the wizard's traces, but later lost track of him and came directly to this town to rest.

The carriage, the servants, the maids, and the gods are all behind. For a while, the children are crying and making noises, and he is really worried to death.

If it was said that he still had half a sympathy for the woman who kicked him, then now, amidst the crying of the child, this half sympathy has disappeared.

Even, in his heart, he had vaguely equated that woman with her disgusting mother.

And at this moment, there was a knock on their door.

After the other party knocked on the door, he pushed the door open without waiting for the person inside to speak.

At this time, the fiancé was in a bad mood, seeing this posture, a glint of anger flashed across the connection.

But then, after seeing clearly that the person who came in was his fiancé's personal maid, at the moment, this bit of anger was suppressed back.

In particular, seeing the maid's appearance as if she was holding back something, she felt a bit guilty at the moment.

But in this case, it was impossible for him to speak first, and in the end his chief guard greeted him with a smile.

With this appearance, I originally wanted to say a few words of pleasantries first, to ease the atmosphere.

But the maid didn't want to say anything at all, she just made a gesture to the receptionists behind her, and then the things Lily Lan ordered to be delivered were brought in smoothly.

They are all made of extremely soft fabrics. Even if a lady from a noble family wanted to use them, they wouldn't be able to use them much, and those from commoners would be undesirable.

These fabrics are of course the best for babies, not to mention the extra soft blankets.

Although there are only two blankets, this blanket is the size of an adult's bedding, which is enough for a baby. When these things were brought in, even the fiancé, who was on fire, couldn't help but soften his expression. It also brought some embarrassment and guilt.

However, before he could speak on this side, the maid on the other side saw that the person had put down the things, so she saluted her fiancé with a cold face, and said in a stiff tone.

"This is what the young lady asked to deliver. The young lady said she would talk to the Marquis about this matter."

After finishing speaking, the maid ignored the people in the room, turned around and left without even closing the door.

In the end, the receptionist who came in smirked and closed the door behind him.

At that moment, the fiancé had a bitter face, and pulled his hair, his expression was completely bitter.

However, looking at these things that Linglan sent, the fiancé still thinks they are very useful.

The things Suzuran sent were quite on point.

If you have money, you will definitely not be short of such things as food. If it is not possible, it is enough to invite a few wet nurses to come back to feed them.

But this kind of soft fabric is not available in such a small place, even if he is rich, he will not be able to think about it in a short time.

But at the same time, this kind of fabric is also very important for babies, not to mention other things, it is diapers, you can't just use that one piece and not give it to others.

Don't talk about using rough cloth to make do with it. Those cloths are very rough, and the children have delicate skin and tender flesh. Common people don't have that condition. He is the first heir to the Marquis. If he also uses that thing for his own children, no matter what. Whether it's for face or liking, he won't do it.

However, the things that Ling Lan sent made her fiancé extremely satisfied, and after these satisfactions, she felt even more guilty.

He is not the kind of ignorant person who knows what kind of impact this incident will cause.

Leaving aside his own reputation, even Bedeya, an unmarried wife, will attract a lot of criticism.

The fiancé regrets this, and immediately thinks about paying for it.

But Suzulan didn't have time to talk to him and didn't let him in.

My fiancé knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't care. Instead, he waited for his carriage to arrive and had someone send him a lot of precious jewelry.

As for himself, he was already a bit battered by the trouble.

The maids who followed him were said to be maids, but in fact they were basically mistresses used to warm the bed, but now that he is not married, it is too obvious that this kind of thing can't be done, so these women are allowed to bear the burden. The name of a maid.

But now that these women had arrived, he thought he could relax a bit.

But who would have thought that after seeing the child, these women would start crying one by one, which made him so annoyed that he couldn't help it.

And not only that, he just got rid of those women's monsters, and Grandi appeared out of nowhere.

For his cousin, the fiancé is completely convinced, and now he wants to let this cousin go far away, not the kind of meeting.

But who would have thought that although this cousin had a sad expression, as if she could cry at any time, she brought a lot of baby products, as if she was going to be a 'stepmother'.

I go! ! !son!You cheated, you know? ! ! !
The fiancé's side was in a state of desperation, but Ling Lan's side was already planning to leave.

Wei Han wanted to take his young lady back. In fact, the capital had already sent someone over after receiving the information, and someone would come to pick up this young lady in a short time.

But Ling Lan told Wei Han that she wanted to have a look around before getting married, and for this reason, she sent a letter to her father.

It explained the fiancé's matter, and also stated that she could not pursue this matter and let her father decide everything.

But the prerequisite is that she must be allowed to relax outside.

In fact, if something like this happens, not only the fiancé is afraid that something will happen to Suzuran, but the Bedeya family is also afraid that something will happen to Suzuran.

After all, this kind of thing is hard to say, they want to strengthen the relationship between the two families through marriage, so they don't care about things like reputation.

But it was Ling Lan who was going to marry, the person involved, so they were all afraid that Ling Lan would be overwhelmed.

But now, Ling Lan has made this matter strict, and also explained that after she was willing to disclose her whereabouts to the family and just wanted to go outside to relax, her father still compromised, but in the end However, he still sent a team of people to 'protect' her, and set a date for her return.

This is also because the original owner disappeared suddenly, and the letter left behind was also vague, and did not clearly state her desire to 'elope'. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't be able to pass the level so easily.

Lily Lan left this matter, her fiancé only found out the next day, and Lily Lan's action literally threw the word 'dissatisfied' in his face!

Now my fiancé has no romantic thoughts. In his heart, he has even put the label of 'annoying' on women.

Originally, this fiancé was not very old, at the age of sixteen or seventeen, it was the age of some rebellion and going his own way.

Although the nobleman's upbringing is very good, but he is still young and there are not many city mansions.

After being harassed by women for such a long time, he didn't care about his demeanor at the moment, so he cut the mess with a quick knife, took advantage of his cousin's absence, and got money to send the four maids away, and then left overnight.

He can't stay in this place anymore, the most urgent thing to delay now is to catch up with Bedeya first, and then confirm her thoughts.

The marriage between the two families cannot be broken, and he needs to appease his fiancée first.

What he didn't expect was that he had just started on the road, and was rushing on the road, and the newborn baby fell ill!

To be honest, if it wasn't for his own flesh and blood, he would have the heart to strangle this evil person to death!

However, the child was sick and he could no longer continue on the journey. He could only find a place to rest first.

It just so happened that there was a village not far from here, and I happened to stay there for one night.

What was a bit surprising was that as soon as they arrived at the village, they saw Suzuran's carriage!
The fiancé was overjoyed, so he immediately asked someone to inquire about it, and after learning that Ling Lan and the others were really staying here, the child's suffering from illness also eased a lot.

It's not that Lily Lane really wants to stay here, it's that a deer she's dragging is sick. With other people around and unable to get livestock from the space, Lily Lane can only go to this village first. take a break.

As for the beasts used to pull carts, we can only send people to look elsewhere first.

This village is not big, and its conditions are not good.

But Lily of the Valley has all the things here, and after getting a controlled courtyard, they lived very comfortably.

But this day, just as Ling Lan was about to have dinner, there was a burst of weak crying of a baby outside.

When Ling Lan heard this voice, her expression became subtle for a moment.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the maid waiting beside him. The maid understood and lowered her head and went out.

When she came in, her fiancé was also brought in by her.

Suzuran didn't even look at the people who came in. She just ate by herself. Her posture was elegant and her body was dignified. At first glance, she looked like a well-bred aristocratic lady. In terms of etiquette, she couldn't fault anything.

However, such rigid dining etiquette also made the fiancé and his group feel a strong unwelcome attitude.

The fiancé touched his tall nose, the smile on his mouth was a bit bitter, but he still leaned forward cheekily, without waiting for the master of Lily of the valley to speak, he sat in front of Lily of the land, and tried to say said a word.

(End of this chapter)

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