Chapter 290

When their team arrived, the cultivator who had accepted the task of killing the female fish had already started fighting with the female fish.

The female fish looks ferocious, with many bulging bony spurs on its body, which bulge up when attacked, like a spike fortress.

Then they pout their mouths and spout large jets of water.

Sometimes, there are some male fish mixed in the water column, and after being sprayed out, the male fish will attack the practitioner.

Generally, when this happens, the scene will be more chaotic.

There is no way, who made the male fish only use one attack method - ice spikes all over the sky.

Once launched by the male fish, it will be an overwhelming attack, which is hard to guard against.

Those of them who took the task of stealing fish eggs are now standing on the high slope, and can completely overlook the scene below, with various magic weapons flying around. Many cultivators are a little dazed looking at such a scene.

On the contrary, the team of children led by Suzuran took action immediately.

It is said that the first shot hits the first bird, but in fact, facing this kind of situation, the first shot will get unexpected benefits.

After all, the female fish below are fighting with other cultivators, and their attention has been attracted. If we take action now, those female fish will be unable to react to a large extent.

After all, Linglan is also a person who is rich in battles, basically she doesn't need to be reminded, she can seize the opportunity very well.

Moreover, she has an advantage over others in that she can directly put the fish eggs into the space equipment, while others can only hold them in their hands or put them in bags, which is incomparable to Suzuli's harvest!

Their target is about the size of an apple, with an orange shell that feels a bit like cloth, and when picked up and shaken slightly, it feels like a water polo.

This is the coat of the fish eggs, and the real fish eggs are inside the coat.

There are a large number of fish eggs inside these coats, each about the size of a fingernail, and the number of fish eggs mentioned in the mission hall's assessment task is this kind of individual wrapped in coats.

There are at least tens of thousands of 'fish eggs' wrapped in coats in a puddle, but there are hundreds of them in a puddle of this size.

Sea beasts are very capable of giving birth.

If it is said that this sentence was only a relatively one-sided word in Ling Lan's mind, now she has a deep understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

Nima, the number of female fish that landed here is less than [-] at most, and they are not afraid of being "stuck to death" after laying so many 'eggs' in one go!
With a wave of Lily of the Valley's hand, a large number of 'fish eggs' were collected into her own space.

Don't look at it, it's just a look of envy.

Cosmos bags and other things are not uncommon. Sea beasts are not only their enemies, but also their resources.

As long as you find a suitable sea animal skin and peel it off, you can find the craftsman who made the Qiankun Bag in the city.

Moreover, because sea beasts are generally not small in size, and there are still a lot of them, each hunting can get a lot of such leathers. As long as there are contribution points, one person can make many such universe bags.

Of course, those who don't like the Qiankun Bag can also hunt sea beasts and extract their bones to make the Qiankun Ring. Not only will the area inside be larger, but it will also be easier to carry.

What's more, the cultivators registered in the city are not allowed to kill each other. The natal jade tokens in each cultivator's body have left traces in the city. The moment after death, the final picture will be sent back to the Anyone who violates this rule will be killed by the strong men in the city!

In the era of race survival, infighting is simply not allowed to exist!

Many destroyed continents are awakening others. If you don't want to follow in the footsteps of these people, the best way is to unite!

Therefore, even if these people saw Lily of the Valley using space equipment, they were only a little envious, and they didn't have any desire to rob.

After all, he would have these things himself, and newcomers who could take on such a task would not be spineless. Instead of competing with others, it is better to kill more sea beasts and get more resources from those sea beasts!

This is a world where there is no shortage of cultivation resources, and even a large amount of cultivation resources have to be wasted. As time goes by, seldom take "cultivation resources" to heart.

As long as you have the strength, what resources will you not have in the future?
It was also for this reason that Lily of the Valley dared to do this. Collecting one puddle by one puddle, three puddles were emptied in a blink of an eye.

Although those females didn't have much wisdom, they were annoyed seeing Lily of the Valley being so blatant, and many females wanted to rush back to kill this little thief when they turned around!
But those cultivators who besieged them were not vegetarians. For such a large-scale task that requires many people to complete together, the most basic cooperation must be observed. Therefore, when a female fish attacked, many people helped to stop it. , and Ling Lan was able to escape because of the obstruction of these people.

However, even so, Lily of the Valley was sprayed by the female fish.

This kind of golden scale fish is also a kind of vengeful existence. Of course, they can't let go of this kind of thief who steals fish eggs. Seeing that they can't catch up, they immediately marked Lily of the Valley with a mouthful of saliva.

With such a mark, the lily of the valley cannot appear in the sea for at least three months, otherwise it will attract swarms of golden scale fish to retaliate.

But this is not a problem for cultivators. Since there is this kind of marking operation, of course there are businesses that can be spent a few contribution points and then washed away.

After so many years of hostility, the sea beasts are making progress, and the cultivators are not lagging behind either. These two parties are simply a collection of love, killing and mutual progress!

Lily of the valley left in a flash. To be honest, there was no room left in her portable space.

At this time, she suddenly remembered the mother system with a low sense of existence.

The mother system also came here with her soul, but there are not enough points there, and the mother system has not responded.

She found a place where no one was watching, slipped into the space while others were not paying attention, and then turned on the mother system.

The mother system was still the same as before. After thinking about it, she tried to put a fish egg into the grid, and then soon, the fish egg disappeared.

A trace of pure chaotic air was fed back from the mother system, and Linglan didn't dare to push it too far, so she directly gave all this trace of chaotic air to the portable space.

The portable space has been strengthened by the Qi of Chaos several times, and it is no longer so vulnerable to the Qi of Chaos. It is basically no pressure to absorb such a trace, and it can be absorbed quickly.

Ling Lan clicked on the parent system, then came out of the space, found a place where no one was around, and called out the system as well.

The reason why Lily of the Valley handed over the system is very simple, just to ask it if it can make some changes to the mother system.

The system is quite curious about the mother system pulled out by Lily of the Valley. To be honest, before Lily of the Valley summoned the mother system, it didn't even feel this 'similar' breath!

For the current lily of the valley, the system is still very obedient, upon hearing lily of the valley's request, the system began to scan this 'similar'.

But unfortunately, Suzuran only heard a 'scream' from the system in her mind, and then the mother system interface disappeared, and she could no longer feel the system!
Ling Lan's eyes widened for a moment, and after trying to summon it a few times to no avail, she could only bared her teeth, feeling that things were a little difficult.

Just when Ling Lan was a little tangled, a figure also flashed into this hiding place, and when Ling Lan looked up, it turned out to be Erya from the team.

Erya was also a little surprised when she saw her, but in the next second, she showed a kind smile to her.

Those taskers who collect fish eggs like them always fight and change places, hide for a while, and wait for the cultivators who kill the female fish to attract the attention of the female fish, and then they take action.

This is a mission process that everyone understands, don't say it's unfair to the cultivators who accepted the mission of slaughtering female fish.

The ultimate goal of everyone doing missions is to eliminate sea beasts. Under this big goal, there is no such thing as 'unfair' at all, no matter how capable you are, how much you can do!
Now is the time for the female fish to counterattack. Some taskers who can see and steal the fish eggs are hiding, and the butchers over there have also increased their attack power, which is bound to attract the attention of these female fish faster.

Ling Lan, the second ya, hid here for a while, because the second ya stood in front of Ling Lan, Ling Lan couldn't see anything.

On the other hand, Erya, after observing carefully for a while, whispered to Linglan, "It's time for the second wave", and then rushed out first.

Of course, Suzulan is not to be outdone. Her main purpose of coming here this time is still to collect fish eggs. Of course, she will take as many as she can. Of course she will do it if she has the chance.

After all, Lily of the Valley is in the foundation building stage, and her skills are still very good, but her space is limited, and she is marked by the female fish. Once she appears, the female fish will find her immediately, and then attack her!

But fortunately, for this situation, those massacre taskers are also experienced. When the female fish shifted its target, many people took action, directly found the loophole, and killed it with one blow. Lily of the valley also played a role in this. Not small.

On the other hand, Chu Yang saw that Ling Lan had also taken a large bag to store the fish eggs, and immediately knew that there was no place for Ling Lan's Qiankun equipment, and then deliberately hid with Ling Lan during the second wave of hiding. Then he told Suzuran about someone buying fish eggs on the hillside.

To complete the task, at least a thousand fish eggs need to be collected.

But the fish eggs are very big—at least the individual 'fish eggs' that need to be submitted for the mission are large—so, there are actually people from the mission hall following the mission on the hillside.

In fact, for such a large-scale mission, the general mission hall will send people to follow, and most of them hide in a relatively safe place to do logistics work. If you encounter someone like Lily of the Lily who doesn't have enough space, you can also go to their place Submit part of the task requirements in advance, and then gradually add up.

Of course, if Lily of the Valley handed in less than a full contribution point, the extra part would be returned. With the natal jade card, there is no need to worry about what these people do.

After hearing this, Ling Lan nodded to Chu Yang, and when the third wave started, she rushed to the hillside first to hand in the task.

The people at the task station on the hillside were easy to find, and they didn't want to hide. There were five people in total, two of them took notes, and the remaining three were on guard.

When Lily of the Valley came over, there were already many people queuing up, and the counting speed was still very fast. Basically, as long as the tasker put the fish eggs on a magic weapon disk, the disk can quickly calculate the number of fish eggs. The number of fish eggs handed in, and then the tasker took the natal jade tablet and scanned the number displayed on the jade plate, and it was over.

The person who guards the two jade plates to make records is only a supervisor and collects the fish eggs on the jade plates.

The speed of calculation was very fast, and it was Lily's turn after a while.

At first, Ling Lan felt that the plate of magical instruments was a bit small and could not be put down all at once.

But I didn't expect that this plate magic weapon also has a reason. No matter how many fish eggs are put into it, it will not be 'full'. So Suzuran simply put all the fish eggs into it, and the plate is still the same. 'More than enough' looks.

Lily of the Land was a little curious about this plate of magical artifacts, but now is not the time to study these things. There are still many people behind her waiting to hand in the task, so she didn't stay any longer, and left after scanning the jade plaque.

After leaving the team, Ling Lan looked at the jade plaque.

Her task has been completed, but the status is still 'in progress', every thousand fish eggs will be automatically converted into a contribution point, and if it is less than one thousand, it will be marked after the task.

And these contribution points Lily of the Valley cannot be used yet, they can only be collected after submitting the mission.

Lily of the valley still felt that this method was quite new, and immediately returned to the big team of stealing fish eggs.

They were happy stealing on one side, and flying off on the other side.

However, the golden scale fish is not vegetarian either!

Just when Lily of the Valley started stealing the seventh wave, Jinlinyu's counterattack force finally arrived.

The female fish that came ashore this time were immature female fish. Compared with the female fish that were ready to lay eggs, these female fish were smaller, the gold color on the fish scales was lighter, and the bone spurs on their bodies were also a little soft.

But they didn't come up just to fight for their lives. Every female fish had a bulging mouth. After landing, they sprayed all kinds of things on the cultivators, and their mouths were also mixed with a large number of male fish.

This kind of suicide attack is quite effective. At least, many cultivators were injured. Among those who stole the fish eggs, one of them was accidentally pierced through the head and could not be saved.

On the other hand, Lily of the Valley received the key 'care'. Those attacks greeted Lily's side as if they didn't need money, and the tigers who were closer to her were obviously affected.

After all, Huzi is still a monk in the Qi training period, so he can't dodge if he wants to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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