Chapter 275

Lily of the valley likes to eat, and now that she has finished all 99 steps, even if she faints, she still wants to taste the cake synthesized from the encyclopedia first!
The encyclopedia is still very reliable. After putting the materials together with the mold and template into it, a new cake will be synthesized soon.

Originally, Lily of the Valley was severely anemic, but after inquiring about this sweet taste, she couldn't extricate herself even more, so she immediately took out a knife and fork, and slammed a hole in the round cake.

Putting the cake into her mouth, for a moment, Lily of the Valley had a sore nose, red eyes, and almost cried out.

Really, really delicious!
Especially at this time when she had to bleed several times to get the synthetic formula, eating this cake was like eating her own 'blood and sweat'.

That feeling was not limited to the taste enjoyment that the cake gave her, but also the unstoppable sadness of Lily of the Valley.

It's really, really, really hard to please a god!
He swallowed the cake in his mouth, and then forked a piece into his own mouth, silently lamenting his own hardships in his heart, completely ignorant of the flickering statue in the church, as if urging her to hurry up Tribute in general!
It's just a pity that Lily of the Valley is in the kitchen now and can't see what's going on in the church at all.

This person, who was still comparing himself to a little white flower in his heart, planned to go to bed after eating the whole cake and rubbing his stomach. He never thought that he would synthesize one and send it to the demon god...

The Demon God has such a 'believer', and he hasn't killed her, and even blessed her, which is enough to prove that the Demon God is really a very magnanimous and kind god!
Fortunately, the next day, Lily of the Valley offered a five-tiered cake to the Demon God. When he just took it out, the unique sweet and fragrant taste of the cake, Lily of the valley could hardly hold back the hooked one.

Fortunately, she still remembered her identity and purpose in the end, so she could only helplessly put the cake on the altar, and then watched the cake disappear.

Suzuran felt a little regretful about this, and then she became anxious again, hoping that she could touch a piece of magic crystal after the light disappeared.

But unfortunately, after the light disappeared, there was nothing there, which made Ling Lan couldn't help being a little disappointed.

At this moment, Suzuran suddenly felt something fall on her head, and it hit her head twice, causing pain on the top of Suzuran's head.

Lily of the valley bared her teeth and moved away, then carefully looked up, but there was nothing.

Then looking down, she needs to confirm what is falling.

If it's the tiles on the roof, then she really needs to find someone to repair the dilapidated roof.

But what she didn't expect was that when she lowered her head, what she saw were two shiny magic crystals.

"!!!" Oh, oh, oh, the surprise came too suddenly, Ling Lan quickly picked up the two magic crystals on the ground, and then she was overjoyed.

Hee hee, as long as she exchanged a piece of magic spar from the demon god, then her money for renovating the church would be enough!

For this goal, Suzuran showed great fighting spirit, and even wanted to make a more luxurious cake for the devil.

It's just a pity that the time for the morning class has passed, and even if you are doing it, it won't help.

I have to say, God, what a very generous creature!

Lily of the valley smiled, but Xinla's soul was in turmoil again.

She didn't look angry this time, but rather eager and regretful.

This kind of emotion made Ling Lan a little puzzled. After carefully feeling it for a while, she seemed to gradually understand Xin La's thoughts.

Xinla also wants to learn how to make this kind of pastry and that kind of candy, and she also wants to be favored by the gods.

This thought is very strong, but at the same time, Xin La, who has become a soul, also understands that this is just a delusion.

When Linglan felt Xinla's complete thoughts, Xinla even comforted Linglan in turn and told Linglan that she didn't care.

It's just that the fluctuations in the soul can't be faked, Ling Lan thought about it, and then asked the system about getting a body for the soul.

The system showed a very positive attitude towards Lily of the Valley's needs.

There was no way, who made Suzulan be too independent?From the beginning to the end, the system felt that it was useless at all!
The system opened its own mall panel.

Originally, this panel was supposed to be activated after the divine envoy completed three missions, but in order to stabilize his position, the system directly opened it to Suzuran in advance.

Suzuran took a look. Her current merit value is three thousand. According to the system, the merit value will change according to the completion degree of the divine messenger. The merit value itself is not an integer, but the Lord God has regulations. The system and the divine messenger It is integrated. After each task is settled, the envoy can get the bulk, which is an integer, while the system will get the fraction within a hundred.

The system was a little cautious in explaining this. If it were the original host, the system wouldn't even be able to explain it.

But facing Lily of the Valley, it was already ready to hand over its merits.

Fortunately, Lily of the Valley doesn't care about these things.

She took a look at the mall, and there are still a lot of things in it, and for some people, there are a lot of good things in it, such as: genetic potions, power attribute potions, hearing enhancement, disguise, space accessories... …

But these are of no use to Lily of the Valley.

Lily of the Valley rummaged through, and finally found a failed puppet doll in the processing area.

The processing area is some useless things purchased by the system from players. The prices are set by the players themselves. After selling, the player and the system will share the proceeds [-]/[-].

The price of this puppet doll is not high, only one hundred merit points.

In fact, this is only 'not high' for Suzuran. If it were other newcomers, these [-] merit points would be a money grab!
Especially this puppet doll is still a failure, it can only be used by the soul in the crystal ball, and after wearing it, this puppet doll can't eat or talk, except for seeing and moving slowly, any other He has no sense organs, and his physical strength is even worse than that of an ordinary person.

But for Suzuly, this was enough.

I bought the doll with [-] merit points, but what I got was a half-meter-tall pocket doll.

The workmanship of this doll is relatively meticulous, like a delicate doll displayed in a beautiful window.

As long as the bead is put into the doll's mouth, the spirit in the crystal ball can control the doll.

 I was reading a novel today, and I saw an author leave a message saying that adding more is difficult, not because I don’t want to add more, but because I want to write better.And he also said that it’s not that he can’t write more, he just doesn’t want to mindlessly code words and then water the plot... To be honest, I still like reading that book, it was written very carefully, and I have been following it.But, to be honest, I think this statement kills a boatload of people with one stroke.Although I don't dare to leave a message below, I can only come back and complain secretly... (Ahem, you know, the coders are all uncles. After all, Duan Geng is a genius, and I am also a bitter reader). . .But I still want to ask, am I out of water?I think what I wrote is still very thoughtful.Although there are always some problems with what I write, for example, I want some positive things, but in the end it always has some dark colors and so on... But, I write it with my heart, really, and high yield!In other words, why can't the broken masters turn into a codeword machine?I have two novels that have been discontinued for three months, and I really want to complain. The one who is said to be updated in the evening, when will I go back to fill in the pits?In other words, if I draw circles here, will it work?It’s really a scam. I feel that all the people who have stopped updating are sorry that I want to add more updates all day long, and also find time to read the depth of the novel. Mi Chong is so eager to read TT. By the way, when will the discontinued update be updated... None of the novel websites have this Complaint options, negative reviews!
(End of this chapter)

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