Chapter 269

Nima, are all the newcomers so cruel now? !

The system complained in its heart, but when it thought about it, it felt something was wrong. This didn't seem to be a new person who came in through formal channels. This was a 'job-seeker' snatched from someone else's hands.

Thinking about the bloody eyes that almost shook the rules set by the main god and snatched people away, a large complex of emotions flashed directly in the system's processor.

Lily of the valley was lying comfortably on her rocking chair, shaking, it was as if she had lived the life of an elderly person ahead of time.

Seeing her like this, the system didn't dare to urge her to do the task, so it could only wait quietly, and waited for Lily of the Valley to rest enough and summoned it to pass by, then it went over and waited for Lily of the valley order.

There is nothing in this space, and time is still static. It is of no use other than to settle your mood.

So after Suzuran rested for a while, she planned to enter the next mission world.

As the saying goes, do what you do and love what you do, Lily Lan didn't have any resistance to being arrested as a "strong man".

Anyway, wherever you go, you realize that the barriers of space are the same. If you have breasts, you are a mother. Suzuran is never picky.

And she found that, compared to her peaceful life with the devil, the first world she came here taught her a vivid educational lesson.

Therefore, she still has a certain expectation for the next world.

The formation of missions is all randomly generated. After Lily of the Valley chose to enter the mission world, she entered a very mysterious state.

In the eyes of many people, this state is just a second of trance.

But when placed on Ling Lan's body, she entered an inexplicable realization.

It's just that this feeling is too short-lived, making Lily of the Valley feel unfinished.

Lily Lan, who came back to her senses, received the memory of the original owner for the first time, and now such a shock was nothing to her, even if she still felt uncomfortable, it was enough to keep her face unchanged.

Lily of the Valley is now in a clean white church. She kneels in front of the statue, as if praying devoutly.

Yes, the target of Lily of the Valley this time is a nun.

This is the world of magic. Everyone has magic seeds and can use magic power, but their talents are different.

Therefore, the people here claim to be demons.

Ling Lan's mission target this time is Xin La, an orphan herself, who was raised by the godfather in the church. After the godfather passed away, she took over from the godfather and took on the duties of the church's clergy.

The church enshrines the demon god Vida, the god of the source of magic power, and is admired by all demons.

Therefore, clergymen who serve the demon god need to have a pure body and soul as a matter of course.

And Xinla's fault was that she lost her virginity.

In fact, in Ling Lan's opinion, Xin La is just too naive.

Xin La grew up in the church, where she was exposed to truth, goodness and beauty, and her soul was pure and beautiful.

But it is such a woman who is most easily deceived by the outside world.

At first, I just came here to look for churches to donate to, hoping to help other poor people.

After that, there were various chance encounters, and some small gifts that were not too much were given afterward. Among them, eating was the most.

Soon, Xinla was drawn into love by such an offensive.

Xin La felt painful about the fact that she actually fell in love with someone else.

She has been taught since she was a child to serve her god in everything, but now, she has betrayed her god.

During Xin La's painful period, the other party also showed meticulous care for Xin La, and even confessed to her on a romantic night.

Xin La was moved at that time, but then she painfully refused.

The other party also showed pain, and did not come to look for Xinla afterwards.

Originally, Xin La thought that this matter would pass like this, and that she would embrace this pain for the rest of her life, but that person came again.

In the backyard of the church, he hugged Xinla, told his pain and missing Xinla, and then raped Xinla.

Xinla still refused at first, but she loved this man in her heart, so in the end, she still endured her inner torment and was with this man.

The two of them were together for a month. During this month, this man would come to Xin La every day, and Xin La gradually got rid of the guilt towards the demon god and immersed himself in the sweetness of love.

But one day, the man didn't come again.

Xinla was very worried, so she disguised herself and went to look for the man, but what she saw was him with other women.

Moreover, after she broke the matter, this man actually admitted it as it should be, and told Xin La very straightforwardly in front of his friends.

He was with her just because he wanted to taste the taste of a nun, but he was disappointed that there was no difference between a nun and a slut.

From that day on, news about Xin La's uncleanness spread, and many people pointed fingers at Xin La. Eventually, she was reported to the temple. After that, the temple sent a law enforcement team to take off Xin La's clothes in public. She was put into a nun's uniform, and finally she was nailed to a rack of shame and burned alive.

And at the moment when Xin La was licked by the fire snake, she saw the man who pushed her into the abyss.

And that man was standing aside, holding a woman in his arms, talking to the people around him with a smile, as if he was watching a joke.

Xin La's heart is pure, but it's also this purity, and when it is defiled, amazing resentment will erupt.

Ling Lan looked at the black and purple crystal bead in her hand, and began to think in her mind.

At the moment of death, Xin La didn't blame anyone.

Yes, obviously the resentment was so deep, but she herself didn't resent anyone.

Whether it was the man who seduced her or the last law enforcement officer, she let go at the last moment of death.

So, where did her so much resentment come from?

Linglan didn't know, and she couldn't find Xinla's soul in the crystal. She suddenly felt that she couldn't find a clue.

But of course, life goes on.

At the time when Lily of the Valley came, the man had already been here twice, and brought a lot of things, saying that they were going to be donated to the church and then distributed to the poor.

Most of these items are clothes and old magical mediums.

To perform magic, you need a medium.

(End of this chapter)

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