Chapter 259

Of course, this is only a method to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and at most it will only delay the outbreak for a day or two.

If you really want to be fine, you need careful recuperation and targeted drugs.

But even so, it was enough for Suzuran.

Life without a check is hard work, but is Suzuran the kind of person who is short of money?

Yes, just after coming here, Lily of the Valley added a lot of sesame oil money to the temple.

In an instant, Lily of the Valley's status was improved qualitatively.

In addition, the so-called praying for blessings, Ling Lan can't think about it.

Pray for a ghost, Ling Lan should be content if she doesn't kill her directly, and ask her to pray?What a beautiful idea!
These days, the rich is the uncle, and Lily Lan gave the sesame oil money, and the matter of praying for blessings was naturally forgotten by everyone.

Moreover, Ling Lan would ask the nuns in the temple to buy her some things from time to time. At the same time, she was also very generous, and there would always be a lot of silver taels out, and she would not take back these, all of them were treated as "sesame oil" Money' to those nuns too.

In this way, Lily of the Valley was almost worshiped by these nuns as the God of Wealth.

At the moment, Ling Lan is also busy with her own affairs.

Although this body is already the mother of two children, in fact, she is only 26 years old.

If this were placed in modern times, it would definitely be in its prime.

But in ancient times when most people were working hard, this would be an old lady.

But it just so happens that Ling Lan has many beauty prescriptions in her hand.

Just one small pill is enough to rejuvenate this body!

Therefore, within half a year, the original old and sallow appearance of this body disappeared, and instead became supple and pleasant, and some fine-tuning was made on the appearance.

Although it is not so unrecognizable to acquaintances, great changes have taken place.

If it can be quantified, it is.

The original Ye Linglan could only be regarded as a sixty-point beauty at most, and she was just passing.

But now Lily of the Valley is an eighty percent beauty, which makes people heartbroken.

Of course, this was when Lily of the Valley hadn't dressed up.

After all, this is a temple, and the paint is not good after all, and Lily of the Valley is too lazy to take care of it. All of these are bare makeup, which makes this beauty even more rare.

Lily of the valley doesn't intend to stay here forever, she has her own ideas.

In ancient times, the identity of a woman was a burden. In ancient times, women had to rely on men to survive. Once a "rebel" woman appeared, she would be cast aside and criticized by all men.

Therefore, the best and fastest way to achieve your goal is to hook up with a rich and powerful sponsor!

Yes, the way Ling Lan came up with to resolve her grievances was to directly kill the official.

Don't underestimate a woman's resentment. Although she is submissive, how do you know whether her behavior is her true thoughts, or is she afraid to resist due to the pressure of the world?
Suzuran thinks this should be the latter, because human beings are selfish. In their subconscious, they all hope that they can live a good life. No one can really pay for another person unconditionally, especially if they are left in a temple. I ignored him for so many years.

Ling Lan intends to use the simplest and most brutal method to eliminate this resentment, so it is inevitable to hook up with the money master.

Of course, these can't be done too obviously, she needs an opportunity.

At the same time, if she remembers correctly, this opportunity should be in the near future.

Lily of the valley was slowly thinking about it in her heart, and the days passed by quickly.

However, what she didn't expect was that the so-called 'opportunity' she was waiting for hadn't arrived yet, and another troublesome thing came.

In Ye Linglan's memory, since she was sent to this temple, no one has come to that house again.

But something is obviously different this time. Maybe it's because she has been too ostentatious recently, but someone actually came to her 'ex-husband's' house!

This time it was the mother of the 'ex-husband' and the daughter of the original owner.

Of course, the reason for coming was to offer incense, but after the incense was finished, the old lady rushed to the backyard with people in a hurry.

A nun who received Lily Lan's money came to inform her. Ling Lan was not interested in those messy guys, so she wanted to hide.

However, just as soon as she had the intention of leaving, the soul of the original owner showed signs of struggle on the other side, and her resentment kept surging.

Ling Lan has some memories of the original 'Zhao Qiuhe', so she also has some understanding of this phenomenon.

This meant that the original owner's soul did not accept her actions.

Now this is just a protest, if it is more serious, it will deepen the resentment, what's more, it may be directly exploded by the sealed soul, in this way, her mission will fail.

Linglan looked at the surging crystal containing the original owner's soul for a while, and slowly came up with a guess in her mind.

What was Ye Linglan's original hatred and resentment?Resentment for that ruthless man?Resentment for the injustice of one's own fate?Or resentment for those years of indifference?

Lily of Ye Linglan could only understand [-]% of Ye Linglan's thoughts, and the rest was everyone's wishes and thoughts. She was not Ye Linglan, so she couldn't understand her twists and turns.

Different people, facing different things, will have different choices.

Just like Lily of the Valley, after seeing Ye Linglan's memories, there are many things she can't understand, that kind of giving without expecting anything in return, everything she wants to get by relying on other people's so-called conscience and charity, so In the eyes of Lily of the Valley, such people are like unknown creatures!
Therefore, she didn't understand many things, but at this moment, she had some thoughts.

Perhaps, among these resentments, there is also some reluctance.

As a mother, she may still be reluctant to let go of her children.

After all, she was the child that she had worked so hard to give birth to and raised. After taking care of her for so many years, once they parted, she didn't even see the child when she died, and no one came to collect her body after death...

She probably wants to see her child, no matter whether she has more resentment or more love in her heart, she should be, she wants to see it.

Su Linglan suddenly felt that it would be troublesome to complete this so-called task of purifying the grievances in her soul, but after thinking about it, she still stayed.

Forget it, since that's the case, she Ling Lan is not a timid person, so feel free to come if there is anything, isn't it just to see a child?

As long as those two children are not really hopeless, it is not a problem to take the 'custody rights' of these two children over!
(End of this chapter)

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