Chapter 253

After all, Ling Lan didn't really do anything, this kind of teasing without any malice made many people wonder if Ling Lan had some unknown interest in Zhao Qiuhe.

As for Lei Mingxuan, who was regarded as provoking Zhao Qiuhe's nerves, he himself said that this is so fucking boring!
Zhao Qiuhe didn't want Ling Lan to get close to Lei Mingxuan, so Ling Lan just went there to get together, and then Zhao Qiuhe would explode, and the whole person was on high alert, and there was a feeling of wanting to see Lei Mingxuan all over his body. Mingxuan hides, not letting Lily of the Vineyard see even a hair of his breath!

To be honest, after a long time, people in this car also found this scene very interesting.

What's more, Lily Lane always clicks to the limit, and won't do too much. Every time, she just makes Zhao Qiuhe blow up, and doesn't really do anything that will break Zhao Qiuhe's nerves.

It was also because of this back and forth that the attitude of Lei Mingxuan and his group towards Linglan was slowly changing.

Only Zhao Qiuhe, she clearly felt that her partner's attitude was changing, but she, who was not smart herself, didn't understand what made all this change!

Ling Lan is slowly probing and provoking like this. What she does is much better than Zhao Qiu and Gao Ming. No one can see what she has done. What she does seems to be in the open On', let people see through at a glance.

But in fact, who knows the meaning behind this?

As they got farther and farther away, the surrounding situation gradually became more and more dangerous. At the same time, the abnormality of this car was also discovered by Lei Mingxuan and his group.

Regarding this matter, Ling Lan gave a straightforward answer, but the answer was not the correct one.

Ling Lan told the inquirer that this is a kind of Taoist talisman, she used the talisman to bless the car, that's why the car became so strong.

Such a statement made this group of people dubious, but it also exploded with great interest.

In this way, another half month passed, and finally, lily of the valley saw the mutated plant.

Plants evolve much slower than living things.

Nowadays, mutant animals are everywhere, but there are very few mutant plants. She has been wandering around for so long, and she only saw one.

It was a willow tree growing in the park. In fact, many of these willow trees were planted in the park, and they were planted around the artificial pond, which looked very poetic and picturesque.

But now, most of the willow trees are withered, only this one is still growing very luxuriantly, and on the trunk of this willow tree, something like fluff grows.

This kind of fluff is very soft, but once it is close, these fluff will inject a liquid into the living body like a spider, and then dissolve the inside of the living thing, and then eat it, leaving only an empty shell in the end.

And these absorbed nutrients will be sent into the body of the willow tree, providing more vitality for the willow tree and making it stronger.

Lily of the valley thought this willow tree was very interesting. In fact, this willow tree was also very interested in Lily of the valley and the group. When seeing Lily of the valley, it waved its long wicker and ran towards Lily of the valley. The direction attacked.

Of course Ling Lan is not the kind of person who just sits and waits to die, but she wants this willow tree to be useful, so of course she doesn't want to just kill him like this.

After dodging twice, she finally made up her mind, approached quickly, and then suddenly threw a talisman.

The willow tree that was dancing wildly suddenly stopped dancing, but it was only for a moment, and then, it shook violently like a convulsion.

After about two or three seconds, the whole willow tree wilted, and the original emerald green leaves also became wilted.

Lily of the valley saw that the enhanced version of the failed weed-killing talisman worked well, so she stepped forward with a smile on her sword.

This kind of mutated plant is relatively rare, because the value it can produce is high enough, and it can be recycled. Lily of the Valley is more careful with it.

Although, she gave the other party a Weeding Talisman...

Lily of the Valley stepped forward, made some gestures on the tree, and then started digging.

During this period, the willow tree still wanted to resist, but when the lily of the valley cut off half of its wicker branches, the wilted willow tree completely calmed down.

Willow is still very knowledgeable about current affairs, and Ling Lan was very satisfied with her well-behaved appearance, so she raised her hand and took out a talisman, lit it with her fingertips and threw it on the ground, a cow that had just died appeared on the talisman paper burning Exhausted place.

Lily of the Valley signaled to Willow that he could enjoy the big meal, but when Willow excitedly began to eat, she made her request again.

"I need all the fruit that grows from your roots. If you give me all of it, I can provide you with three such cows."

Lily of the valley gestured to Liu Shu about the size of the cow, and Liu Shu was obviously forced and unwilling.

But when Lily of the Valley lowered her mahogany sword on Willow, the mutated Willow soon gave in.

So, did she take out the cow because she wanted to reward the willow tree for being clever, or because she was too lazy to continue digging down, so she took out the bait?

Perhaps, this question is only known to Suzuki herself.

The willow tree has just mutated, and its intelligence is still very ignorant. It doesn't know what deceit is, and it will do what it promised to Lily of the valley, so it gave all of the fruits it produced to Lily of the valley.

This kind of fruit that grows under the roots of the willow tree doesn't look very good. If you don't touch it with your hands, it looks like red sarcomas.

But after you touch it, you will feel a warm feeling, and the touch is very close to human skin... Well, this is more like a sarcoma! ! !
Anyway, no matter how bad the appearance of this thing is, it can't stand that this thing is one of the main ingredients for her next batch of pills.

Lily of the Valley had already finished eating the body-forging pills that Lily of the Valley made earlier, and taking the original pills would have no effect.

As for the pills she has been taking now, they are basically all for beauty.

Yes, I read that right, the pills that Lily of the Valley takes every day are not for strengthening the body, but for beautifying the skin...

No way, in addition to the "connotation" of the product, the outer packaging is also very important.

Ling Lan took out a talisman, pretended to seal it, and then packed up all these things.

She doesn't intend to reveal the fact that she has space ability, whether she has awakened space ability or has space equipment is not safe,
(End of this chapter)

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