Chapter 194

But before he finished speaking, Suzuran's expression dimmed. After he noticed something was wrong and slowly silenced his voice, Suzuran said lightly.

"oh, I see."

After that, there is no more text.

This was the first time that Suzuran had caused embarrassment to someone, but after this incident, basically everyone with eyesight understood that Suzuran was at odds with his younger brother.

After all, Ling Lan is a famous person, so this matter was quickly spread to everyone. Originally, the rumors were just that the two brothers were at odds, but for some reason, this matter passed on. The female brother, and it is said that he has a nose and eyes.

Females are originally a privileged group. Just because their bodies are more delicate than other orcs, they must have more love and care.

Moreover, male orcs also like female orcs more. All good males are close to the females and pick first, and the females pick the rest before it is the turn of the sub-orcs.

Adults may be able to tolerate the willfulness of females, and male orcs who have been taught from childhood to protect female orcs can also tolerate it, but sub-orcs cannot tolerate it.

If you don't show it at ordinary times, it's just that you don't have a chance.

Now Lily of the Valley expressed her dislike for his female brother, and soon, some exclusion appeared.

At the beginning, it was just a small fight. When those people found that Lily of the Land didn't respond, the situation escalated.

When the situation escalated to the point where even the teacher found something was wrong and started to intervene, it was already out of control.

People's evil thoughts cannot be stimulated. Once they are discovered, they cannot be stopped by simple criticism and education.

Some people who have been suppressed for a long time are just under the pressure of their teachers and parents. One moment they promised well, and the next moment they can slap the little female. Seeing the little female crying from being beaten, even if it is Being expelled from school will also feel very pleasant.

Children's society is too simple, and their emotions are also black and white.

Maybe not everyone hates the original owner's younger brother, but when other sub-orcs or even females get angry with other females, seeing the original owner's unprotected younger brother, they can't help but want to vent it of.

The matter fermented to the fourth day, even the indifferent Ling Lan saw a group of children punching and kicking the little female after school, Ling Lan thought about it, and then raised her foot and prepared to walk over.

But before he walked over, there was a roar of a beast, and the teacher who heard the news finally arrived, and the students fled in all directions, leaving only the beaten and crying female.

This little female looked quite pitiful, but after Linglan took a silent look, she turned and left.

This matter caused such a big commotion that in the end, Ling Lan, who was sitting in the car and hadn't arrived home, was called back by a communication.

Pushing open the door of the principal's office, there are already many people there.

Most of them were the students who were arrested by the teachers who arrived at that time and the parents of the students who were notified, followed by some male orc teachers with bad complexions. but not anymore.

Before Linglan opened the door, the office was noisy, but after he opened the door, the noise in the office stopped, and when he saw him coming in, the original owner's father, who was already emotionally unstable, He couldn't hold back for a moment, and he came up directly wanting to slap Ling Lan first.

But how could Linglan stand and let him hit him, he naturally leaned back and avoided the slap.

The two silver wolves following him also reacted and pounced on him in an instant.

The original owner's father was a male orc, so it was no problem to deal with these two half-sized silver wolves.

But when he wanted to hit Lily of the Valley, he couldn't.

Seeing that the silver wolves forced the original owner's father back, he greeted the two silver wolves. The silver wolves who were attacking fiercely stopped in an instant, and then slowly retreated to Lily of the Valley. around.

But those vigilant eyes did not move away from the original owner's father, and a low roar of warning rolled in his throat.

Ling Lan reached out and touched the heads of the two silver wolves, which made the two silver wolves quiet down.

After that, Ling Lan didn't look at the original owner's father, but looked at the principal sitting behind the desk.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me."

Although the original owner's father didn't really hit him, what happened just now still made him feel displeased, so much so that the tone of his speech has become rude now.

And the headmaster is not in a good mood right now, and when he heard Ling Lan's unkind words, his expression became even worse.

"Student Meldi, you should know the reason for calling you here this time. This time you instigated other students to beat the female, causing the female to be physically and mentally hurt. Now, what else do you have to say."

Obviously, this was to convict Suzuran.

And would Ling Lan be the one who confessed to this crime?
Glancing at the group of students who lowered their heads and remained silent, Suzuran could guess what the principal was thinking, needless to say.

After all, there are too many students taking action, and expelling them all would not have a good impact.

But if he is allowed to bear the charges this time, then it would be fine as long as he dropped out of school alone, and the others would be fined if they were 'instigated'.

What's more, after this treatment, the original vicious incident of beating the female can be ended in a family dispute, so that the impact on the school will be minimized.

But Ling Lan didn't intend to bear such a reputation.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and the expression in his eyes was a little cold.

"Oh, so, what about the evidence?"

The headmaster choked, he thought about the reaction of this sub-orc man, maybe he would make a hysterical riot, or threaten, or plead.

But I didn't expect that he would ask him for evidence so calmly.

The group of parents over there obviously hoped for such a result, so when the principal looked over, they all more or less poked their children to signal them to speak.

However, before these people opened their mouths, Ling Lan's next sentence directly shattered their plans.

He just looked at the principal indifferently, and said in a very cold and calm tone.

"Don't give me unfounded confessions. The procuratorate doesn't recognize those things at all. The school is established by the government, so don't make any excuses for me. If you want me to be charged with expulsion from school, just come up with serious and tenable ones. Evidence, if not, then please don't waste my time."


Sometimes, the most difficult thing to deal with is not the nonsense, but the calm and well-founded request.

 Let me give you a little common sense, that is, sweet potatoes cannot be eaten with eggs, even if you want to add a boiled egg to the sweet potato porridge, although the taste is very good, but the consequences are tragic. For example, I am now I have been having diarrhea, and it hurts so much that I don’t think I can get better. Also, I don’t know if it’s my illusion. Why does my protagonist seem to be more and more like a villain?
(End of this chapter)

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