Chapter 186

It doesn't feel good to leave the world, it feels like tearing your soul apart.

Fortunately, that feeling didn't last long, and it ended soon.

But even so, when she returned to the demon, she was still so weak that she almost couldn't stand still.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the feeling of vomiting welling up in her throat, Lily of the Valley raised her eyes and saw the demon who was eating afternoon tea.

His 'afternoon tea' was very distinctive. The head of an exquisite doll was twisted off from the body and placed on the side of the dinner plate, and the doll's body was placed on the dinner plate.

Holding a knife and fork, the demon divided the doll's body lightly like a perfect nobleman, cut it into small pieces and put it in his mouth, with a very enjoyable expression.

Lily of the valley was very indifferent to the devil's way of eating.

Although Suzuran knew exactly what demons ate, to her, it was just like humans eating meat and vegetables, with a commonplace indifference.

Suzuran's expression clearly pleased the devil. Under the warm sunshine, the devil extended an invitation to the pale Suzuran.

"Beautiful girl, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to afternoon tea?"

Suzuran thought for a while, and finally walked to sit opposite him!
Maybe it was because Lily of the Valley's expression was too calm, the upward curve of the corners of the demon's mouth seemed to be a bit bigger, and then the dark nails tapped the table lightly, and a normal meal appeared in front of Lily of the valley.

Looking at Lily's gaze, the demon smiled like a gentleman.

"I think beautiful young ladies should prefer to eat these."

Lily of the valley was noncommittal to the devil's statement, and reached out to pick up the steaming black tea, which tasted good and suppressed her feeling of wanting to vomit.

Seeing that Suzuran was adapting well, the devil was obviously happier.

After all, he is very optimistic about Lily of the valley, maybe it will bring her some unexpected benefits in the future, on this basis, of course he hopes that he can cooperate happily with Lily of the valley.

A 'beautiful' afternoon tea ended like this. The devil opened his mouth to eat the last bite of the 'dessert' dug out of the doll's brain, and cleaned up everything on the table contentedly. She finally calmed down, and even drank the black tea prepared by the devil for her, and there was a sense of comfort in her expression.

The demon just looked at Suzuran who was so relaxed, and found this human being a bit strange.

"The product you submitted this time is not bad, and you should be able to sell it for a good price. Of course, you can choose whether to sell this product directly to me or let me sell it. After that, you will get half of what you get."

Ling Lan put down the teacup in her hand, the devil saw it, and helped her fill up the half-drunk teacup very smoothly.

"What price can you offer?"

The devil thought for a while, tapped his black nails on the table, and a dark box appeared on the table.

"Originally, according to the rules, I only accept soul transactions here. I'm just sorry, I need souls very much. After all, I also want to support my family. Therefore, I am willing to exchange this item. However, the price of this item is relatively expensive , while trading that item, I also hope to get you a promise."

Lily of the Valley reached out, took the box over, opened it, and there was a red glowing ball inside.

Seeing that Suzuran didn't express anything, the devil took the initiative to speak.

"This is an item from a higher plane, called a plane trader. It's just a pity that this is not a subsystem, but a mother system. I still like you very much, so it's okay to have a close relationship with you .This is the reward that a person from a higher plane who wanted to change his body traded to me. He himself was one of the participants in the creation of this system. It was only later that the demand for this system was too great, so he wanted to change it. Identity. The disadvantages of this system are great, but the value is also very high. Once bound, unless you change your body and identity, you can’t peel it off. However, this thing should be very valuable to you. I can see that you are different, and conventional cultivation methods are useless to you. Of course, if you want to become a demon, I am willing to be your guide. If you are not willing, this thing will I will help you, at least the energy exchange method inside should be very suitable for you."

Suzuran listened to the devil's words in silence, and it was hard to tell what she was thinking on her expressionless face.

After a while, Ling Lan closed the box, then looked up at the devil, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Your terms."

The devil smiled happily, and said what he thought in his heart.

"I want all the souls you will get in the future. Of course, on this basis, I will also give you some compensation."

Lily of the valley thought for a while, then nodded.

She is not a demon, so such a request is not too much for her.

Seeing that Linglan nodded, the devil was obviously more happy, and he even gave Linglan a blank deck of cards.

"This thing can seal your body and carry your soul through the cracks in space and into other worlds. When you choose to return, the goods you have developed will be sealed in it instead of your body. When the time comes, you Just give me the card with the products sealed. When you want to find me, just hold one of the blank cards and say my store name silently, and it will open a direct passage. But , there is one thing to declare, this thing can only be used by you, otherwise, other people's souls will be sealed in this card, and their bodies will be lost in the vast space..."

Ling Lan listened earnestly, but in a trance, the figure of the devil seemed to become blurred, and when she blinked, all the devil and the warm toy store disappeared.

She was still standing on the roof surrounded by magma. If she hadn't held a blank deck of cards in her hand, she would have thought that all of this was an illusion.

But before she could figure out why she was suddenly sent out, she felt the wind blowing against her face.

When she looked up, she saw an aircraft floating in the sky above her. The obvious rescue sign on the aircraft meant that she had been rescued.

The rescue sent by the government was still a little late. Many people who immigrated to this planet died. However, the new immigrant planet itself has many uncertainties. They are not so much here to shine on this planet. , it might as well be said that they were the first batch to come and test the waters.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinging being tying me typing me down?

(End of this chapter)

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