Chapter 150

Smiling and talking for a while, the mistress took the two jade slips and left. After nearly six hours, the jade slips were sent back intact.

At the same time, there are also a large number of countless treasures.

It is said to be worthless, but in fact these are the most valuable things. At least in this small thousand world, there is a yard full of piles, and things are still being moved into the yard continuously. Any one of them will attract people's attention. Good stuff for people to fight for!
Especially those precious materials in the sea, usually these things should be kept, and when there is a chance to exchange things with people from the upper world, but now they are sent to her in large quantities. It can be seen that the two The value of this jade slip makes the owner very satisfied!

Regarding these things, Lily of the Valley selected two pieces and gave them to Chunlan Qiuju, and then they sorted them out and put them into the 'library'.

Of course, these good things that can't fit in a yard cannot be put on the surface. The so-called 'treasure' is actually a kind of space magic weapon. It is very rare in this small world. It can only be found in some big families, such as It is a luxury for a young lady like her to have one like this!

The "library" is a two-meter-square box. It is said that the "library" is an ancient relic, and its skills have been lost. Its function is similar to that of space accessories, but it is also different.

Space equipment is for personal use and cannot be used by anyone except you.

However, the 'library' can be used by anyone who holds the key, and when the 'library' is opened, people can also walk in.

Moreover, the space range of the 'library' is very large, and the 'library' itself can be superimposed. When several 'libraries' are superimposed in a special way, the space inside can be shared.

However, the "library" itself takes up too much space, and it is not easy to move, let alone fit into the space. Therefore, after a more advanced method of creating a small superimposed space, the "library" was eliminated, and only low-level The world is still using this thing.

This 'library' was put up for auction by a small down-and-out family, and the original owner also participated in the auction at the time, so he bought it in a big way.

After putting everything into the 'treasury', Chunlan respectfully returned the key to Suzulan's hands.

Putting the key back on her neck, Suzuran started her career of frying furnaces again.

Another three days passed, and finally, Ling Lan got what she wanted, and a ray of luck floated to her side and merged into her body.

That Miao Shan was really capable, and was able to escape for three days from the hands of a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage. This shows how difficult it is for a person who is loved by luck.

However, before Lily Lan could breathe a sigh of relief, the system notified Linglan another 'good' news—the Son of Luck appeared again!

Peat, how come there are so many lucky children in this world!Didn't we say that there is only one world? !

Regarding Ling Lan's eyes that widened for a moment, the system said very calmly.

[It is the world consciousness, you should know how urgently the current world consciousness wants to recover luck.Therefore, in order to achieve this goal faster, it will consciously guide the child of luck to appear by your side.Try to kill those children of luck, I have already communicated with the world consciousness, when you leave, the luck you collected can also be turned into energy and taken away.Believe me, this business only makes money but not losses! 】

Lily Lan's hands trembled, and a batch of pills exploded again, but this time Ling Lan didn't feel annoyed, instead her expression was very calm.

Hehe, is she the kind of person who can compromise for energy? !
Linglan snorted, and then said to Qiu Ju who was guarding beside her.

"Go, let someone prepare a car for me. I remember that there should be an auction today."

As soon as Qiu Ju heard it, she went through it in her mind, and found exactly the auction her master was talking about, and then went down non-stop to prepare.

Linglan waved her hand, signaling to Chunlan that she needs to take a bath and change clothes, after that, her whole body flew up.

Oh my, my lovely child of luck, here I come!

Lily of the valley said that the wind is the rain, and all the people in the yard took action because of Lily's order. Those who waited for Lily to take a bath and changed clothes waited for her to take a bath and change, and those who prepared to go out prepared things and arranged for them to be used. The people who protected Lily of the Valley went to arrange guards, and after a while of chaos, everything was ready when Lily of the valley appeared next time.

After getting into the beautifully crafted and luxurious carriage, followed by about three hundred or so people, we headed to Wanfu Auction House. Many people stopped and watched along the way. After a while, we arrived at the place.

Ling Lan got out of the carriage, and the person in charge of the auction house had heard the news and waited here. Seeing Ling Lan appearing, he hurriedly led someone to meet him, with a flattering smile on his face. With a wave, a dedicated person stepped forward to talk to him.

The person in charge was also used to the ostentation of the Miss Yuan family, and after saying a few pleasant words, he led them into the private room.

In fact, it was a bit late when Lily of the Valley arrived, and the auction had already started for a while.

But fortunately it was not too late, Ling Lan turned in her mind the reason why this child of luck appeared in the auction this time, and the smile on her mouth became brighter by two points.

Entering the specially prepared private room, Suzuran frowned in disgust, and then someone came forward and quickly moved the objects in the private room away, and then replaced them with what she had prepared.

The person in charge here couldn't help but wipe his sweat frequently when he saw this fight. He kept saying that he was not thinking carefully, but he quickly asked people to move out the good furniture that was rejected, so as not to displease the young lady.

After the furniture was replaced with the ones she brought and the private room was lit with fine incense, she calmly sat down and the person in charge was politely invited out.

After all the idlers left, Ling Lan took a look at the hot auction scene outside, opened her mouth, and Chunlan knelt beside her, inserted a piece of already peeled fruit and delivered it to her mouth.

The lot taken outside is a fine purple coral, three feet high, which can definitely be regarded as the best thing in this world.

It's just that Lily of the Valley doesn't like this thing. After all, she has a lot of purple corals in her library, the smallest one is five feet high. No matter in terms of color or other things, it is better than this one!

After this purple coral, the next auction item happened to be the target of Lily of the Valley this time.

 Alas, I'm back at work again...

(End of this chapter)

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