Chapter 109

Now back to the original world line, Ali also has two different choices.

Do you choose to stand on the side of humans to deal with those zombies together, or become zombies directly, and then deal with humans as zombies?
In fact, this is not a choice for Aili at all.

What she needs to do now is to change the direction of fate and stand on the side of human beings. In the end, the only energy she can gain is to change the fate of the few people who died.

But as a zombie, she has the chance to change the ending of the whole world.

However, at the same time, she also understood what she would face when she became a zombie.

After scrolling through those videos on the Internet that were like ghosts crying and howling wolves, like a hell on earth, she tapped it lightly with her finger, and the picture was just frozen on the frightened face of a child.

Inexplicably, Allie hesitated a little.

After a long silence, in the end, Ai Li closed her eyes and chose to leave this world.

Forget it, let this group of people choose what happens in the future.

If it's just some people, Aili can easily handle their life and death.

But when the scope expanded to the whole world, she shrank a little.

Forget it, isn't it just a world, can't she give up? !

When she opened her eyes again, Ali had already returned to the system space.

Originally, Ai Li thought that the system would be unhappy because of her leaving early this time. After all, she knew very well that it 'robbed' this world for her.

But what she didn't expect was that the system didn't care about Aili's choice.

"...The character of a complete living body is changeable, selfish, cunning, kind, proud, hypocritical, etc. You just learned to be merciful now."

"..." Although Ai Li always felt that there was something wrong with the system's statement, but seeing the system's convincing attitude, she slowly let go of this matter.

Since the system also recognized her approach, it must be correct to think that her approach is correct.

Thinking of this, Ai Li felt quite happy, but before she could say that she was going to enter the next world, the system quickly turned to the next topic.

"System 03 sent a message, hoping to reach a consensus with the host."

"...?" Ai Li was a little puzzled, and the system continued to explain.

"This world is rich in entertainment resources, but there are not many worlds that are 'suitable' and have a lot of energy but are simple. It is enough to supply one host, but not necessarily two. Therefore, System 03 hopes that the host can convert the low-level world And the intermediate world to them, of course, they are also willing to give corresponding thanks."

"...?????" At this moment, Ellie was not puzzled, but surprised.

The system's response to Ai Li was still very calm, and he began to explain the pros and cons to Ai Li carefully.

"Needless to say, low-level worlds are all worlds that can barely build a world. The energy is very limited, and it is accompanied by some strange and unreasonable plots. It has a great impact on the cultivation of the host's future values ​​and worldview. Negative impact. The host of the intermediate world has experienced it many times. Although the energy is not as good as the negative world and the comprehensive world, it is relatively simple and the breakthrough is easy to find. The reason why System 03 rejects such requests is because of the The host is very special, he is different from the host, he is a broken tool soul, his intelligence itself is very flawed, he can't grasp the higher worlds at all, and at the same time, in order to repair himself, it needs to consume more energy than the host. many."

"..." Ai Li didn't know what to say now, after thinking about it, she asked the system back.

"Then do you think I should agree to it?"

"Host, if you are asking me, I hope you can agree, because the meaning of our system's existence is like this, but I still hope that the host can consider it carefully, because it will affect your future."

Ai Li snuggled into the sofa, her casual look showing no trace of the ethereal fairy spirit that she once had in her body.

She thought about it 'well' for a while as the system said, then tilted her head and asked another question.

"What do negative and synthetic worlds look like?"

"The negative world is a world full of chaos and negative colors. It has no world line, nor is it a world condensed by some original works. It was originally separated from these worlds."

"The origin of the negative world is the irrationality in the original book. Because it is the most basic framework of the world, it cannot be changed. The simplest example, the original initial setting of a person is extremely smart, Rich in business acumen and strong communication skills. However, because he meets a certain person or reaches a certain period, he makes frequent mistakes, and his IQ and EQ all plummet, so that there are two levels of contradictions in the setting of this person, then this character will be It is possible to collapse, so as to achieve some kind of irresistible change."

"The 'original works' were written and created by people, so the direction in them depends entirely on personal preferences and senses. But these worlds composed of thoughts have a certain degree of autonomy, and the characters in them also have their own thinking patterns. Therefore, the characters in these worlds may collapse on their own. And once something like this happens, the entire world line may collapse due to an error in a certain node. In this case, the world consciousness will Such a person is separated during the period of collapse, and then a character who conforms to the setting is re-established to take the place of this person, so that he can play a reasonable continuation role. However, the original collapse person cannot have world consciousness. Erased, because his/her/its existence is reasonable, so on this basis, the world consciousness will allocate some energy to fabricate a world that is the same as the original world, put this character in it, and let the other party toss it around. , this is the origin of the chaotic negative world.”

"The chaotic negative world is not controlled by the world consciousness. It is like a container used by the world consciousness to eliminate the things that cannot be changed in the original world. The pure energy body, as long as all the things with negative energy can be removed, the host can get All the energy of that world. However, the system kindly reminds that the existence of the negative world lies in the rationality of the original logic, so in such a world, the host is likely to be in danger. If it dies in the negative world, then It's real death."

(End of this chapter)

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