Chapter 101

At the same time, Fan Yongkang also knew the real reason why the photon flower became extinct in the first place.

To be honest, after hearing the real reason, Fan Yongkang felt a little speechless.

It turns out that there was a light priest and a dark priest in the temple who fell in love, but this was a serious sin for the light priest. At that time, the light priest who dared to do unclean things would be burned to death.

So the two of them concealed the matter between them, but they still communicated in secret, and after going back and forth, the dark priest became pregnant.

But at this time, the dark priest found that the magic power of the light priest began to dry up. Gradually, the once powerful light priest became like ordinary people, which could no longer attract the love of the dark priest.

Therefore, the Dark Priest kept a cold-eyed attitude when the Bright Priest was discovered and was ruthlessly burned to death, and that night, she aborted the child who was less than four months old, and then buried it in the In the garden where Guangming Ji once loved to visit Guangshenghua.

After that, a large number of light flowers died. At first, everyone could not find the reason, but after digging up the land, they found the body of a baby that had become foul-smelling. It was only then that the dark priest knew that he had broken into In the end, the dark priest did not die well. In order to appease the angry light priest, the dark priests also executed the dark priest.

However, what happened that time dealt a huge blow to the light priest, even if the dark priest tried every means to appease him, it would not help.

Without Guangshenghua, they lost the bridge to communicate with the gods, which made them extremely painful.

However, today's light priests said that they will take good care of these hard-won light attribute magic plants, and swear by the lives of future light priests.

At the same time, these bright priests also took out the treasures of the bright priests of the past dynasties, and built a very cumbersome protection array for this palace garden to ensure that no one, any animal or plant will touch this place with an unclean body. A tiny bit of the hall!
At the same time, after the grand formation was opened, Fan Yongkang took out something that made all the priests of the light want to faint from excitement when they saw it—a three-meter-high statue of the god of light made of light spar!

The reserves of bright spar were pitifully small in the first place, and they showed signs of being exhausted in recent years.

Now Fan Yongkang has taken out such a large piece of bright spar, and its quality is still extremely precious and rare, and it has been carved into the appearance of a bright god.

Oh oh oh, the hearts of the priests can hardly bear it, what should I do!
When the temple landed on the most central platform, the rich power of light swept away, and the light elements that were originally scarce also gathered in this hall, then condensed, and finally rolled happily, making all the priests with the light attribute Tears filled their eyes with excitement, and at the same time, regardless of their level, these priests broke through one after another, and then knelt down to the statue.

This is the temple they built for the God of Light. They hoped that their gods would like it, and now it seems that the God of Light obviously likes their efforts. How can this not make these sacrifices excited?
Of course, after the excitement, they still managed to calm down their emotions, and then started the follow-up work.

The first is to build the outside of the palace, which belongs to the place where they live.

Yes, this is the place they built for their own gods to live in. Of course, they cannot live here. Being able to enter here for worship every day already makes them feel very happy, and they dare not.

However, even though it was only built later to provide them with a place for these priests to live, it was because it was close to the area where the temple was located. The light element was strong and active, which still made these priests' eyes red, their noses red, and their faces red. Her face was red, and from time to time she would kneel down facing the direction of the temple, praying incessantly to calm her mood.

It has been so many years since they have felt the breath of God. Ever since the withering of the Light Flower, they have never received any favor from the God of Light!
But now, it is clear that the God of Light has mercifully forgiven his people again. From then on, the power of light will shine on the earth!

The priests were very excited, and the king and the nobles in the royal city were also very surprised. The strong light elements surged. Even in the daytime, people felt that the surroundings seemed to be brighter, as if there was a hand in the sky, gently tearing It's like a layer of black veil covering the whole world.

Some of the symptoms of headache and brain fever disappeared without realizing it. The evil and filth in some dark corners were driven away by this light, and the haze hidden in the hearts of people seemed to be alleviated a lot.

It was a feeling after being caressed by light. Even His Majesty the King, who was mentally appraised, suddenly stood up at that moment and looked in the direction of the newly built Temple of Light. There was shock in his eyes, and at the same time, his eyes couldn't help but get slightly wet. .

He is not a priest of light, so he is not so touched.

But at the same time, he also understands what these visions represent better than those priests of light.

This means that in the place illuminated by this temple, people will get less sick, the chance of inner demons will be reduced, the survival rate of livestock and babies will be greatly increased, and his kingdom will be more prosperous!

It had been so many years, and the once bright light had almost become a legend, and the only god left who was willing to protect them was the Dark God.

Although the God of Darkness is also very powerful and can help them a lot, in peacetime, the existence of the God of Light is absolutely incomparable!
At this moment, the king quickly asked someone to prepare a carriage for leaving the palace. He needed it immediately!Go immediately to see the temple that is said to have been under construction!
At the same time, there were definitely not a few nobles who responded like the king, and some strong men with sensitive feelings were even driven out of the city immediately.

However, just as they left the city, a powerful dark force erupted from the original church, instantly echoing the cheerful light element in the air, and due to the collision between the two sides, the two elements became stronger The more they accumulate, the other elements are also multiplied under the friction of the two elements of light and darkness!
For a moment, the ordinary vegetables and fruit trees in the field were ripening and fruiting in an instant, and the stream with less water also rushed up, and the water became clearer, not to mention, there were some small fish and shrimp in it.

The barren land was covered with weeds in an instant, and some small flowers were mixed in the weeds, making it thriving in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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