Chapter 65 Appointment 2
"Xue Xiaoyuan, where's Ye Zhenzhen? Didn't she say she was going to attend the class reunion?" Lin Feifei, who was sitting beside her wearing a small silver sling, smiled ironically, "She must be too downcast to dare to come. "

Xue Xiaoyuan pursed her lips, it's none of your business, she ignored Lin Feifei, and continued to look at the phone with her head down.

Seeing this, Lin Feifei couldn't help snorting, "Xue Xiaoyuan, I advise you not to get too close to her, she is a bad star, whoever is with her will be unlucky!"

"Do you know why you can only work in a small business now? It was because you got too close to Ye Zhen Zhen back then, and got into her bad luck."

Xue Xiaoyuan rolled her eyes and muttered, "Nonsense."

Lin Feifei saw that Xue Xiaoyuan ignored her, and it was boring to talk to herself, so she stopped talking.

"Isn't that Ye Zhenzhen here yet? I also said that I want to see what the ugliest dinosaur in the class looks like now."

Chen Yifeng, who came from the side, was a little short and thin. He thought he was handsome and put the thin body into his trouser pocket, and joked to Lin Feifei.

"That's not it." Xu Lingwei, who was following behind him today, was wearing a red tutu skirt with big waves, charming and domineering.

She confidently touched the hair that took a whole morning to do, "I also want to see what the ugly duckling has become now."

Speaking of which, Xu Lingwei smiled disdainfully, "If we say a few words, will she still cry?"

Lin Feifei also laughed, "It's a pity that people don't dare to come here. Let's give the people at the bottom of society some way to survive?"

"Look, someone is here again." Chen Yifeng saw the doorknob being unscrewed, and immediately said excitedly, "Is Ye Zhenzhen here?"

Class leader Wang Ling booked a small banquet hall in Xingyuan Hotel, which can accommodate 100 people playing cards and having dinner at the same time.

Hearing Chen Yifeng's words, Xue Xiaoyuan, Lin Feifei and Xu Lingwei's eyes immediately moved to the door.

The door was slowly opened, and the first thing that caught the eye was a pair of long, slender feet on high heels.

The white lace dress, covering the slender and exquisite body, walked into the banquet hall.

Small melon-seeded face, clear and bright lavender pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin with a hint of pink, and thin lips like rose petals, which are as delicate as rose petals. Can't take my eyes off.

The moment Ye Zhen Zhen entered the door, almost everyone in the banquet hall stared in amazement.

If the system were to rate their looks, Lin Feifei only scored 70 points, Chen Yifeng scored 75 points, and Xu Lingwei only scored 80 points.

Ye Zhen Zhen with 85 points is undoubtedly the best looking in the audience.

Lin Feifei couldn't believe it, "Well, how could this person be that ugly monster Ye Zhenzhen, Chen Yifeng, don't make fun of me."

"Sorry everyone, there was a traffic jam on the road, so I'm late." Ye Zhenzhen approached and explained to everyone gently and politely.

Immediately, Lin Feifei's face turned from red to white, and from white to blue, which was even more exciting than changing face.

"Oh my god, Ye Zhenzhen, I've called you countless times, and you're finally here." Xue Xiaoyuan was the first to respond, but she was still a little uncertain after speaking, "Are you really Ye Zhenzhen?"

Ye Zhenzhen nodded, "Yes, Xue Xiaoyuan hasn't seen you for a few years now, you don't know me anymore?"

After confirming that the person in front of her was really Ye Zhenzhen, Xue Xiaoyuan stepped forward to hug her excitedly, "Zhenzhen, I haven't seen you for a few years, why do you look so good-looking?"

"You are tall, thin and good-looking, so I envy you."

Chen Yifeng and Xu Lingwei looked at each other in doubt and surprise, hey, is this really Ye Zhenzhen?Such a big change!

(End of this chapter)

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