Career Fast Travel: Blackened Boss is ruthless and will tease

Chapter 50 Prince, Please Accept My Knee 30

Chapter 50 Prince, Please Accept My Knee 30
Ye Zhen Zhen's heart tightened and her whole body froze, "What, what..."

No way, how could she become incontinent when doing such a thing?

"I, I didn't do it on purpose..." At that time, her consciousness was blurred, her whole body was limp and she didn't know what she had done, so she was forced to follow Gu Xuanyi's rhythm.

How embarrassing to not know that I have done such a shameful thing!

"Haha..." Seeing Ye Zhenzhen shyly getting under the quilt, Gu Xuanyi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Ye Zhen Zhen was extremely embarrassed, she couldn't help but glared at him, "You're still laughing, it's all your fault, I said don't do it during the day, you have to, now it's better, it's really embarrassing!"

"You're still laughing, you're still laughing!" Seeing that Gu Xuanyi was still smiling, Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't help but beat his chest.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's chest was too thick, and her hand hurt from the beating, but Gu Xuanyi didn't feel anything.

"Okay, I am teasing you, don't be angry." Gu Xuanyi grasped Ye Zhenzhen's small fist, put her fist to his mouth and blew.

"Does it hurt, I'll blow it to you."

"No." Ye Zhen Zhen withdrew her hand, turned her back and ignored him.

"Okay, don't be angry. In fact, you were not angry just now, but a natural reaction after gc." Gu Xuanyi couldn't help but reach out and scratch her nose.

"It really is a pure little girl, I don't even know that."

Ye Zhen Zhen was taken aback, she really didn't know about this kind of thing.

So she said confidently, "It's the first time I don't know."

As she said that, she narrowed her eyes, "Didn't you also claim that it was your first time? Why do you understand so well? Tell me honestly, are you lying to me?"

Gu Xuanyi shook his head, put his hands on the back of his head and leaned comfortably on the pillow, "This is common sense, and it can only prove that your world is not enough to popularize knowledge in this area."

Ye Zhen Zhen thought for a while, she couldn't help nodding her head, it's really not good for their country to popularize science in this area.

She still remembers that when a publishing house took books in this field and used them as popular science books for children, they were severely beaten and reprimanded by the parents of the children's friends.

It is said that this is teaching children badly, and in the end, popular science books in this area were also cancelled.

Later, after the news that a certain kindergarten was invaded by x, the experiences of many children were heartbreaking.

Such things, the news exposure is very small, how many are not known about what is happening?
Ye Zhen Zhen was deep in thought when Gu Xuan Yi suddenly picked her up.

"You, what are you doing"

"We are both dirty and smelly, are you sure you can go out like this?"

Gu Xuanyi curled his lips, "How about taking a mandarin duck bath today?"

Ye Zhen Zhen had no room to resist at all, and was directly thrown into the bathing pool by Gu Xuanyi.

Moderate temperature hot water has already been prepared in the pool, Ye Zhen Zhen soaked in the water, she was so comfortable that she didn't want to move.

She thought so, but someone didn't think so.

Gu Xuanyi felt that the two of them had skin-to-skin contact in the pool alone, and it would be a bit unmanly if they didn't do something.

So Gu Xuanyi hugged Ye Zhenzhen very enthusiastically and came in the pool again.

Ye Zhenzhen just wanted to cry, could she stop, but every time she spoke, Gu Xuanyi blocked her back, and in the end she couldn't even form a sentence, let alone refuse.

It was already evening when Ye Zhenzhen returned home.

Gu Xuanyi asked her to stay in the Prince's Mansion for dinner, but Ye Zhenzhen didn't want to beat her to death, but if she stayed for dinner, wouldn't she be skinned again after dinner!

(End of this chapter)

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