Career Fast Travel: Blackened Boss is ruthless and will tease

Chapter 44 Prince, Please Accept My Knee 20

Chapter 44 Prince, Please Accept My Knee 20
Most of the people have grown from skinny and thin to strong and strong, and the people's hearts are also stable.

When the agriculture is well developed and food and clothing are settled, commerce, industry and entertainment will naturally follow suit.

The scene of prosperity and prosperity in Li country made the emperor Long Yan very happy.

Ye Zhenzhen, who made another first effort, was rewarded again. This time, Ye Zhenzhen was promoted from fifth-rank county lord to second-rank Changning county lord.

If I had known that the next level would be Mrs. Yiming or Mrs. Fengguo, that would be the supreme honor of a woman.

In the past decades of the Li Kingdom, there were only two royal wives and one feudal lady.

But they are no longer alive.

Second-rank Junjun is the highest female rank in the reign of the emperor today.

Ye Zhenzhen not only has the title of Changning, but also a fief, which is not far away, in Changning Township outside Li City.

Although Changning Township is not big, but Ye Zhen Zhen was just an ordinary servant girl before, now her status can be raised to the second rank, and she also has a fief, this is the kindness that the emperor has never had in these years.

As soon as the news came out, almost everyone was shocked.

Some people admired Ye Zhenzhen's ability. It was so admirable that a woman could establish herself in Licheng with such honor!
Also left envious and jealous, thinking that Ye Zhenzhen is just playing tricks, there is nothing special about it.

If there is someone helping behind the scenes, how could a woman have such knowledge?They don't believe it!
Ye Zhen Zhen became the most suitable woman in Li Cheng for the crown prince.

Although she is not from a famous family, although she does not have family support, but now her status is more noble than that of any girl in Licheng.

Jiang Manting is facing a big enemy, if she doesn't make a move, she really won't be able to marry the prince!

Thinking that it will be the Seventh Princess' birthday soon, she suddenly had a plan.

Gu Jingxue felt a little unhappy when she heard Jiang Manting suggested that she invite Ye Zhenzhen to the banquet on her birthday.

"The princess doesn't like her. The birthday banquet is a happy thing. Sister Manting, why did you ask me to invite her?"

"Princess, Ye Zhenzhen is in the limelight now, if she is not invited, the wealthy ladies will definitely talk about the princess behind her back, saying what kind of grievances the princess has with the county lord."

Gu Jingxue's complexion suddenly turned dark, "It's really annoying, I can invite whoever I like for my princess' birthday, and they don't need to discuss it."

After hearing this, Gu Jingxue hated Ye Zhenzhen even more.

It's Ye Zhenzhen Ye Zhenzhen all day, how come everyone revolves around Ye Zhenzhen!
She was obviously born as a rude girl, no matter how much she rose in rank, she would not be as noble as her status as a royal princess!

Jiang Manting slightly hooked her lips, and said, "Yes, Manting thinks so too, this Ye Zhen Zhen is really annoying."

"But there is no way, in order to avoid criticism, we have to invite Ye Zhen Zhen."

Jiang Manting narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Princess, actually it's not a bad thing to invite Ye Zhen Zhen."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"Ye Zhen Zhen has repeatedly made great achievements and is in the limelight, why don't we take this opportunity to kill her vigor?"

"Let this Ye Zhenzhen know that no matter what, she is a slave and is nothing in front of the princess."

After hearing this, Gu Jingxue's lips suddenly turned up proudly, "Sister Manting, what you are saying is that when Ye Zhenzhen enters my princess's palace, don't you have to obey my princess's orders in everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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