Career Fast Travel: Blackened Boss is ruthless and will tease

Chapter 390 Establish diplomatic relations

Chapter 390 Establish diplomatic relations
"Gu Cheng, what are you going to do?" Seeing that her expression was wrong, Ye Zhen Zhen sat up from the bed and looked at him.

Gu Ting sat on the edge of the bed and kissed her on the lips.

“Be prepared to be widowed.”

"Ah?" Ye Zhen Zhen looked at him strangely, it's not that she has cancer, should Gu Teng be ready to be widowed?

"Wang Shengrui's body should be returned to the Wang family. I want to marry you in a fair manner."

"You mean, as Gu Teng?" Ye Zhen Zhen looked at him with bright eyes, but soon dimmed again.

"But my illness..."

"It's okay, I naturally have a solution." Gu Cheng touched her face, "If the Han family can develop a virus, they can naturally develop an antidote."

"Don't worry, if you die, I will use their entire Han family to bury you."

Speaking of which, Gu Cheng hugged Ye Zhen Zhen, originally wanted to kiss her, but after realizing that he was using Wang Sheng Rui's body, he held back.

Wang Shengrui was rushed to the hospital because of cerebral hemorrhage.

Ye Zhen Zhen quickly called Wang's parents and called them to the hospital.

"Isn't it always good? Why is the doctor suddenly critically ill?"

Wang's parents had already cried into tears, even though this could not change the fact of Wang Shengrui's death.

They asked the doctor why, and the doctor said it was because Wang Shengrui had blood congestion in his brain, and if the pressure on the nerves increased, his life would be in danger.

Wang Shengrui's funeral was held a week later. Mother Wang was extremely sad, but Father Wang kept urging her to be strong.

"My condolences, you are pregnant now, don't feel too sad."

"The child in the belly, maybe Xiao Rui couldn't bear to let us go and came back to look for us."

Wang Ma nodded and hugged her stomach, "Yes, it must be like this."

Knowing that Wang Ma was pregnant, Ye Zhen Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, losing a son and having another child, at least they will have some comfort in their hearts, and they won't be overwhelmed.

Half a year later, Ye Zhenzhen's illness was under control. Gu Zhen had been very busy in the past six months and would only stay with her for a day or two almost every half month.

On this day, a shocking news happened to the whole world. As soon as the news came out, it became the focus of the whole people.

According to news reports, aerospace scientists have discovered a call signal from an alien, and after electronic translation, they found that the aliens want to establish diplomatic relations with the earth.

Their spacecraft will arrive in half a month.

As soon as the news was broadcast, everyone was excited and shocked, "Oh my God, there are really aliens in the world, and they even took the initiative to contact us."

"I don't know, what do aliens look like, do they look as good as our earthlings?"

Of course, there are also those who are afraid of aliens, "It will arrive in half a month, the aliens will not want to invade our earth, right?"

"Our earth is so rich in resources, we don't want to go to war."

The topic of aliens has been hot for half a month, until the spacecraft arrived on Earth.

"News Network" broadcast live the grand occasion of the spaceship's arrival on the new earth. When Gu Teng stepped out of the spaceship, the barrage was maxed out.

"Oh my god, this alien is too handsome!"

"A male god, he is simply a male god!"

"Better looking than many male stars."

"It seems that the status should be very high, otherwise why would it become a representative to establish diplomatic relations with the earth."

"Why does this alien look familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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