Chapter 332 Miss Doomsday 81
"No, Zhenzhen, you are beautiful today." Gu Tianyi shook his head, his ears were red.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?"

"I didn't expect that one day I would actually marry you." Gu Tianyi held Ye Zhenzhen's hand tightly, "Zhenzhen, I am happy. I was so happy that today was just like an illusion."

"Tian Yi, I'm also very happy. Meeting you is my luck and happiness." Ye Zhen Zhen looked at him seriously.

She was very happy to be able to marry Gu Tianyi in this life, and to be together happily with Gu Tianyi.

In fact, how much she wanted to be together with Gu Tianyi in reality, but unfortunately Gu Tianyi is an alien, and they are far away from each other...

Gu Tianyi held Ye Zhenzhen in his arms, gently kissed her forehead, then her small nose, her cheeks and finally her lips.

He stayed on his lips, and slowly entwined his m, a pair of warm big hands also reached into Ye Zhen Zhen's clothes.

The night was long and deep, and their passion for each other never faded.

After Ye Zhenzhen and Gu Tianyi got married, the economy and population of Zhenxin Base began to develop rapidly.

All the housing areas in M ​​City are full of people, and all the available land on the top of the mountain is full of crops and livestock.

At the beginning, everyone in the Zhenxin Base felt that it was not feasible for Ye Zhenzhen to advocate that everyone should plant and raise them in captivity.

Because of the end of the world, water sources, soil, plants and animals are all polluted, people can only rely on the food they used to survive, and one day all food is exhausted, humans can only wait to die.

So now they are just surviving, not really surviving in the last days.

But when they found that the crops in the sincere base can grow normally, and the poultry raised in captivity can also reproduce and grow normally, not only that, but they can also be eaten!
This unintentionally gave everyone hope in life. As soon as the news spread, almost everyone wanted to live in the Zhenzhen base.

Hope Base even wanted to send troops to occupy Zhenxin Base, but was resisted by well-trained soldiers.

And Ye Zhenzhen has a lot of black weapons and cannons, it is impossible for people in the hope base to occupy the Zhenxin base!
Mo Yinxuan sneered, "I haven't troubled the Hope Base yet, they actually sent it to the door and opened it."

"One day, I will tear Wang Ming and his confidant gang of bastards to pieces."

Wang Ming is the base director of Hope Base, the insidious man who betrayed Mo Yinxuan and threatened Mo Yinxuan with Rosie.

Ye Zhen Zhen patted Mo Yinxuan on the shoulder, "The revenge must be avenged, what should be anxious now is your marriage with Luo Xi, right?"

Mo Yinxuan was taken aback, then turned to look at her, "Marriage?"

"Yeah." Ye Zhen Zhen nodded, "I see that Rosie has been waiting for you for so long, but you haven't made any plans to ask."

"I...I want to manage the sincerity base well before considering personal matters."

"Everything in the Zhenxin base is on the right track, besides, there is still me, even if there are big things, I will take care of them."

"If you want to get married, plan ahead."

Mo Yinxuan looked deeply at Ye Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, do you really want me to marry Luo Xi?"

Ye Zhen Zhen laughed and said, "It's not me getting married, how could it be me wanting to or not? It's you wanting to or not."

"I mean, if you want to marry Rosie, do it early, and don't make Rosie wait too long."

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I'll go first, and you should make up your mind."

Ye Zhen Zhen turned around and left the base chief's office, she couldn't help but sigh out of joy.

She is not a fool, so how could she not understand the affection in Mo Yinxuan's eyes when he looked at her.

But the person she loves is Gu Tianyi, and Mo Yinxuan also has Luo Xi, so she can only pretend not to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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