Chapter 316 Miss Doomsday 65
As the commander of the three soldiers, Li Gan expelled all the soldiers in the dungeon under the pretext of interrogating the prisoners.

The soldier monitoring the female prisoner in the experiment looked at Li Qian and hesitated for a moment, but did not move.

Li Qian stared at him with big eyes and angrily, "Why, are there any felons in the prison that make you unwilling to leave?"

Speaking of which, Li Qian looked around, "Why don't I know what felon has come to the prison recently!"

The soldier gritted his teeth, and in order not to arouse suspicion, he gave a military salute to Li Gan and strode out of the dungeon.

Seeing this, Li Qian quickly gave Ye Zhenzhen a look. Ye Zhenzhen stepped forward and melted the ice power into the keyhole. After the ice condensed into the shape of a key, Ye Zhenzhen turned the ice key again. The door was opened immediately.

The woman in the cell suddenly raised her head, her eyes filled with tension and fear.

"If you want to escape alive, don't say anything." Ye Zhen Zhen was quite calm, her voice gave the woman enough comfort.

The woman desperately wanted to escape, exchanged clothes with Ye Zhen Zhen, then lowered her head, and followed Li Qian out of the dungeon.

After Ye Zhenzhen exchanged identities with the woman, she followed the woman's decadent posture and sat in the corner with her head lowered.

Silently waiting for the dawn.

Before it was fully light, several soldiers entered the dungeon. After unlocking the door, they directly covered Ye Zhenzhen's head with a cloth bag and took the person away.

Feeling the bumps all over her body, Ye Zhen Zhen knew that she had already boarded the car and headed to P City, so she closed her eyes and began to rest.

It will be a fierce battle waiting for her after entering the laboratory, so she should recharge her batteries.

I don’t know how long the jolting lasted, but before Ye Zhenzhen woke up, she was roughly pushed awake. After walking for a while with her shoulders on her shoulders, the hood on her head was pulled off.

The restraints on the shoulders were gone, Ye Zhen Zhen pretended to be weak from the drug, and fell to the ground.

Only now did she have time to observe. This is a white laboratory with various unknown instruments on the floor.

On the walls are many terrariums, just big enough to hold the next person.

There are several people bound in the glass, men and women are different, Ye Zhen Zhen counted them, there are six people in total.

Ye Zhen Zhen found Luo Xi in the last glass container.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and tie up this woman." A middle-aged woman in a white research uniform suddenly walked into the door of the laboratory, commanding like a few soldiers with her toes.

The two soldiers behind Ye Zhenzhen immediately stuffed her into the glass container, and the container immediately had iron locks to tie up Ye Zhenzhen's hands and feet.

"Pay attention to the nozzle under your feet, there may be a white spray in the near future, which will make you temporarily weak and unable to use abilities."

Li Qian's voice came from the mini earphone in the ear, followed by Gu Tianyi's anxious voice, "Zhen Zhen, be careful, you have to act before the spray comes out."

"Yeah." Ye Zhenzhen hummed softly, and Gu Tianyi said again, "Before spraying Mo must be when other people's bodies recover their intuition and abilities."

"Break their glass, release people, and let them fight with you. This may be the safest and easiest way to escape."

Ye Zhen Zhen narrowed her eyes, this is a good way, she might be able to save Luo Xi by herself, but what about the others?

Others are innocent too, why should they be forced to undergo endless research!

(End of this chapter)

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