Chapter 301 Miss Doomsday 50
Ye Zhenzhen was taken to the command center of the base, when passing by the military training ground for supernatural beings, almost everyone's eyes were on him.

Some are provocative, some are disdainful, and some are spectators.

Ye Zhenzhen only glanced at them and then looked away calmly.

When everyone saw it, someone said displeasedly, "Younger than expected, this little girl can really kill level [-] zombies? I don't believe it!"

"Even if her power level is high, she can't fight. It's not certain who will win!"

There are also people with unique ideas, "If she is really that strong, if she joins our army of supernatural beings, then our strength will increase a lot."

Someone snorted, "Our army of superpowers is unique. It is composed of the best superpowers in the army. We still need a little girl to increase our strength?"

“It was so hilarious!”


Ye Zhenzhen didn't want to care about how the superpower army was discussing her privately. She was planning in her mind how to get the most benefits from the deputy base commander.

What Ye Zhenzhen didn't expect was that the deputy base director was not only young, but also a man with a charming and beautiful appearance.

A pair of eyes are more beautiful than a woman, while talking to Ye Zhenzhen, she crazily fired electricity at Ye Zhenzhen.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point." Ye Zhenzhen said, "What are you going to exchange for that fourth-level fire crystal nucleus?"

Mo Yinxuan was stunned, "How do you know the level four fire crystal core I want?"

Ye Zhenzhen smiled slightly, "But I got that fire crystal core back, so of course you asked me for it."

Mo Yinxuan raised the corners of his mouth when he heard Xiemei's voice, "I like smart girls, tell me, what do you want?"

"Food? Power?" Mo Yinxuan said and smiled seductively at Ye Zhenzhen, "Or me?"

"Pfft." Ye Zhenzhen couldn't help but laugh out loud, "This is the first time I have seen such a narcissistic person, but you do have the capital to be narcissistic."

"But sorry, I already have a man."

Mo Yinxuan raised his head, quite confident, "I should not be inferior to him, and my status is even rarer."

"Let's talk again." Mo Yinxuan approached Ye Zhenzhen and blew hot air into Ye Zhenzhen's ear, "I'm so hot on the bed, why don't you try it, I promise you won't be able to leave me again."

Ye Zhenzhen took a step back calmly, "Sorry, I'm not interested in these."

"What a cold woman, boring." Mo Yinxuan straightened up with some disappointment, then sat lazily on his desk.

Ye Zhenzhen said quite proudly, "My man has already fed me enough, so naturally I don't like the wild flowers and grass outside."

Compare him to wild flowers and weeds?Mo Yinxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and soon he returned to normal, and said with a smile, "Interesting, really interesting, it's been a long time since I met anyone who dared to talk to me like this."

"Deputy Base Commander, I really have no interest in chatting with you. Let me just say it straight. How about exchanging the level [-] transparent crystal core for my level [-] red crystal core?"

Mo Yinxuan raised his eyebrows and smiled incredulously, "Do you know how hard it is to find the three hundred and three transparent crystal nuclei?"

Ye Zhen Zhen looked straight into his eyes, "The third-level crystal nucleus is just hard to find now, but the fourth-level crystal nucleus can't be found no matter what."

"Rare things are priceless, and this fourth level is still the value of the fire system crystal nucleus. The deputy base chief should know how precious it is."

(End of this chapter)

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