Chapter 278 Miss Doomsday 24
There were not only soup dumplings but also chopsticks. The two of them originally had one plate each, but Gu Tianyi didn't have enough to eat, so Ye Zhenzhen handed him the half-eaten plate.

This is what Ye Zhen Zhen ate...

Gu Tianyi stared at her in shock.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zhen Zhen paused when she saw that there was only half a plate of soup dumplings.

Suddenly realized that this is what I ate, and hurriedly reached out to take the plate in embarrassment, "Sorry, I almost forgot, this is what I ate..."

But Gu Tianyi suddenly withdrew his hand, his ears were slightly red, "It's okay, every food in the last days is precious, how could I feel disgusted?"

I don't dislike anything you've eaten, Gu Tianyi added silently in his heart.

After finishing speaking, Gu Tianyi picked up the chopsticks again, and ate half a plate of soup dumplings that Ye Zhenzhen gave him.

Bite after bite, Gu Tianyi felt that this was the best soup dumpling he had ever eaten in his life, even better than the soup dumpling eaten at the gate of his school.

Every bite seems to have the taste of Ye Zhenzhen.

Ye Zhenzhen looked at his reddish ears and saw him eating the soup dumplings she had eaten. For some reason, her cheeks also turned red.

Ye Zhen Zhen took a deep breath, it's so hot~~
After lunch, the two went on the road again, this time without encountering any obstacles.

The journey is unimpeded, you are chatting in the front, and Doudou sits in the back seat, wagging its tail and pointing its ears to listen to their conversation. Although it can't understand, as long as it can hear the owner's voice, it will be fine.

In space, apart from the cries of poultry and the sound of the wind, it is almost bored to death. The last thing it wants to be in is space.

The two arrived in city A at three o'clock in the afternoon and noon.

City A has more people than ever before, and all the residential apartments that can be lived in are occupied by people coming from all directions.

There were a lot of zombies on the street, and no one dared to take risks. They all stood at the entrance of City A, so that people who came later could not enter City A at all.

Gu Tianyi looked at the crowd in front of him, not knowing if it was a zombie or a human, he couldn't help but frowned, "The road ahead is blocked, we can't get in, what should we do?"

"Who said we are going to enter City A?" Ye Zhenzhen looked at him with a smile, "There is a grassland not far ahead. It is safer there and has a wide view. We can also see zombies coming, so let's go there. ."

What Ye Zhenzhen didn't say is that after the base rescue team arrives, they will be stationed on the flat ground, and when the time comes, they will be there when they line up and make their bodies.

There are a lot of people who have received the news, and they are in the middle, or at the end, at least they have to wait for three days.

Not to mention what the weather will be like in the future, even if you wait in place for three days, your body will not be able to bear it.

They will go there first and check directly when the time comes, which will save a lot of trouble.

Since Gu Tianyi had no objection, he obediently drove the car to the grassland.

They chose a slightly higher place with a wider view and could see further.

At dinner in the evening, in order to avoid other people's attention, the two simply ate some dry food, one kept watch until midnight, and the other kept watch until midnight.

The night passed without incident, and the rescue team from the base came early the next morning.

They stationed in the camp, and moved the inspection equipment. After the search and rescue team was organized, they went to City A.

Ye Zhenzhen took Gu Tianyi to do the first and second physical examination of the survivors, and got the ID code 001.

Gu Tianyi's ID code is 002.

(End of this chapter)

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