Chapter 275 Miss Doomsday 21
Gu Tianyi felt that somewhere was hot again, living with Ye Zhenzhen, apart from being happy, it was also a kind of torture!

In the next few days, Ye Zhenzhen and Gu Tianyi killed zombies every day, took crystal nuclei,

Ye Zhen Zhen threw all the crystal nuclei into the spiritual spring, soaked them for eight hours, purified some magazines, and then took them out.

The two divided the crystal cores into half, and after a few upgrades, Ye Zhenzhen has already reached level four, and Gu Tianyi has also been upgraded to level three.

Among ordinary people with supernatural powers, the power level of the two of them is considered top-notch.

When Ye Zhen Zhen was out collecting supplies a few days ago, she found an old-fashioned radio.

The radio said that the authorities have established survivor bases in major cities. I hope everyone will not give up hope of survival and wait for the base search and rescue personnel to come to rescue.

It was also mentioned on the radio that some of the survivors had already awakened their abilities, and the level of abilities could be upgraded with the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain.

Gu Tianyi paused after hearing that, "No wonder I saw someone take the initiative to kill zombies in the past few days."

Ye Zhenzhen nodded, "Most people know about the fact that the crystal core can be upgraded, it seems that we have to work harder, and upgrade the ability to level [-] as soon as possible before going to City A."

During the past few days with Ye Zhenzhen, he found that Ye Zhenzhen knew a lot of things and had many survival skills.

He finds Ye Zhen Zhen more and more mysterious, and he is more moved by this mystery.

Thinking of Lin Jinfeng, if everything was his misunderstanding, then after they went to City A and found Lin Jinfeng, would the two of them be together again?
Thinking of this, Gu Tianyi's heart ached.

If this was the last time they got together before they went to City A, he would admit it, the good time between him and Ye Zhen Zhen was stolen, and he was already very satisfied with these few days.

A few days later, the abilities of both of them had risen to level five. At this time, news came from the radio.

The rescue team dispatched by the base will go to specific urban areas to conduct rescue operations, and the survivors who are rescued will become the first batch of people to enter the base.

And the rescue city closest to City C is City A, Gu Tianyi looked at Ye Zhenzhen in surprise.

Did she know that the rescue team was going to City A, so she wanted to go back to City A?

Not for Lin Jinfeng?

A little hope rose in his heart, he wanted to continue living with Ye Zhenzhen, he didn't want to leave Ye Zhenzhen's side at all.

Ye Zhenzhen has already started preparing to go to city A, she is going to take out an SUV, take the highway from city C and get off the highway at city A, not only can save time, but also is very safe.

However, it will take a few days for them to leave, and everyone will flock to City A when they get the news.

She thought that she was not the only one who took the expressway. After the end of the world, there would be traffic jams on the expressway.

Waiting for a few days before leaving would miss the peak traffic flow on the highway. By the time they left, the highway had already been cleared by travelers.

Three days later, the two of them packed their things and put everything into Ye Zhenzhen's space. Each of them carried a schoolbag, packed some food and water, and set off.

The highway intersection was not far from the community, and the two of them walked for about half an hour to the highway toll booth.

Ye Zhenzhen took a black SUV out of the space, and was getting into the cab when Gu Tianyi stopped her.

Ye Zhenzhen turned her head and met Gu Tianyi's gentle eyes, "Let me do it."

The heart skipped a few times unconsciously, Ye Zhen Zhen looked away unnaturally, "Okay, from here to City A, it takes about six hours to run, and it's still unimpeded."

"Let's switch to it at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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