Chapter 258 Miss Doomsday 3
Although wait a few more days, the price she sells may be higher.

But Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't wait any longer, it was less than four days before the T virus leaked and the zombie apocalypse broke out.

She must step up to collect materials, which will be the key to the continued survival of human beings in the future!
After getting the money, Ye Zhenzhen went to the antique shop first.

She remembered that in the last life, the original owner got an emerald pendant here, and there was a spiritual space in the emerald.

There are not only spiritual springs but also spiritual soil. It is no problem to grow crops and poultry.

It even has the magical effect of keeping food fresh.

After bargaining with the boss, Ye Zhenzhen bought the jadeite at a price of 5 yuan.

After recognizing the owner with a drop of blood, she hurried to the farmer's wholesale market before she had time to see the environment in the emerald space.

Put all kinds of vegetable and fruit seeds wholesale into the emerald space.

Then, under the guise of helping his parents wholesale poultry, he rented a pickup truck, pulled chickens, ducks, fish, cattle, sheep, pigs... for several trucks and left.

She bought these poultry, one male and one female, and fed them all in the emerald space for future breeding.

After the outbreak of the zombie virus, let alone humans, even animals have mutated. It is almost impossible for people to eat meat!

It took two days for Ye Zhen Zhen to transport all kinds of crops and poultry to the space.

It was getting dark gradually, and Ye Zhenzhen planned to buy some daily necessities tomorrow.

On the way back to the hotel, a white puppy followed Ye Zhenzhen.

The puppy was dirty and skinny, looking at her with a pair of pitiful eyes, as if begging Ye Zhenzhen to give her some food.

Ye Zhenzhen originally thought that after following it for a while, she would stop following him, but she didn't expect that it would follow her all the way to the entrance of the hotel.

Feeling soft for a moment, Ye Zhen Zhen hugged the puppy in her arms, taking advantage of the hotel staff not paying attention, carried the puppy back to the room.

Anyway, there are so many poultry in her space, and there are a few cats and dogs, not too many.

Since it is destined, let it be raised.

Ye Zhen Zhen intends to bathe it, considering that this dog seems to be a puppy, if it is washed with ordinary water, it will die if it gets sick.

So Ye Zhen Zhen put some hot water in the bathtub, added some spiritual water in it, and gave the dog a bath.

The dog was very well-behaved throughout the whole process without any resistance, but it can be seen from the trembling body that it is still very scared.

Ye Zhen Zhen's movements were as gentle as possible.

After taking a bath, Ye Zhen Zhen was surprised to find that the dog was actually a Labrador.

Who abandoned such a cute dog?Or is it lost?

Ye Zhen Zhen fed it some goat milk, thinking about buying some dog food for tomorrow.

From then on, she might be the first survivor who owns a dog in the last days.

The next day, Ye Zhen Zhen put the dog into the space, and she specially made a fence to prevent the dog from running around and accidentally hurting other poultry.

Ye Zhenzhen first wholesaled dog food suitable for all ages, and then went to the clothing wholesale market to wholesale some winter and summer clothes for men and women.

Summer is okay in the end of the world, even if you wear tattered clothes on your body, it will be fine, but not in winter.

The winter in the last days is still too cold.

So not only winter clothes and boots, but she also wholesaled a lot of quilts.

Not only that, Ye Zhenzhen also stocked up a lot of skin care products, facial cleanser and mask.

Girls' love for beauty is indelible.

(End of this chapter)

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