Chapter 183 Dr. Gu is Here 4
After watching Xu Yuan and Bai Jing leave, Ye Zhen Zhen embarrassedly wiped the water stains on Gu Cheng's chest.

Although Gu Teng didn't have much smile on his face, his eyes were shining, brighter than the stars in the sky, Ye Zhen Zhen knew that he was extremely happy to see her.

Gu Cheng held Ye Zhen Zhen's hands, "Are you okay? I miss you very much."

Ye Zhen Zhen's cheeks turned red slightly, "I know, otherwise you wouldn't have come all the way here to find me."

"It's not far, the aircraft will arrive in twelve hours."

Ye Zhen Zhen was overjoyed, "This is about the same time as flying to the other side of the world."

"Will I be able to see you often in the future?"

Gu Cheng didn't speak, "There are too many people here, let's talk about it in another place."

"Then let's talk while eating." Ye Zhenzhen took Gu Cheng's hand and went to find a place to eat.

The other party's hand was warm and thick, Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't believe it was real.

The two found a seafood restaurant to sit down. Gu Cheng hesitated and said, "The aircraft must pass through the space station when it travels through space."

"The space station cannot be turned on all the time due to the influence of the airflow black hole and some special factors. The time for it to turn on is specific."

"You said that I can't come to Earth often, and I can't stay on Earth for long today. I only have four hours before I have to go back on the planet."

Gu Cheng looked down at the technology watch in his hand, "There are still three hours."

It's only been three hours... Ye Zhen Zhen feels a lot of reluctance in her heart.

"Don't cry." Gu Cheng said quickly.

Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't help laughing, "Who is crying? I'm not a child."

"In front of me, you are like a child."

"Obviously you don't look very old, why do you look old-fashioned." Ye Zhenzhen supported her chin with her hand, looked at him, "How old are you this year?"

Gu Teng smiled lightly, "The age calculation of planet R is different from yours."

"If you refer to the age standard of the earth, it should be 20 years old. If you calculate it by years, I am already two hundred years old."

Two hundred years old... Ye Zhenzhen took a breath, and she suddenly saw the gap between the two.

Ye Zhenzhen couldn't help but change the subject, "Coming from your planet, we have to pass through some space station. It's really troublesome. It's not as convenient as your quick mission system."

Speaking of the system he invented, Gu Teng was full of light, "Yes, although only the soul travels through the body to stay, but it is very convenient to travel between worlds."

"Whether it is combat in the future, the transmission of information will play a vital role."

Ye Zhenzhen cupped her face and looked at Gu Teng with admiration, "Then you have become a celebrity in your planet? The media has made a lot of reports and rushed to comment and interview."

As she talked, Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't help but imagined Gu Teng on the podium facing countless microphones, flashing lights kept flashing at him, but he had a cold face and spoke extremely calmly.

Gu Teng knocked her on the head and said, "She has always been a celebrity."

Ye Zhen Zhen became more excited, and asked him some more about their planet.

After eating, Ye Zhen Zhen and Gu Cheng held hands and brought him back to their home.

Gu Zhen was very dissatisfied with Ye Zhenzhen's living environment. He frowned, "You live in a place like this?"

It’s small, damp, dark, noisy and even unsafe!
(End of this chapter)

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