Chapter 155 Master, come on the couch 28
Ye Zhen Zhen let out a mouthful of turbid air, practicing with the Spiritual Qi Tree really got twice the result with half the effort!
Speaking of the spiritual energy tree, Ye Zhenzhen remembered the "Shaking Micro Sword" that she had asked her to take away from the spiritual energy tree in the Zangbao Pavilion.

The dagger was rusted all over, why did the spirit tree ask her to take it away?It is obviously a dagger, why is it called a sword?What is so special about this dagger?

Ye Zhen Zhen took the rusty dagger and entered the pure white space. She crouched next to the aura seedling and studied with the dagger, "Aura tree, ah ah tree, what do you want me to bring back with this rusty dagger?"

"I'm afraid that the dagger will be blunt when used to kill people, and it won't even pierce people's skin."

"Say it clearly, or you will have to pay me a good weapon!"

The aura tree shook twice. Of course it was impossible for it to speak, but it took practical actions. While the seedlings were shaking, they continued to condense crystal clear aura water.

The water droplets didn't fall to the ground along the seedlings, but all gathered on the blade of the rusty dagger in Ye Zhen Zhen's hand.

When the blade met the spiritual energy water, the rust all over the body immediately fell off, turning into a brand new dagger.

The three words engraved on the blade are even more conspicuous.

"Shao Wei Jian." Ye Zhenzhen read out the words, and Yao Wei Jian immediately glowed, and then something unexpected happened.

The Yaowei Sword, which was originally as big as a dagger, instantly turned into an eight-foot-long sword.

Ye Zhen Zhen grasped the hilt of the knife and swung it twice, the sword energy spanned thirty thousand miles, and the light of the sword was nineteen continents, yes, it is indeed a good sword!
Ye Zhen Zhen was extremely happy in her heart, she knelt down and touched the leaves of the spiritual energy tree seedlings, "That's great, I'll give you a credit."

The sapling of the Spiritual Qi Tree was swaying vigorously, as if it was very happy with Ye Zhen Zhen's praise for it.

Ye Zhen Zhen went back to the training room, since she got a good weapon, she will refine it into a talisman.

After becoming a talisman of fate, the power of the talisman will increase greatly. When the master lives it, it will be born, and if the master kills it, it will die.

It took half a month to refine Ye Zhenzhen.

Sitting in front of the tea table, Gu Yue read the ancient book in his hand for a long time without turning a page.

If you walk in, you can see the resentment on Gu Yue's face, his disciple is really heartless.

Just after being intimate, I went straight into the practice room. It's been more than half a month, and I don't miss him at all!
It’s so irritating, you heartless little thing!

Ye Zhenzhen was rumored to be stealing things in the sect, the time has come, he wanted to solve it, but this girl is so heartless that he doesn't want to care about it!

Never mind!

Gu Yue flipped through a page of the book and thought again, if Ye Zhen Zhen came to ask him for help, then he would help her.

Gu Yue waited for Ye Zhen Zhen for another three days, and finally waited for her to leave the customs, Gu Yue sat upright, waiting for Ye Zhen Zhen to come to ask for help.

Shi Shi talked back and forth, Ye Zhen Zhen left the training room and went to the mountainside.

"What is she doing there?" Gu Yue frowned.

"It seems that they are going to settle accounts with Zhang Yao."

Ye Zhen Zhen went to the bamboo hut where the disciples of the inner sect lived on the hillside with an aggressive look, and shouted at the bamboo hut, "Zhang Yao, come out for me."

"You and the bastard who slandered me have done bad things and become a coward. You come out. Are you guilty if you don't come out?"

"Not only framed me, but you also spread rumors in the sect. Are you trying to force me to death? What is your intention!"

"Don't think I don't know, you are inside, you come out for me, you come out for me."

(End of this chapter)

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