Chapter 119 This CEO is a Snake Man
After the relationship between Ye Zhenzhen and Gu Yunting was made public, the two lived more "without shame".

Because she didn't know when she would complete the task and leave this world, and she didn't know when Gu Yunting would disappear suddenly.

So she worked hard to live every day well, cherished every day with Gu Yunting, and lived every day as if it was her last.

Gu Yunting let Ye Zhenzhen join Gu's planning department, everyone knew that Ye Zhenzhen was the future proprietress of Gu's, everyone greeted her with a smile and treated her politely.

Even the manager dared not say a serious word to her.

The manager was always afraid that Ye Zhen Zhen would take his place and make her lose her job.

After all, if Ye Zhenzhen wanted to take the position of manager, it was just a matter of one sentence.

Gu Yunting also asked Ye Zhenzhen if she wanted a position as a manager, but Ye Zhenzhen shook her head, since the task was basically completed, she stayed here just to live a comfortable life with Gu Yunting.

Career or something, I didn't want to struggle in the past.

On the day that Ye Zhenzhen and Gu Yunting held their wedding banquet, everyone in City A knew about it. The news even followed up on it and the media broadcast the event live.

Han Xiao was a bridesmaid, she was well-dressed, and she and the best man saw each other right.

Ye Zhenzhen inquired with Gu Yunting about the other party's details in detail, and only then felt relieved to let Han Xiao and the other party continue to develop.

The two finally got married and reached the palace of marriage again. Of course, these are things for later.

On this day, Yan Shu stayed at home alone, drinking. His mother had been actively helping him find blind dates in the past few days, but Yan Shu rejected them all.

Ye Zhen Zhen got pregnant half a year after getting married.

Gu Yunting became the housekeeper, and stayed at home to take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of his wife.

He usually handles matters in the company at home, and only goes to the company when things really can't be handled well.

Gu Yunting has already studied the recipes, what to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, and what to eat in the evening.

No heavy food for a week, supplemented with different nutrients every day, one person eats two supplements, all of which were clearly arranged by Gu Yunting.

A few months later, Ye Zhen Zhen really gave birth to a fat boy who is white and tender.

Not only is the fat boy in good health, he has never suffered from any illness since he was a child, and he is also very smart.

Now that he can run and talk, he knows how to rob someone with his father.

Every night father and son would fight for the matter of "who sleeps next to Ye Zhenzhen at night",
The two fathers and sons sometimes compete in racing games, sometimes they play backgammon, Go, and sometimes they even bet on whether the heroine will have conflicts with the heroine in the next scene of the TV series, or how long it will take for the two to reconcile as ever.

At first Gu Yunting could win often, but later he found that the number of times he could win became less and less.

Ye Zhen Zhen hugged her son, couldn't help but slapped him on the face, her eyes were smiling like crescent moons, she was so pretty.

"My son is so smart, let's sleep with mother tonight." Saying that, Ye Zhen Zhen carried her son into the room.

Gu Yunting's heart was pounding, it was obvious that he had won just now, Ye Zhen Zhen softened her son's aggrieved and pitiful behavior, and then abandoned him...

Why is he so miserable...

The son was hugged by Ye Zhen Zhen, with his small arms around his mother's neck, before turning around to look at his father.

Just when Gu Yunting thought his son was pitying his father, his son made a proud face at him, then turned his head "ruthlessly" and never looked at him again.

Gu Yunting couldn't help but smile and shake his head. He was as clever as he was when he was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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