Career Fast Travel: Blackened Boss is ruthless and will tease

Chapter 101: This President Is Sick of Snake Spirits 34

Chapter 101: This President Is Sick of Snake Spirits 34
Ye Zhen Zhen thought about it, telling them that she is not Han Xiao they may not believe it.

Even if she believed her, she wouldn't let her go easily. Someone had already made bad plans for her, and even if she risked the consequences of being caught and beaten up, she would run away at risk!

If she works hard, she still has a chance. If she doesn't, she will have to wait for death!

"Why is it so long?" The man looked at the time, frowned, and felt that something was wrong, so he hurried forward to check.

But found Ye Zhen Zhen's shadow beside the tree beside the rope.

"Boss, boss, that girl ran away!"

"What!" Everyone suddenly became anxious.

"The way down the slope is the way down the mountain. That girl must have run to a place with lights, and I will chase them all!"

Everyone thought that Ye Zhen Zhen rushed down the mountain with all her strength, the lights were blind, the terrain was unclear, and the men were walking fast, so they were confident that they would be able to chase them back.

Until the surroundings returned to calm, just now something moved in the grass next to the tree, and soon Ye Zhen Zhen got out of it.

She scratched the dry grass and leaves on her hair, and headed towards the hill in the opposite direction.

Although there was no one on the top of the mountain, she couldn't find anyone to call for help, but she had to run to the top of the mountain to have a chance to escape.

It was already two hours later when Ye Zhen Zhen reached the top of the mountain, she was covered in sweat, because it was too dark she fell down twice, her hands were scratched and skinned.

Exhausted, she couldn't run anymore, so she had to sit down and pant heavily.

The surroundings are pitch black, insects are constantly buzzing in her ears, Ye Zhen Zhen seems to have heard the cries of wild animals.

She leaned against the tree with some fear, at least her back was safe.

Ye Zhen Zhen planned to rest and recover her strength before going down the mountain.

On the other side, several men chased all the way to the foot of the mountain but still did not see Ye Zhenzhen.

"Boss, I didn't see that stinky girl."

"Did she have wings? Run so fast!"

The leading man frowned, "No, she must be hiding somewhere, and run up the mountain after we leave."

"What, that girl, Boss, doesn't run as fast as we do. Maybe we can catch up by running up the mountain."

"No need, call some people and search around the foot of the mountain, she will run down the mountain no matter how she runs."


After more than ten minutes, Ye Zhen Zhen stood up again, chose a direction and walked down the mountain.

Seeing the road at the foot of the mountain, Ye Zhen Zhen somewhat felt joy in her heart, if the passing vehicles could give her a ride, then she would be saved!

Of course, beware of the car of the person who came to catch her.

As soon as Ye Zhenzhen ran onto the highway, she heard a sudden sound of brakes and a van stopped in front of her, blocking her way.

Then, two strong men got out of the car.

"Finally caught, brat, let's see where you go." A man with a scar on his face slowly approached Ye Zhen Zhen.

"Report to the boss, the man has been found." The man walking behind him ordered to the driver.

After speaking, he said to the man with the scar, "Brother, this chick can really run, but she looks really juicy."

Scar also laughed, "Skinny dog, anyway, it will take more than ten minutes for the boss and the others to come here, how about us..."

As they spoke, the two of them got up in unison.

Ye Zhenzhen knew as soon as she heard the voice that these two men were the men who had an idea for her in the factory.

Her forehead was covered with sweat at the moment, and all her strength was exhausted due to going down the mountain, but Ye Zhen Zhen still clenched her fists, backed up and ran back.

(End of this chapter)

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