Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 97 The Phoenix is ​​the Beautiful Man 1 Basket 53

Chapter 97 The Phoenix is ​​All Over the World, A Basket of Beautiful Men 53
In addition, Wu Ninghuan also told her about how she ascended to the throne before, and even hinted to her explicitly and secretly that if she could get close to this person, then her throne would be assured.

But at that time, she was very proud, even complacent, thinking that she didn't need to rely on these weak and weak men?By herself, she could easily take the throne, so she ignored it.

So now he has to take risks and use this method to win the throne.

No matter how many questions and doubts the ministers had, they could only quietly wait for the eldest princess to answer them.

After a while, Wu Ningxue walked into the hall slowly with her head held high and her chest held high, carrying a bright yellow imperial decree.

All the officials focused their attention on her, seeing her light gait and full of confidence, so they all speculated whether their suspicions just now were true.

Prime Minister Song was the first to ask, "Elder Imperial Daughter, what is His Majesty's holy will, please clarify,"

Wu Ningxue gave Ye Yuran a suspicious look, then walked slowly to stand in front of the phoenix chair, opened the imperial decree, and read out the contents inside.

I feel that the fate is not long, the eldest empress has both ability and virtue, she can be the crown prince, I hereby pass on to the eldest empress, I hope all the lovers will regard her as the master, do your best, serve the country, and admire her.

Now, the officials looked at each other in blank dismay. Since they stayed there stupidly for a while, the kings of a country have always been those who are capable. Great contribution, but today's eldest empress is not satisfied with anything, even the relationship with Prime Minister Song's mansion seems to be at a standstill, so they can accept the new empress who only has an imperial edict to pass on the throne?
"Your Majesty, please allow us to verify the authenticity of the imperial decree." It was Prime Minister Song who made this reasonable request and made all the officials obey.

These days, her son stays behind closed doors every day, full of worries, and even the relationship with the eldest princess has dropped to freezing point in an instant. She, a mother, can see it in her eyes. Although she doesn't know exactly what happened, she can see it. After coming out, her son had given up on the eldest princess.

Originally, at the beginning, she didn't like this eldest princess very much, thinking that she was too cruel and ruthless, but she liked her son so much, she had no choice but to let him go, but now that they have no feelings , then she will do business and do whatever she wants.

"Take it!" Wu Ningxue confidently handed over the imperial decree to Prime Minister Song. Anyway, the jade seal on this imperial decree is true, and most of the characters are also true.

As for the fake part, she also paid a lot of money to ask the master in the world who can fake it to write it. It is said that he can imitate anyone's handwriting, and as long as it is the handwriting he imitated, it has never been found to be fake.

For this reason, she specially tested it with her own handwriting, and found that the handwriting he imitated was exactly the same as her own. Discover.

Prime Minister Song took the imperial decree and read it again and again, but found nothing wrong. Then she showed it to the ministers who were familiar with the queen's handwriting. They also shook their heads, saying that they found nothing wrong.

Although Wu Ningxue had confidence in the handwriting imitated by that person, when it faced everyone's inspection, she was still slightly worried, so her eyes could not help but drift towards the direction of the imperial decree.

(End of this chapter)

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