Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 968 Blood Queen VS Vampire Hunter 5

Chapter 968 Blood Queen VS Vampire Hunter 5
Therefore, Xia Qi wanted to get rid of Alaran.

After all, she was the one who created Alaran, and she took it for granted that...

He has the right to decide her life and death.

In order to get rid of Alaran, Xia Qi found something called "Ten Stone".

In her setting, the tattoo stone is a kind of thing that the blood race will enter her body when touched, slowly seal the blood race power, and make the blood race suffer little by little without knowing it.

Of course, Xia Qi also has a way to make Alaran die directly.

But if this is done, Alastor, who loves her, will definitely not let it go, and will even miss her all the time.

Therefore, Xia Qi decided to make Alastor give up on Alaran completely.

In this way, she can get Alastor completely.

Therefore, Xia Qi quietly disclosed her relationship with Alastor to Alaran...

Alaran has regarded Alastor as his own since childhood, and does not allow any woman to have an affair with him...

Upon hearing such news, she was naturally so angry that she lost her mind. Xia Qi seized this weakness and used it again and again. At the same time, she was also disgusted by Alastor bit by bit...

Of course, in the early stage, it was all about making small troubles. In the later stage, Xia Qi felt that the time had come, so she designed Alaran to kidnap her, and threw her to a group of low blood-sucking blood-sucking defilements, and directed and acted in a Hollywood drama.

Although Alaran was enraged by Xia Qi's words and kidnapped her for a while, he just wanted to teach her a good lesson so that she wouldn't be so arrogant...

But for some reason, a group of low-ranking blood races suddenly broke in.

But at this time, Alaran's body seemed to be frozen, and he could only watch those blood races hurt Xia Qi.

And at this moment, Alastor broke in, just in time to see those vampires wanting to suck Xia Qi's blood, tearing her clothes, and her standing still, watching with cold eyes...

Alastor rescued Xia Qi from the hands of the blood clan, and gave Alaran a slap in the face...

His eyes were full of disappointment and anger, "Alaran, I know you don't like Nali, but I didn't expect that you would treat her in such a nasty way,"

"I didn't, brother," Alaran desperately explained, "I don't know why I became like this, I just want to teach her a lesson."

"That's enough, Alaran." Alastor looked at her indifferently, his tone was so cold, "From now on, I don't want to see you again,"

"Brother, I didn't. I really didn't want to hurt Nali. If she hadn't said those exaggerated words, I would never have done so,"

"No matter what Nali said, you can't be so vicious, Alaran, I'm very disappointed in you, I didn't want to hurt you before, so I haven't dissolved our marriage,"

"But now, I feel so cold for you. After we go back, let's dissolve the marriage!"

"No, brother, you can't be so unfeeling to me,"

Although the blood race had no tears, at this moment, Alaran couldn't help but have red eyes.

"I've made up my mind, this matter is imperative," Alastor left these words and disappeared here with Xia Qi.

Looking at the back of Alastor's cold departure, thinking of their good memories in the past, Alaran couldn't help but shed tears of blood.

Tears of blood are the tears shed by the blood race when they were extremely sad, which proves that at this moment, Alaran was very, very sad, so sad that he was about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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