Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 958 You Are My Heartbreak 47

Chapter 958 You Are My Heartbreak 47
"Why did Yunmo do this?" Ye Yuran looked at Xu Hongyi in surprise, feeling more and more that she...

Already getting close to an answer.

"Si Yunmo, didn't I tell you?" Xu Hongyi said with a ferocious face: "Three years ago, he fell into the love gu, and he couldn't fall in love with other women, and he couldn't consummate the marriage with other women. Otherwise, both of them will surely die,"

It turned out that it was because of this.

In other words, the reason why Si Yunmo has been so indifferent to her in the past three years is because of this love poison...

It is precisely because of this that he caught Xu Hongyi here to develop an antidote...

Got the desired answer.

Ye Yuran couldn't help feeling the urge to burst into tears.

It turned out that she had misunderstood him all along.

He said that he fell in love with her a long time ago, but after finally marrying her, he fell in love with her.

I have to be alienated from her, I have to be cold to her, and I don't even do that kind of thing with her...

It turned out that he suffered so much.

Every time I was with her, when I fell in love, I must have endured great pain!

But he always kept his face unchanged, as if nothing happened, and silently bore all the pain.

At this moment, Ye Yuran only wanted to go to Si Yunmo's side.

Therefore, she raised her feet and prepared to leave...

As soon as Xu Hongyi saw her posture, she immediately said, "If your husband does such an illegal thing, if the country finds out, he will definitely not be able to afford it, so you must take me out and let me go back Miao Jiang, in this way, the matter between us will be settled, and I will not sue him,"

"Take you out, it's over once and for all," Ye Yuran smiled coldly seeing Xu Hongyi's upright look...

"You abused love Gu, not only let us waste three years of time, but also caused Yunmo to suffer so much pain,"

"If I don't slap you a few times or kick you a few times, I'm already showing mercy. If you still want me to rescue you, don't even think about it,"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yuran left here without hesitation, ignoring Xu Hongyi's scolding from behind...

As soon as he left the laboratory, Ye Yuran found Si Yunmo standing not far away, those dark eyes were looking at her without blinking...

"Yunmo," seeing Si Yunmo, Ye Yuran's heartache seemed to burst, she threw herself into Si Yunmo's arms, and murmured: "It's been so many years, I've worked hard for you."

"It's not hard for you," Si Yunmo hugged her body and blurted out love words...

"I can't do this," Ye Yuran pushed Si Yunmo, came out of his arms, touched Si Yunmo's body nervously and said, "Yunmo, how are you feeling? Are you feeling bad?"

"It's not uncomfortable," Si Yunmo hugged her back into his arms, and whispered in her ear, "Dr. Liu has developed a relieving medicine, and I don't feel so uncomfortable now."

"That's good," Ye Yuran asked with a sigh of relief, "Then... can the antidote for love gu be developed?"

"Of course." Si Yunmo kissed her on the face and said, "Soon, we will be able to have sex as husband and wife?"

"You..., that's all you're thinking about," Ye Yuran couldn't help blushing, and glared at Si Yunmo with her beautiful eyes.

"Of course, otherwise, there is nothing to worry about. After all, I have had a lovely wife for so many years, but I can only watch but not eat. I'm going to be choked up,"

(End of this chapter)

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