Chapter 573
Then, Gong Mochen naturally took Ye Yuran's little hand and walked outside.

The scorching temperature from his palm and the vague smell on his body inadvertently reminded Ye Yuran of the sweet dream and the lingering kiss he had yesterday.

Thinking of this, her fair cheeks couldn't help but blush.

"What's the matter, your face is so red," Gong Mochen's voice came from an inexplicable voice, with inexplicable affection and desire, and then gently touched her delicate face.

"It's nothing." Ye Yuran embarrassedly avoided the man's big warm hand, and walked faster with one hand holding Gong Mochen, but he was dragged back by Gong Mochen after not walking for long.

Then I heard a voice with a faint smile coming from behind, "You're going the wrong way,"

Undoubtedly, when Ye Yuran heard this sentence, her face turned red again, and then she was secretly annoyed that she had lost face in front of him again.

Gong Mochen looked at the blushing Ye Yuran, stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, wrapped one hand around her slender waist, brought him into his arms, and then walked in the right direction.

But now Ye Yuran was only concerned with being shy, and the embarrassment and embarrassment just now were instantly thrown out of the sky, and the man's embrace was so gentle and comfortable and inexplicably made her feel at ease.

"Xiao Shu, why are you in the garden? Didn't the lord specifically ask you to take care of a certain Ye girl?" Zuo Yan appeared in front of Ye Shu as he spoke.

Ye Shu watched the young and handsome man appear in front of her, but she didn't look any good. "Huh," he continued to do his own thing.

Zuo Yan didn't feel the embarrassment of being ignored, after all, he was used to such attitudes from women.

"Let me help you!" Zuo Yan saw Ye Shu go to get the paper, so he took the paper from her hand and put it on the huge table.

Next, he would help Ye Shu do whatever he did. Seeing Zuo Yan being so attentive, Ye Shu simply handed over everything to him. After all, these were all done willingly by him. Who told him to be so right before? What about your own?

Zuo Yan was busy there, and Ye Shu had no intention of helping him or asking others to help him. Zuo Yan worked hard without complaining, which made Ye Shu's resentment lessened a little unconsciously. .

"Okay, Zuo Yan, the prince will be here soon. Since everything here has been settled, let's leave first! So as not to disturb the prince." Ye Shu saw that the time was almost up and quickly called Zuo Yan away. .

The matter of the prince and the words of the prince have always been the top priority of the palace, no one dares to neglect, so as soon as Ye Shu said this, everyone here disappeared without a trace.

After all, they all know that the prince is a man of his word, and his orders are imperial edicts. No one dares to violate them, otherwise his next time will be worse than disobeying the imperial edicts.

Gardens have always been synonymous with beauty in people's hearts. When they think of gardens, people will think of hundreds of flowers competing for splendor, butterflies and bees dancing around them, and bursts of refreshing fragrance.

Naturally, Ye Yuran thought this way in her mind, but when she saw it, she was deeply surprised, because this was the cherry blossom forest from last time.

(End of this chapter)

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