Chapter 541
Naturally, Tian Qingchen couldn't confess Chu Qingyan here, so he just smiled and said: "The imperial nephew will know about this matter in the future, but the most important thing now is..., listen to Concubine Yan Gui self-defense,"

"Since the emperor said so, let's listen to it!" Tian Yangnan absolutely obeyed Tian Qingchen's words.

"Thank you, Third Prince," although Chu Qingyan had to suppress these thoughts...

"Presumably even if I say that I am innocent now, the emperor will not believe it! In this case, if the emperor wants to search the palace, how can he only search the Houfang Palace? You should search the entire harem carefully,"

"What, search the entire harem, this is a bit big!"

"Concubine Yan Gui, what do you want to do!"

"Could it be that there are still people in the harem who practice this kind of sorcery?"

"What does this mean?" Tian Yangnan's expression froze slightly.

"It's a coincidence that just before the emperor and all the concubines came, my maids accidentally saw people with ulterior motives entering the palaces of the concubines. I don't know if it has anything to do with this matter. That's why I'm making this suggestion..."

"Since this is the case, the emperor should quickly send someone to search! If what Concubine Yan Gui said is true, wouldn't it be possible for thieves to take advantage of it," Tian Qingchen said lightly.

"What the emperor said," Tian Yangnan said aggrievedly, "Come here! Search, search carefully, search the palace inside and out,"

Thousands of guards searched the palace together at an extremely fast speed. After about a stick of incense, they all came back, and several of them held cursed puppets in their hands.

When Tian Yangnan saw it, his face darkened immediately, and he asked sharply, "Where did you find these?"

Guard [-]: "This was found in Concubine Shu's palace,"

The second guard said, "This was found in the Palace of the Concubine Xian."

The third guard said, "This was found from Mrs. Xiang's palace."

The fourth guard: "This was found from the palace of Liang Niangniang."

The puppet figure found from the palace of the concubine Liang had sharp needles stuck all over his body.

Especially at the heart, it was inserted densely without any gaps, and on the puppet, there were a few large characters written in blood, "Curse Tianyangnan to die."

How could it be, the three concubines of Xianliang Shu were dumbfounded, obviously, after the plan was successful, they let Yun Mei go to the emperor to complain.

Speaking of it, the back and forth time only took more than ten minutes, and the palaces of the few of them were far apart.

How did Chu Qingyan do it? In such a short period of time, in each of their palaces, a puppet that was exactly the same as the one found from her palace was placed.

They are not stupid enough to think that this is all a coincidence.

"Concubine Liang, you poisonous woman," Tian Yangnan's eyes turned red with anger when he saw this puppet.

"Your Majesty, all of this is a misunderstanding! How could a concubine curse the Emperor? It must have been framed by someone,"

Concubine Liang burst into tears, crying until her heart broke, and kowtowed continuously, breaking her forehead.

It can be seen that she was really scared to death, and she didn't know why the puppet found in her palace alone looked like this...

Tian Yangnan said sternly: "You were framed, tell me carefully what this is." Tian Yangnan threw the puppet directly in front of Liang Fei, his expression looked very ferocious and angry.

(End of this chapter)

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